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A Brief History

Posted on Sat Mar 17th, 2018 @ 7:49pm by Dodian Carli

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Science Centre, Azzia
Timeline: MD 1 - 1200 hours
472 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Dodian kept to herself, her past had taught her that trusting people was not a liberty she could afford. For the last 50 years she had been drifting from place to place, with nowhere to call home, studying, learning but also looking for her brother and sister whom she had heard nothing from since her initial capture. She had hoped they lived and were somewhere having a better life than she'd had. She had went from promising El-Aurian Scientist to sex slave in the first 25 years of her life, not exactly a glowing light on how civilisations treat people but she kept her head down between the beatings and the unmentionables.

Killing her capture was the only way she escaped, a small mark on her soul she had never forgotten. Blood stained hands, the knife dropping to the floor and the sound it made hitting the marble... it still gave her nightmares to this day. Her eidetic memory was once a marvel, a piece of great organic engineering but now it was a constant reminder, bringing back every detail, every smell and touch she had succumb too.

Initially she had came to Azzia in search of her sister, Jeni, whom she had heard may have been on the planet and that was why Dodian had struggled to find her. So far her luck had been naught discovering that it was someone else who merely matched her description. A month wasted.

For the last 5 months she had been on Azzia studying the temporal anomaly that their system was encompassed in. She had noticed whilst she was on the planet that she felt more energetic, healthier and that it may be a by-product of the anomaly itself. She had been keeping a diary on the effects on her biology changes during her time, just for her scientific curiosity. As such she had also realised that the people of Azzia were remarkable, genetically they were near enough perfect in that they aged much slower, similar to her albeit hers was genetic and not anomaly related.

In her defence she was also there as she believed close study of this anomaly might help her in her endeavour to create a time travel device that may stop the Borg invasion of her planet and the subsequent actions from that. So far it was just an idea which had resulted in some drawings and half baked ideas.

She'd made herself well known to the Azzians but still her interactions with them were limited due to her nervous disposition when it came to people. She spoke very rarely and communicated her needs through her orders and papers. Some though she was mad, insane and others thought she was brilliant and gifted but to her all their seemed to be was her work. She needed more to complete her time device...


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