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Handling the Truth

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 4:54pm by
Edited on on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 4:54pm

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: SS Mary Rose, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 27 21:00
1868 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Talon had spent the last few days keeping himself busy. He had the new equipment that he and Erim procured. He inwardly smiled at that achievement. He wanted to be sure of the equipments' value. Talon took his time testing each piece. He didn't want to find himself in an emergency situation and then find the equipment he needed wasn't functioning.

In the evenings, he stayed away from his quarters. Hiding from everyone inside his office drinking a new bottle that he would bring from the stock that was left over from the party. He withdrew to his office shortly after Dixoho gave him unwanted information. Information that hurt him; deeply cut into his heart.

It had been days since he had seen Tabitha. Right now, if he did, he wasn't sure what he would say to her. She had been busy making the ship space worthy. He had been busy getting equipment and organizing sick bay. What would he say? Why wouldn't she tell him something of that nature.

Talon had made it this far without trust. Who could he trust? He was starting to think the answer was only himself. He took a swig from the bottle of Dralaxian Whiskey. Alone again, naturally. Deep down, he was tired of being alone. Although, in his life, Talon had seen and lived through much. He had lived through oppression. He had seen the abuse the Cardassians had heaped upon his people. This made it hard for Joss to trust. He had thought that was changing when he had met Tabitha. Then the information given to him swept his feet completely out from under him. His whole being crashed. Now, he hid from others, wondering if he should take steps in another direction.

Tabitha had been so busy. Lords working an older ship was a drag. But at the same time it was enjoyable, except for dragging her ass to bed each night because there just wasn't energy to spare. Till she realized that a lot of her work was on purpose. Other than the chief she was the only one with any real skills. That infuriated her. So she slammed one of the other junior officers and left engineering entirely.

She found herself stomping through the corridors and realized she'd not scene Joss in that same amount of time. So she made a B-line for Sickbay. But stopped just inside the door. The place was a mishmash of gear like she'd never seen. "Joss?" Why did she feel butterflies??

He recognized her voice. It stabbed through his heart as a dagger wielded by a professional. He took another sip of the whiskey. Why delay this talk? Why sit her sulking, while others were enjoying life. Talon would much rather be enjoying life. That was his way; live free and love life.

"In here," he called out.

His feet were up on his desk. His eyes were red, showing hurt and pain. He had hoped the information was inaccurate. Why would Dixie pass on gossip or hearsay? He didn't think she'd lie to him. It was time to understand the full truth, no matter how much it hurt.

She made her way to the back where it looked liked he'd been living with his project. He was over his desk in a screw the universe way. "Joss. Sorry sweety, I'm better than they thought and they have been trying to work me to death." She was immediately concerned. "Whats wrong??"

Talon took another quick drink straight from the bottle. He pinched the ridges on the bridge of his nose. He always did this when he was confused, thinking or just didn't want to deal with something. He began to laugh. It wasn't his normal I'm enjoying life laugh. It was full of pain and anger. A sarcastic laugh full of irony.

"You ask me what is wrong?" he asked. He sighed, then mumbled, "When were you going to tell me?"

A lot of realizations hit her all at once. He Loved her?!? His hurt was real. But WHAT did he know? How? "What do you think you know? Why are you angry??" She kept a few paces back; He might not be a fighter, but he was large.

What else was there that he needed to know that would further break his heart, other than that she was already married? Was there anything else she had been hiding? No wonder she hadn't taken him up on going back to his quarters the day after the party. Perhaps the her flirty nature hadn't technically been cheating on her husband, but agreeing to going to his quarters would have been.

"The word is that you are married," Joss explained for her to either confirm or deny. "That your intentions as being part of this crew is to look for him." He didn't say it in anger, but more of a dejected voice.

How could the Universe twist like this?! It didn't matter How he'd found out really. Her heart shattered. What could she, Should she say?? She sank to the floor against the wall out of view of Joss. All her emotions rolled within her causing her breath to catch. "I'm carrying Misery, I don't mean to spread it." She barely got out. She became numb and enraged all at once...

He knew she was hurting. Unfortunately, he wasn't himself at the moment. He wasn't in any condition to do any consoling. Although he wanted to reach out to her, he felt she hurt him. Although it may have been unintentional, it still happened.

Why is this hurting so much. He felt as if his chest had been torn asunder, his heart plucked out and ripped apart. He never felt like this before. It didn't really hurt, but there was so much pain involved.

"When were you going to tell me?" he quietly repeated. "Once you found him? How awkward would that have been? For both you and me." Then talking as if he were her, acting out the moment, if it were to happen, 'I'm glad I've finally found you! Tally, this is my husband. Husband (Joss didn't know his name), this is the man ho loves me.'" He took another drink from the bottle. The laughter came once more. How incredibly stupid could he be?

The drunken disrespect angered her Instantly. She shot to her feet.. "I GET IT, YOUR HURT, WE'VE BOTH LOST EVERYTHING!!" she screamed at him. It took nearly three minutes but she began to explain. "My Father WAS a politician, extremely pro StarFleet. Last year we were at a rally; there was an explosion. I lost my Zan, MY BABY!!! When I woke my husband was no where to be found. My grandmother, found clues, we don't know. Starfleet has done NOTHING. You were, unexpected."

Unexpected?! What the hell does that mean? He mulled over her words, wincing at the loss of her child and father. If Intel wouldn't reveal anything, they probably had their hand in the episode. He husbands disappearance may have meant he was involved in the assassination plot.

Talon slowly stood up, facing Tabitha across his workspace, his hands supporting him, keeping him upright. "Was your husband Intel? And, what do you mean I was unexpected?" he probed further.

Maybe it was his natural suspicious nature, but it was a bold move. She immediately appreciated it. "My Gandmother is rather well connected. We think he was on the inside. If he still exists, I plan to bring him in Or KILL HIM or Die trying." She said heatedly. "He destroyed any love I ever had for him. Why will just hurt more." She worked to the front of his desk. "I don't like drunkenness. If you can put that aside and deal with my vengeful needs, I willingly will be yours." Not that she was weak, but a good man was hard to find.

It was what he desired to hear. But was it true? He wanted to believe her so badly, it hurt within his gut. It seemed he could even feel it within the marrow of his bones. Every part of him ached for her. His Tabs. His logic told him there was only one way to see how she truly felt.

With his left hand, he gently caressed her cheek. Talon then leaned over the desk and gently kissed her upon her soft lips.

Her reaction was very interesting. She scrambled onto the desk, clutching at his jersey for leverage. Gods help her!! He was sublime. "I will be your greatest cheerleader." She said before backing away, the alcohol on his breath a turn off. "Lets get you rested and proper Doctor."

Talon was surprised by the intensity of her return kiss. It was the most passionate kiss they had shared thus far. Or is it the alcohol? Inwardly, Talon cursed himself for being so drunk. It certainly felt right. She seemed to be where he was. That kiss told him she felt the same way. Unless it was the alcohol.

Talon smiled at the implications he interpreted. She was falling for him too! Falling back into his chair, he looked up with a drunken grin. "What's the doctor's," (referring to her), "orders?"

Temptation couldn't overpower her sense of right. "You need to get to sleep, in your quarters, maybe with some company. She came around the desk and tugged at his long right arm. He wasn't the most muscular, his rugged lines were EXTREMELY appealing to her though. "I diagnose acute drunkenness and proscribe rest in comfort and warmth, however that comes about."

The problem with that was that Talon smelled of whiskey and sweat. It was the side effect of the medicine he had prescribed for his pity party. Alcohol was meant for celebrations with others, not to drown sorrows. He regretted his plan of action.

Getting up from his chair, Talon confirmed her line of thought. With a grin he said, "Very astute observation, Doctor. I agree. However, I think the warmth part should wait until after I freshen up some. I think the warmer would object to warming me as I am."

How males miss understood their own scent was beyond most females. She took his slightly sweaty arm and turned to the door, "To your quarters Doctor."

He chuckled as he claimed, "These are orders with which I will comply."

It had been what he had been looking forward to since the first night they had met. The flirtatiousness in her had immensely attracted him to her sexy attitude and shapely body. He was glad they had worked things out. He was beginning to drop his distrust of those he was quickly coming to know aboard the ship. His trust in Tabs solidified; his love for her confirmed and soon consummated.

Loving someone was finally something she could do, Needed to do. Tabitha spent the night with him, And No one could stop them or Needed to know Any of it.. Hallelujah!!


JP by

Talon Joss
Field Medic
SS Mary Rose

Tabitha Tiffin
SS Mary Rose


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