Posted on Tue Feb 4th, 2025 @ 6:52pm by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Evelyn Reynolds & Liha t'Ehhelih
Location: Cargo Bay
Timeline: MD01
1597 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure
Cassie said nothing as she saw the ship coming into view from her slumped into the co pilot seat. She held her good arm around the gauze but there was not a lot the first aid kit on the shuttle could do other than patch her up enough to get her back to the ship. She had never seen the ship looking so beautiful as it did there and then. She really hoped Evelyn and anyone else was going to be there waiting for her. An arrow was a different wound, a phaser cauterised the wound so you did not bleed to much if it hurt you enough but an arrow was different.
"Not going to lie I did not think I would get hit by an arrow today," Cassie commented her accent that she would hard on toning down coming out thanks to the pain.
"Projectile weapon wounds are a susse'thrai," Liha replied by way of commiserating. "but we're nearly there." Thank the Elements! - that atmosphere had also been a susse'thrai to flying through. But now that they were past the interference, she tapped the comm. "Liha to Mary Rose, requesting medical to docking bay. Planet is not so uninhabited - Cassie took an arrow to shoulder."
Gregnol had been waiting for someone to come back and soon appeared on the screen taking in the two occupants and then the wound on her shoulder. "Get back, We will meet you in the cargo bay with Reynolds." He said cutting the communication.
"Why I like him. Man of few words." Cassie commented as she shifted a little. Pain level was high but she was refusing to close her eyes like her body wanted her too. She could sleep when she was dead and she was not dying from an arrow wound.
Liha approved of sentiment, and in the same vein, simply nodded and she vectored the shuttle in to bay. The biofoam has the bleeding under control, but she still made an effort to set them down as gentle as she could - even the small jostle on landing would hurt. She didn't tell Cassie to brace or warn of that; it would have been an insult to a Romulan and despite her mixed heritage (or maybe because the human side made her less Vulcan), Liha had somewhat placed the woman in a category with her own kind.
"We're down." She popped the hatch for the waiting medical team and stayed put to let them get in as quickly as possible.
Having been roused from the expectation of a relatively mundane shift by the news of incoming wounded, Reynolds had already started towards the small craft before engines had been fully powered down. Now, as the hatch lifted, the knit of her faintly concerned brow was the first sight to greet the returned pair and the doctor wasted no time stepping up into the cabin to assess Cassie's prospects of being able to make it to Sickbay on her own. "One stipulation," she reminded them as she squeezed in beside Cassie. "No getting shot, remember?" The doctor's tone was kindly, however, as the first pass of a medical scanner gave her vitals to assess. "What's our timeframe?"
“I got arrowed. Very much different.” Cassie muttered as Gregnol climbed up surprised to see that genuinely the operations crew member had an arrow sticking out of her. “I got arrowed about an hour ago? It’s complicated. There are pre flight species down there.” Cassie explained wincing a little more as her shoulder burned.
"There's a crashed ship that looks like an Orion merchant vessel; probably a slaver," Liha reported with a near growl in her voice. When she'd first been with the Fenris Rangers - back before they'd even started using that name - they'd had to deal with too many such slavers preying on desperate refugees. "it looks like they decided taking people from pre-warp worlds was safer than raiding refugee ships or remote colonies."
A raised eyebrow in Gregnol's direction was Reynold's only reaction to the news, which fell outside her jurisdiction in any case as well as beyond her current priority. "We need to move her now," she asserted, doing her best to apply an immobilisation sling in a way that would minimise discomfort. Painkillers would come but she needed the woman's discomfort levels for diagnostic purposes first, as harsh at it seemed. "I've got a mobility chair outside," Evelyn reassured Cassie, "And Beya's prepping for surgery, but I need to run some scans first." The fact that the brunette was conscious was a good sign but an hour with an injury like this, where every movement ran the risk of arterial complications, was less than ideal. "Try to keep the arm still." In a tone that took no pains to sound like a request, the doctor then directed at the Captain, "Help me with her."
Gregnol said nothing as Evelyn looked at him but he said nothing. His mind was already whirling with what could potentially be down there. He knew pre warp species existed but to meet anyone from it would be complicated to say the least. “Safe to pick her up?” Gregnol asked the doctor knowing it would just be easier to sweep her up and get her out the shuttle.
"Try not to jostle her too much," was the response, as the doctor stepped out of the shuttle first. Just outside, the mobility chair had been left ready and Evelyn took it by the handles as an attempt to maneuver it as close as possible without making disembarkation awkward.
Gregnol raised an eyebrow at the doctors advice and smiled a little at her then turned to Cassie. “Not the first time I have done this Doctor.” He reminded and smiled as he moved to where Cassie was sat gripping the console. She awoke relaxed as Gregnol picked her up slowly manoeuvring her out of the chair. She winced and gripped his arm. “Relax.” He offered.
“It’s starting to burn.” She admitted.
"I'll keep you updated," Evelyn reassured Gregnol, adjusting the chair to lean Cassie back enough to take some of the pressure off holding her arm steady. It was the doctor's final comment as she turned her attention to moving her patient without causing too much discomfort, swiftly and efficiently out of the bay doors towards Sickbay.
With Cassie taken care of, or at least on her way to care, Liha turned to Gregnol. "I should return the shuttle to surface in case anyone else needs extraction."
Gregnol watched the woman be taken away and frowned. "What the hell happened down there? And you aren't going anywhere without me." He demanded already moving to grab a weapon from the nearest weapon locker.
"What happened is that bunch of people who'd been snatched off their homeworlds by slavers and then survived a crash landing, saw another group of aliens lifting the supplies they'd been using and attacked them," Liha reported tersely. "We could have taken them out - they only had primitive weapons - but Burnie decided to revert to Starfleet form. So, I brought Cassie back for medical care and the rest went with them to see how to help." She eyed the Gregnol a moment - what was it with human Captains insisting on leaving their ships during problem missions? - but Jea wasn't here to tell him no, so she'd make the best of it. "If you're coming with me, bring hand cart. they hadn't taken any of the weapons from the stash yet, so we should get those and the rest of what's left stowed on the shuttle while everyone else keeps them occupied at their camp."
“I am coming with you whether you want it or not.” The captain commented pleasantly. He knew it meant himself, Ford and Burnie were all down there but he trust Jeassaho to keep the ship out of trouble if it came to it along with Livaam. The man hauled up the hand cart and pulled it ip onto the shuttle. “Jea and Livaam will look after the ship.” He surmised. “I am not missing this opportunity.”
"You want an opportunity to haul crates and get eaten by insects in that jungle, by all means..." Liha opened an arm in an ushering gesture toward the hatch. "But it might not be the worst idea to have one of the medics come too, so I don't have to make this run again."
“They can come down once Cassie is better. You have Leiddem down there for now. He kept Cassie alive despite it being a few years since he was medical focused. I do not want Beya down there is if it a slaver ship and Oliver has just got off night shift.” Gregnol shrugged. “I want a little fresh air.” Was the only reply he had for the woman there and then.
"Right." Liha silently went and grabbed some extra IFAKs. "I guess I'm doing bus service, since at some point we should have a medic come down, if only to examine the survivors."
“I’d get you a bus driver hat but I am sure that you would shoot me so let’s go.” Gregnol commented trying to not grin at her disgruntled state. He was trying to look on the bright side of the situation for once instead of delving head first into the bad side. Yes the ship had crashed but people had survived. Yes Cassie had been shot, but she was alive.