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Passing The Time Part 1

Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2017 @ 12:20am by Dixoho Saa (*)

Mission: Mission 4 - Combustion
Location: The Beaches of Bajor
Timeline: Back post
827 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Bradon sighed contentedly as he sipped on a local drink and stretched his body out in the lounge chair. Dressed in Kaki shorts and a short sleeve collared shirt covered with a bold Hawaiian print completely unbuttoned, he closed his eyes and let the sun soak into him. Stopping at Bajor had been one of the Captain's better ideas, though at the time he was against it. Too much to do.

Now he was glad he had taken the time. His body needed to recoup from its recent ordeal; he still did not feel one hundred percent. So he'd come down to the surface to one of the beach resorts that didn't cost an arm and a leg; not easy to find on Bajor, but they were there if you knew where to look. It was his second day here, and he found he enjoyed lounging around on the beach, swimming when he wanted to, and generally enjoying himself.

A shadow fell across him, causing him to open his eyes. Walking across his field of vision was a familiar woman, though it took him a moment to place her. Saa. Dixoho Saa, the Mary Rose's navigator. He was surprised to see her on this beach. There weren't many here at the moment, and he had thought he was the only one here from the ship.

He noticed that she had not seen him and was walking away. "Ms Saa!" he called out. "Good to see a face from the ship!"

Dixoho jumped as a male voice called out to her. She turned to look at the voice and smiled softly as she noticed the Chief Engineering lounging around on the seat, for a moment without the dirt or boiler suit she hadn't placed him. She herself was wearing just a long floating dress so she was surprised he recognized her.

"Hello Sir." She murmured softly stopping waving her hand a little. "Call me Dixoho please."

"Please, Dixoho, we are off-duty. At least I hope we are; I'm not exactly dressed for duty!" He gave a laugh, then continued. "Call me Bradon and I'll call you Dixoho. Deal?"

"Sure sounds like a good compromise to me." Dixoho sat on the end of the lounge chair looking at him intently. They hadn't ever really spoken before.

"So, what brings you to this lonely beach? It's pretty far out from the main action on Bajor." As he spoke, he got up from the lounge chair to stand in front of her, realizing that it was rude to leave her standing.

Dixaho smiled a little and shrugged a little. She didn’t know why she had ended up on the beach in all honesty. She had wanted to escape the ship and breath in some fresh air like Talon had told her to do to help her lungs. She had just been looking at places to go and this one had just popped up. “I was just looking for our very old computer and this area came up. I guess once upon a time it had been one of the top resorts. What brought you here?”

"Honestly? It was because I looked for a place that would be quiet and relaxed, where I could just hang out and soak up the sunshine. The agent I spoke to said she knew just the place. And here I am." He stopped, then grinned.

"I'm glad it is not too secluded. I'm pleased that we finally met."

"Me too. For such a small ship we haven't said more than hello." It wasn't so unusual with him being at the bottom of the ship while she worked with maps and star charts.

He was about to reply when his stomach let him know, in no uncertain terms, that it would like sustenance. He looked over at Dixoho with a bit of embarrassment. "My apologies. I skipped breakfast this morning." He stopped, then looked like an idea had just struck him. Which it had.

"I'm going to head over to the little cantina down around the bend down the beach for lunch. Would you do me the great honor of joining me?"

The red head nodded, she hadn't eaten much thus morning having wanted to escape Jeassaho and her concern, well-meaning though it was. "I would enjoy that. I didn't eat much myself your engineer kept bothering me." The Trills smile widened at the offer of lunch.

Bradon stepped toward her, offering his arm. "Shall we?" he asked, a genuine smile on his face.

The Trill stood with her own genuine smile on her lips as he offered her his hand. "A gentleman I see. You've got to be former Starfleet." She teased a little knowing he had to be, not many boomer Engineers were as polite and charming as that.


Dixiaho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Bradon Gordon
Chief Engineer
SS Mary Rose


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