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Breath Easy PART 2

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2017 @ 1:42am by Dixoho Saa (*) & Leiddem Kea (*)

Mission: Mission 4 - Combustion
Location: Deck 7 - Main Sickbay
Timeline: Back post
779 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

When the Bolian arrived, he underscored his lack of urgency by bringing his interrupted meal along with him; he was loudly slurping from the bowl of Antedian ramen as the doors parted to admit him. The redhead in question turned out to be Dixoho Saa, who was considerably less of a trouble maker than Finn Bek (but he wasn't entirely convinced she wasn't trying to lull him into a false sense of security so she could murder him in his sleep). The hard feelings he'd brought along with him softened a bit. But not too much.

"What's the problem?"

"Oh, um...the young woman here is having an asthma attack," Bettina explained, nodding to Dixoho, who was concentrating on her breathing. "We tried several things," she added, then telling him what 'things' meant this time, hoping he got it.

"She needs something more aggressive, I think."

"More aggressive?" Olsam asked with a quizzical look. "Like what, a lung transplant? We can't just grow new lungs for everybody who wants them, Ms. Davies."

"No, of course not..." Did he understand that she had a limited scope, and had used her ''bag of tricks'?"

Olsam looked to Kea then Dixoho then back to Bettina. "I don't get it. Why don't we just give her 40 milligrams of pulmozine? Are we out of pulmozine? I thought it was the one thing we actually had in stock."

"I saw some." She headed to the drug cabinet. "That's why we called you, sir, Pulmozine isn't in my scope of practice, I can't give it." She didn't mention that Dixoho had wanted to hold off and try the simple solutions first.

"She can't administer drugs." Kea muttered for the Doctor. "And you have the key to get anything more than a basic painkiller out. Something about drug addicts..." He added softly with a huge grin as Dixoho just sat up and started coughing again.

"I thought you said you were a doctor?" Olsam said as he gave Bettina a healthy dose of side-eye while moving past her to the so-called 'drug locker.'

"No, a field medic," Bettina tried to explain, although she wasn't really surprised that he hadn't remembered. Their initial meeting had been a bit...eclectic. "There are meds I can give, but my scope is limited."

She'd never said any such thing, of course. But Kea did have a point about the key. The few medications they had were hard-won concessions from the ship's budget, and Mott didn't trust the captain or anyone else on the boat not to come ravage sickbay on a bender. You couldn't do much with most of them but some could be repurposed...

"Did you ever hear the tragedy of the three crewmen abusing pulmozine?" the Bolian asked, speaking to Bettina as if she was his long-time assistant rather than a near-total stranger he'd just met. As he loaded the pulmozine into an old pistol-style hypospray, he continued to prattle on,

"No, no I haven't." Shaking her head solemnly, she looked at him seriously, intrigued. This should be interesting! "Do tell..."

"I thought not. It's not a story they'd tell you at Starfleet Medical. It's a bonesaw legend. There were three damage control engineers so adept at manipulating plasma flows that they could extract intoxicating volatile compounds from plasma exhaust and achieve an unprecedented high with the use of pulmozine, which increased the uptake of the compounds. Unfortunately, they became too greedy in their quest for a better high and failed to adequately control the exhaust flow. Ironic, they could save others from plasma fires, but not themselves."

"Oh...that sounds messy." She shook her head, 'tsking'. "Although it's a testament to man's creativity, back to the days of making bombs from cold packs, or huffing glue for a high." She'd never tried any of that, she was too conservative, but she had fashioned a chest tube from an IV bag and found a few unapproved ways to restrain a patient.

Saa looked up at Kea who just promptly shrugged at her direction. They would get to her when they got to her by the looks of things. "I am not addicted to Pulmozine." The woman said in a very breathless whisper as she looked at Mott then the hyprospray he had been holding as he spoke away wondering if he was going to help her or just talk away till she couldn't breathe.


Dixaho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Leiddem Kea
Weapons Master
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Bettina Davies
Field Medic
SS Mary Rose

Olsam Mott, M.D.
Ship's Doctor
SS Mary Rose


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