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Horror Novel Adventure

Posted on Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 11:06pm by Teresa Forrest & Jeassaho Kea (*)

Mission: Shackles
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD -06
2327 words - 4.7 OF Standard Post Measure

A horror holo adventure was not exactly high on Jeassaho’s list of preferred activities, but it was worth it to spend some time with Teresa outside of the engineering spaces they typically ran around in. Despite her reservations, Jeassaho knew that it was good for both her morale and Teresa’s to engage in something different. Given how much time she spent with Cami, Jeassaho felt it was important to mix things up a bit and include the human in things as she enjoyed her company over the last couple of months. Still, she wasn't entirely sure that standing in the pouring rain and staring up at a decrepit, gothic mansion was the change of pace she had envisioned.

"So, you said this was a zombie action holo adventure," Jeassaho said, double-checking as she inspected the old-fashioned 21st-century gun she was carrying. The weapon was much heavier than she had anticipated, especially compared to the sleek and lightweight phasers and phaser rifles she was accustomed to. Jeassaho had had to watch the safety guide several times to get the hang of loading the bullets properly, an experience that left her feeling both nostalgic and slightly out of her depth.

"It's a survival adventure with zombies, yeah," Teresa smiled. This was one of her favorite holo-programs. She inspected her sawed-off double barrel shotgun, nodding when it proved satisfactory. "The objective is to explore the manor, find the source of the zombie outbreak and hopefully fix the cause, before we're overrun. The manor's layout is randomized every time and there's a list of several dozen possible solutions the game picks one from for us to solve, so the game stays fresh every time you play," she explained, loading two shells into the shotty with the word 'Betsy' inscribed on what was left of the stock. "Thanks for playing, I really appreciate it. This story is a lot more fun when shared with someone."

"Lead the way, Teresa. Let's see what this holo adventure has in store for us." The inside of the mansion was even more foreboding than the exterior. Dust hung in the air, illuminated by the occasional flash of lightning through the huge windows. The eerie silence was only broken by the distant sound of dripping water and the soft creaking of the old house as they moved inside the space.

The story played out slowly. Clues found, deciphered, followed. The shambling undead started to make their presence more and more felt as the two engineers tried to get to the bottom of things before it got out of hand. It wasn't too bad at first. Scratching at a door, soon after the two closed it behind them, on their path through the spooky, old building with the creaking floorboards and flickering lights, as outside a thunderstorm raged, the flashes of lightning and thunder adding more atmosphere.

But as the game proceeded the zombies became more aggressive, more numerous. More incessant pounding on doors. Shattering windows. Forcing the two ladies to run and dodge, shooting as the opportunity presented itself, to thin out the hordes. But it was futile. For every undead they put down, two more seemed to take its place.

Clues followed, story unraveled, key items found, as they made their way through the building, trying to hurry, to stay one step ahead of the indefatigable horde. In the cellar, accessed by way of secret code found in a safe, the final key item. A resonance crystal, used to activate a transmitter in the tower. But between them and the tower, unsteady ladders. Shadowy corridors. And the ravenous mob.

"We'll have to make a run for it," Teresa suggested. "I've only got two shells left. No time to debate, they're closing in," incessant banging on the door, muffled shuffling on the floor above them. "Should only be a few zombies at the door. If I open the door and lure them in here, distract them, d'you think you can make it to the tower with this crystal and call for help?" and thus finish the story.

Jeassaho was breathless and sweaty but she could not deny the thrill of doing something like the holo program. She had not done anything like that in years as they had not had a holo deck before and she had left Starfleet more years than she cared to think on now. "I thought you never split the party?" She demanded shoving herself against he door just incase.

"Well, normally, yes but I don't think w - " Teresa trailed off. She was so used running these or similar programs on her own that she was in danger of not involving her fellow player as much as she should, she realized. As such she mentally took a step back. "What do you think we should do then? What matters is getting that transmitter up and running and sending a call for help," as she banging on the door grew ever more incessant.

Jeassaho laughed as the bang against the door made her jump as she was so close. “Well it sounds more than a few out there. Can we both lure them in and get rid of them and then get to the transmitter? What if I need you later on?”

"In that case I hope you have more ammo than I do," Teresa agreed. She looked a mess by now in the story, dirt and grime all over her period costume and her face, but she was having a good time of it at least. She looked around the space quickly, and started moving some chairs and a broken down old table to make a makeshift barrier the two could stand behind.

The betezoid grinned and started to move things to help create a barrier. "This is fun." She declared knocking over a box and watched as ammo rolled out hitting her feet as if summoned. "Well that is handy." She handed it over Teresa and watched as the door splintered loudly.

"Thank ye kindl - " Tree began though she startled at the sound of the door splintering. "Incoming .. !" she called out, taking cover behind her make-shift barricade. Taking aim, squeezing the trigger, the shotgun barked, sending recoil into her shoulder - one zombie staggered from impact, but didn't go down. Another BANG and it keeled over - one less, plenty remaining, as the engineer opened the breakbarrel 12 gauge to reload it.

Jeassaho yelped as her much smaller weapon clicked telling her she had run out of bullets for that clip. She reached into her pocket and quickly replaced it and angled the weapon at the zombie coming into the room. The shot fired off Jeassaho was relieved that she had chosen that weapon other something heavier as she would not have lasted with the shotgun.

Another BANG reverberated through the small space as another undead was cut down - though what happened next happened in a flash. The last remaining zombie staggered as Tree unloaded in it, but it didn't fall, as it lunged for Jeassaho. Teresa charged forward, slamming into the creature and knocking the both of them down into a struggle on the ground, fighting for survival. A crack as the engineer brought down the stock of her spent shotgun, cracking her foe's head and rendering it still, though she was bleeding from her arm, trying to catch her breath.

Jeassaho froze as the zombie came towards her in fascination at how much it looked like this her roommate from the Academy. It stunned her enough that she missed the younger engineering launching herself at the zombie which snapped her out of her stupor. "Did you turn the safties off?" Jeassaho demanded pulling the other engineer to her feet taking in the damage she had gotten.

The 'injury' looked like a partial bite, teeth that had broken the skin. Teresa remained completely in character, muttering a curse as she saw the holodeck blood on her skin, closing her eyes and slumping her shoulders. "Well fuck," she exhaled emphatically. "You'll have to go on without me. Get to the transmitter. Call for help. Go!"

Jeassaho laughed and pushed the woman just a little as she realised it was the holodeck making her wound. Jeassaho had been truly about to call her husband down to sort out the holodeck. "I nearly hauled you to sickbay." The woman said the relief evident on her face. "You need to start a drama club."

"Well, I'm just playing the part," Tree smiled softly, speaking more like herself than the role she had been playing in the story. "Are you alright? Do you want to continue? Or do you need a moment? We can stop the game if you prefer."

"Of course I want to continue but you owe me a beer." Jeassaho declared pushing the woman away laughing at how silly she had been moments before thinking that the woman was truly hurt. She had obviously watched far too many films recently. "I'll see you on the other side." She mock saluted and started to count loudly to herself to hype herself up and pushed past the zombie that was clambering along the corridor.

Said zombie tackled by Teresa, for a while she still had the mind of a person she'd fight the undead with all of her self, all of her ability. It didn't matter anymore what would happen to her, as long as Jeassaho got out safe, got out alive, and got to the transmitter.

The way up was fraught with danger. Places Jeas would need to be as quiet as she could, to try and not attract the attention of undead that hadn't noticed her yet. Places where she'd have to run to get passed the shamblers, to try and outrun them. Places where she'd have to fight. Ammunition dwindling, monsters giving chase, yet there it was - the last door, up to the tower, with the winding stairs up to the loft where the transmitter sat. Where she could finally call for help.

The engineer ran and ran, she could feel her heart beating quicker and quicker even though she knew it was all fake she could not help but react as something attempted to grab her ankle as she took a turning up the stairs and leapt up the spiral stairs. It was harder and harder but boy was she glad that she did it as she found the transmitted and put the pieces together and turned it on.

The transmitter activated, and soon enough the quiet static white noise announced its readiness. A transmission sent, a call for help, the reply came readily.

"Try to hold on, make your way to the roof of the building. We're sending a helicopter to get you out of there. It'll be there in five minutes."

"Five minutes," Jeassaho sighed as she looked around for an easy way from the transmitter room to where she wanted to go which was the roof. She glanced back hearing foot steps but said nothing as she slowly slipped across the room towards the window and looked out. It led to a ledge that she could get out on and across to lower areas of the roof easily enough. "Onwards I go," She whispered nearly out the corner of her eye an old fashioned timer displaying how much longer she had to survive.

The shambling undead chasing her were not as agile or careful as she was, leading to some of them slipping and falling from the ledge, sliding down the roof and tumbling to their - well, second demise. One seemed slightly more clever though, stumbling but managing to hold on. As in the distance the sounds of a helicopter were heard and a glance over would show it approaching, this one particular zombie rose to her - yes, her - full height, seeming to regard Jeas. It was Teresa.

Jeassaho stepped back several steps as she took in the scene and watched as the dead slid down. It was hypnotic to her as she watched before the zombie walking towards her stopped her in her tracks. “Of course it would be you.” Jeassaho laughed as she held up the gun and kept backing up as the helicopter got closer and closer.

A low, disturbing moan from the revenant with the sickly pale skin and bloodstained clothes as she shuffled forwards, gaining in focus and momentum as she approached Jeas, teeth bared.

Jeassaho yelped as Teresa tried to grab her but the older engineer pushed her back and took a few steps towards the ledge as the helicopter started to hover as if to say come on then. “Bye Teresa.” The woman said putting her best acting into it as she shot the gun off and leapt on to the helicopter.

“Quest completed.” The computer announced.

The younger engineer zombie staggered and fell over as the shot hit home, though Teresa remained as the sim shimmered and reverted back to the holodeck grid proper. Now clean again and looking normal, Tree stood back up, dusting herself off a bit and offering a grin. "Well, that was fun. I always wanted to be a zombie in someone else's story."

Jeassaho staggered as the helicopter disappeared under her feet and she nearly hit the deck. "That was amazing." Jeassaho grinned and hugged the other engineer hard. "I really enjoyed that. Thank you for inviting me."

The hug answered in kind, awkwardly at first since she was not used to sharing such moments of affection with other women, but that didn't take long. "Well, you're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe next time we'll try a psychological horror mystery, instead of an action story?"

"Name the time and date and I am there. I enjoyed this." Jeassaho assured lopping her arm through the other woman as they started to leave.

"Sounds like a plan," Tree agreed, with a smile.


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