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Revealing Inner Thoughts Part 2

Posted on Thu Jan 25th, 2018 @ 2:42am by Dixoho Saa (*)

Mission: Mission 5 - Liberation
Location: Deck 3 - Ward Room
Timeline: MD -20 01:30
873 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Previously, in ‘Revealing Inner Thoughts Part 1’

Looking down into her beautifully fiery eyes, Micheal felt a slight lump in his throat. He held his breath for a beat, before finally telling her the truth. "What's different is that I care about you." His voice was an odd combination of being both hard as duranium and full of pent-up emotion, just begging to be released.

"What?" She demanded blinking at him suddenly finding the space a lot smaller than it should be.


Micheal related himself, his voice lower in volume. "I care about you."

"Oh!" Dixoho said, she would have blushed, but she was so shocked. Her heart pounded, she could hear the sound of it echoed in her ears, and for a few seconds, she debated what she should do. Such a strange combination of feelings pulsed through her as she just stared at the older man trying to think.

Micheal continued to look into Dixoho's eyes. The expression on his face, accompanied with the slight tremble in his voice, proved that he was either being one hundred percent honest with the young navigator or being the best con man in history. "Is it really that unbelievable?" He asked as he continued to stand there, afraid that any movement on his part would ruin everything. "In the weeks that I've been on this ship, I've gotten to know you and what kind of person you are. All the while, I've been trying to save you from this danger. What reason would I have to do that, if I didn't have feelings for you?"

The woman just stood there for a few moments longer before she shook her head, her hair going wild with the motion. It was unbelievable if she was honest. She had never had anyone like her before she had met Markus, let alone this man who she was already in a complicated situation with as well. "Because... I don't know... I am not exactly... just...." She said dumbly. If they were having a conversation like this anywhere else, she would have walked away but here she had no choice but to face it.

Slowly, gently, Micheal took hold of the young pilots hands, her soft flesh feeling warm against his callused hands. "Dixoho," his voice just loud enough for her to hear it. "I will never do anything to harm you. Whatever proof you require of that fact, I will gladly give it. All I ask, is that you trust me."

The woman licked her lips and looked at her hand surrounded by his. Why was he whispering? No one could hear them in the small space? "I just don't understand, Micheal." She whispered his name softly sounding very confused. She wasn't special, she didn't understand his reasoning as it was unbelievable.

Micheal gave her a small, reassuring smile. "I know. I'm a bit at a loss here as well. All I know, is that I have an incredibly strong desire to not only be near you, but protect you. Believe me when I tell you, I haven't felt this strongly about anyone or anything in a very long time." He carefully moved his right hand up to gently caress the left side of her face and neck, the tips of his fingers softly rubbing over the spots on her neck.

"Since the woman, I saw you... I saw you looking at?" She questioned as his caress made her look up at him properly. She could barely form a sentence as she stared at him confused, it was a feeling she was not used to at all. She was normally the gobby one, the one with all the words and answers.

A shade of sadness crossed over his eyes. His smile faltered, but the tenderness of his touch remained. "Yes," he whispered, his next breath a bit ragged. "She wife."

The woman nodded, she had gathered as much from what the ship had told her and the reaction that the man had, had that night. "I... um... gathered." She admitted feeling a little stupid there and then as she just stared at him.

Suddenly, the lift started moving. It stopped at the next level, the doors sliding open to reveal one of the crew, an annoyed look on his face. "Who's been holding the damn elevator?!"

"Sorry..." Dixoho mumbled quickly moving past the Engineer not even caring if it was her deck that she needed or not. She was feeling confused and she needed some space. How could this be happening? This man would have killed her if he hadn't had a moment of doubt.

Micheal watched, wordlessly, Dixoho moved away from him, down the corridor. The engineer entered the lift, grumbling something about how people can be really rude. The Armory Chief said nothing, he simply glared slightly at the Bolian, causing the engineer to shrink away slightly and stopped his complaining. The next time the lift stopped, he scurried out of the car and away from Micheal. The doors slid shut again and continued on towards the shuttlebay.


Micheal Robertson
Armory Chief / Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose / Shuttle Alexandria

Dixaho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)


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