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You wanted to see me?

Posted on Mon Jul 24th, 2017 @ 11:38pm by Jeassaho Kea (*)

Mission: Mission 4 - Combustion
Location: Deck 6 - Converted Cargo Bag
Timeline: MD 01 :: 06:00
701 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Braden went back into the mess and avoided the engineer clean up parties to go to the place he had seen, where he was sure the bomb had been. He had been on damage control parties aboard ship and he had therefore read up on the subject. He had never been involved in a sabotage attempt though. The bomb had been placed to destroy the wedding gifts? Which seemed odd to begin with. It had been a fire bomb, Magnesium and Phospherous had been used to create heat. That heat had melted some structural frame work in the bay. He could see the fire extinguisher sprinklers in here would need replaced as he studied the area. The bomb itself must have been taken already so security had found the remains of the device. Braden was about to examine the remaining debris as something looked wrong about the wedding gift remains. Before he could truly investigate he saw the Engineer lady and waved. He took a few steps over toward her "you wanted to see me?" He offered his hand "Braden MacCloud at your service."

Jeassaho took the offered hand with a small sigh. "Jeassaho Kea." She murmured softly. "I wanted to check more that you were okay as it seems you got hurt in the incident." The small woman turned back to looking at the warped walls and floor.

"I will be as good as new in a few days, the nurse Davies patched me up just fine. She did say to report to medical later when we were done though. You know to make sure I did not ruin her patch up job." Braden smiled shaking her hand firmly but politely. "I was just looking at the this, you see where the fire started. Someone appears to have collected the remains of the device but look at this a moment if you would? There is something wrong here? The gifts seem to be the target of the bomb. Now why would they destroy the gifts?" Braden pointed to the ceiling, floor, and structural supports, you see no explosion really just extreme heat and fire? This was not meant to hurt the ship just the contents of the bay." Braden was talking as if far away as he searched his memory for information. He was going off training materials he had read to make his observations.

Jeassaho looked at the man carefully. "Go to medical and get it sorted properly then." She said simply as she looked around where she had been inspecting for safety. She had noticed that herself but she had shrugged it away as it was not her job to investigate.

Braden shrugged "so we are good then? You seemed angry at me before." His tone was dismissive as her attitude and he started to step away with a shrug "works for me. I will be in security if you need me."

"What was there to be angry about when you practically threw me at the Captain and got me yelled at... I need people who are team players and don't refer to me as She." Jeassaho said just as dismissively as she turned away to go to the damage control locket to finally strip out of the damage control suit and assess her own injuries.

Braden shook his head "I just said what happened, you said the valve was where it was, and you needed help. Maybe you should work out more or keep your safety systems in better shape." Braden spoke quietly so his voice did not carry. Then he turned to go find security. He suspected that was where the Captain would be and this conversation was just a waste of his time.

Jeassaho moved to smack him but someone stopped her. She turned and saw another Engineer shaking his head. "Drop it, girl... smug bastard ain't worth that handsome captain putting you in the brig at this time in the morning." The human said to her. Jeassaho just sighed and carried on. She wasn't one to back down against men.


Lieutenant Commander (LOA) Jeassaho Kea
SS Mary Rose

Braden MacCloud
Chief Science
SS Mary Rose


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