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After Party

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 4:47pm by
Edited on on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 4:48pm

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: SS Mary Rose, Lounge
Timeline: MD 21 03:00
859 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The party was winding down. One-by-one, or in some cases, couples started leaving the lounge. Talon took that as his cue to begin cleaning things up. He didn't want the mess to linger til the next day. He began by collecting the many glasses that weren't returned to the bar.

The lounge was soon empty. Slow music now played over the speakers. Overall, he thought the celebration was good. It could have been better, but Talon reasoned that as this crew worked together and gelled, these occasions would get better.

Bringing glasses back to the bar, he prepared to clean them. Tabitha was still going strong. She had helped him keep things going all night. Now she was still there, helping him finish cleaning things up. Without her help, he would have been here until the wee hours of the morning. But now, they were almost finished.

He walked up behind her and quietly spoke, "Tabs? You've been stuck behind the bar all night, you didn't get to dance. You would honor me if this last tune you'd dance with me."

"Working" alongside Joss had actually made him more attractive, he'd remained a gentleman and they'd done a fairly good job at it. It had also lowered her consumption, giving her better control.. But now with the lights low, music slow and latenight calming, She was in a different frame of mind, Not as slutty as she could have been.. He was marvelous.. She took his left hand in her right.. "Your lead..."

He smiled as he wrapped his right arm about her waist, his hand just lightly in the small of her back. He was an amateur musician himself and felt the rhythm of the beat. He swayed to the music, enjoying holding Tabitha so close to him.

"What brings such a beauty to the Rosie," he asked her.

"Trajady I'd rather forget for the time being.." She said. She pushed her face into his chest and swayed and breathed in his scent.. Sighing. "I might never forget what I lost, But this is a good start..."

Joss decided not to push. As she felt more comfortable with him, Tabitha would open up more. They had just met, so it was to be expected. Plus, the type of ship they were on, it may be a while before even he was fully trusted by the others.

He did manage to say to her, "I'm sorry to hear of your tragedy. I hope both of ours are behind us. Speaking of behind, did I do a good job at watching yours," he teased.

She didn't really respond. She felt comfortable which was important.. "You were a perfect gentleman..." She thought she shouldn't push her luck.. "I think I'd like a walk home..."

Talon warmly smiled. He had enjoyed tonight, working alongside of Tabitha. He thought he could have, but now realized he couldn't have done it all himself. Thanks to her, the night had been successful. Her flirting nature made the night amusing. It would be a pleasure to escort her to her quarters.

Offering the crook of his elbow, Talon responded, "Lead the way, Tabs!"

She took the offered arm and moved quietly toward the door. "Thank you Joss this was a great evening." They walked, silently for most of the trip. Just as they exited on deck three she stopped.. "I'm not sure if we should continue, It's Not you, I'm still,, A little raw.." "It was a wonderful evening,, Thank you.."

Talon knew there was a mutual attraction going here. However, he did understand. They had just met each other and didn't really know each other. Tonight was enjoyable, but it wasn't really an official date. He looked into her hazel eyes and smiled.

"I understand, Tabs," he responded. "I do hope we get the opportunity to spend more time together soon. I just want you to know, I enjoyed this entire evening. You made it a blast!"

She gave him a weak smile. "It was.." She looked down the empty corridor. "I'm just down this way, See you tomorrow??"

"Of course," Talon agreed, adding a wink. "Stop by Sick Bay for your free physical," he chuckled.

She rubbed his shoulder. "Good night Tall stuff.: She said tired. She walked away, certain he was watching after her.. Just to be sure, just before entering her quarters she looked back...

Talon wanted Tabitha to know that he was interested. He figured a wave wouldn't be enough. Lifting his hand to his lips, Joss blew a kiss toward her. Once he was sure she was safely inside her quarters, Talon backed into the turbolift and headed to his own quarters. He smiled knowing that his dreams would be pleasant this evening. No chance of another dream of reliving the Occupation.

Blowing her a kiss, Classic, elegant. What if foretold was anyone's guess. She entered her quarters and wished she had some kind pf pet to talk to... Ph well, at least she would have rather lovely dreams tonight...


Talon Joss
Field Medic
SS Mary Rose

Tabitha Tiffin
SS Mary Rose


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