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Mad But Married

Posted on Fri May 19th, 2023 @ 12:37pm by Jeassaho Kea (*) & Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 16: Hysperia
Location: SS Mary Rose
Timeline: Before Ball
1035 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Gregnol was not one to usually be nervous about stepping into his quarters but he had a surprise for Jeassaho. He had arranged everything for them to attend the masquerade ball from dress, to mask. All she would have to organise was her hair and makeup which he knew she would prefer from a decade of knowing the woman. He stepped into the room and smiled at her lying on the sofa with old fashion headphones on which left her distracted enough that he could quickly hide the outfit and items. He lent over the sofa and stroked her bare leg. “Hey, how was your day today?” He wondered smiling at the surprise on her face. She must have been observed in what she was listening to.

“It was alright. Just busy, as usual. How was yours?” Jeassaho had been busy on shore leave with final engineering things and had been disappointed that they had not spent much of it together yet. She knew that they had to re-gather crew, supplies and stuff but still, she wanted her husband too.

“It was good. A bit tiring, but nothing too crazy.” It had been good to finalise having a doctor and operations chief. He moved around the sofa as the woman rolled up to sit up and properly took off the headphones feeling the relief from him. It was good to at least feel that he was less stressed.

“Did you get a chance to take care of that thing we talked about last night?” Jeassaho wondered as he sat down next to her with a groan. He might be less stressed but his body was feeling the strain. It had been a hard couple of months for them all and the man might not have been an engineer by trade he had certainly been trying to help where he could.

“Sooksin…I completely forgot about it. I will make sure to take care of it tomorrow.” He completely lied thinking back to the conversation about the masquerade ball and how she had wanted to go. He locked the thoughts away not that he thought she would pry as she never did but he genuinely wanted to surprise her

“Alright, just do not forget. It is important.” Jeassaho looked disappointed for a moment before she smiled pushing it down. She knew he was forgetful sometimes and had a lot on his plate.

“I know, I know. Sorry about that.” He said leaning over to her cheek softly. He ran a hand down hers knowing she was annoyed at him even if he was wanting to surprise her and arrange it all properly for her.

“No worries. So, what do you want to do for dinner tonight?” Jeassaho deflected the conversation to what they were going to do that night instead of what she had requested he did.

“How about we order in and watch a movie? I could go and find us a takeaway just outside the port and bring it back?” He offered to try to appease the situation as best he could without just telling her what he had planned.

“Sounds good to me. Do you have any movie in mind?” Jeassaho looked annoyed as she sat there as struggled to bury her annoyance. She knew he had a lot on but she wanted to go to the party and wanted to go with him. It was not something they had done since they had both been in Starfleet. Why could he not see that it was a chance to break the norm?

“How about that new thriller movie that just came out on Netflix?” He had been flicking over Netflix before breakfast that morning and had stumbled on film. It was nice being able to access newer films again now that they had a reliable communication array that was able to do things in real-time and not have to spend all day waiting for it to do something.

“Sure, that sounds interesting. Let's order some pizza if you can find one. I have a hankering for something human.” Gregnol would have normally flirted and offered himself to her on a plate but stopped himself just about from doing it. The grin on his face was translatable but he suspected Jeassaho just ignored it on the principle that he was semi in the dog house.

“Great idea. I'll clean up and go and sort it out.” He offered quickly to get out of the dog house if at all possible without spoiling his surprise.

“Awesome, thank you. I appreciate it.” Jeassaho said shortly. Gregnol smiled and leaned over and kissed her temple making a move to at least clean up better to go and get food.

“No problem. So, what else is on your mind?” He asked against her skin feeling the tension as she turned a little away from him to get comfortable.

“Nothing really. I'm just looking forward to some downtime tonight. Work has been so hectic lately.” She had spent the last two days putting the final touches into the new workshop to allow them more space but also the Engineers a space to relax without having to leave, change, do what they needed to, get back into engineering clothes and come back. It wasted so much time having to do that and had been a big conversation after the birthday party that never was.

“Same here. It'll be nice to just relax and unwind.” He conceded softly. She looked cross with him but it would all change in the morning he knew that but he was not sure he wanted to go to bed with her mad at him. “I love you.” He said in Betazoid.

“Love you too but I am cross.” She finally admitted to getting it out in the open.

“Da. I know but I will sort it.” He promised without a second of hesitation giving her a quick kiss. He did not want a perfect relationship but he wanted something where he knew she would always turn around and have his back even if she was mad as hell.

It was what relationships were meant to be even when you were mad at the other person.


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