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Bounty Watched... (takes place at the same time as "Bounty on Your Head...)

Posted on Wed Apr 4th, 2018 @ 11:40pm by

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Azzia, Met'ola Beach Resort
Timeline: MD 05 / 1056 hours (local)
829 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The hunter quietly observed his prey from his seat at a tropically-inspired outdoor bar. From his current vantage point, the man could easily keep a casual eye on both of his targets, without the fear of raising any alarms. Though, as a Betalgeusian, it was rare to see his kind on the surface of a planet. As far back as his species can recall, they have had a fear of planets. It is widely debated that the cause of this is due to how quickly and fiercely the Betelgeusian Homeworld had selfdestructed under the feet of its trillion plus inhabitants. Whether this was an accurate assumption or not did not matter much to T'omas el-Altaa. He would go anywhere to pursue, and ultimately kill, his targets.

Casually gazing out across the beach, T'omas watched as one of his targets, Dixoho Saa, helmswoman of the civilian freighter, SS Mary Rose, lay on a towel, sunbathing. His client had offered him twelve bars of gold-pressed latinum for proof of her death. They also offered an additional five bars if he could extract a certain bit of information from her before she died. What the information was, he didn't care. All he cared about was getting paid.

As he continued to sit there, enjoying his drink, thinking about the demise of Miss Saa, his eyes widened slightly when he saw his second target. Micheal Robertson, former Starfleet NonCom and current Chief Armory Officer aboard the same ship as See. This target, T'omas would have gone after for free, although the fifteen bars of gold-pressed latinum certainly gave him more inventive.

T'omas and Micheal had had several run-ins over the years. On more than one occasion, Micheal stole bounties out from under T'omas, causing the Betelgeusian to loose quite a bit of money in the process. Then, the last time they had met, they had actually, physically fought one another. T'omas had scarred up the Human's body with his talons and had been about to win, when the Human found a hidden reserve of strength and had turned the tables, breaking the avianoid's left arm, destroying his left hand, broke several ribs, shattered his eating beak so severely, that a prosthetic had to be surgically attached in its place. T'omas barely managed to escape with his life, needing nearly a year to get back into fighting form. His artificial beak and cybernetic hand were constant reminders of what the Human had taken from him. He vowed a blood oath to get his vengeance.

Perhaps soon he would collect.

"Do you have visual?" T'omas spoke quietly into his disguised communicator. He was speaking to his partner, who was somewhere in the vicinity.

"Yes Dear, don't worry," the doddering old man said into his old fashioned flip communicator clipped to his hawaiian shirt. He had earpiece in so as not to disturb the other beach goers, "The kids are fine, though that granddaughter of ours is going to have one heck of a sunburn if she doesn't watch herself." Looking at Dix's creamy skin, Không ai's heart skipped a beat thinking of how lovely it was going to bruise, "And I don't know about her gentleman caller, we'll have to give him a good talking to first." This 'Micheal' would be a problem, Không ai thought, though maybe flailing his skin off of him in front of the girl could help in getting the information they needed from her.

T'omas grimaced a little, though, he hid it well. "You can have your fun with her all you want, after we get the information. But remember, he is mine!" T'omas had planned on how to kill Micheal for a very long time. He would not be robbed of his satisfaction.

"Yes Dear I know," the old man assured him, "All things in there own time, but remember just because it's work there's no reason not to enjoy it." And Không ai planned to enjoy every minute of questioning that redhead, "And I know better than to steal any cookies from YOUR cookie jar." As he said this he caught the couples pointy eared friend stare at him again. "They make a very cute couple, don't they?" Không ai with saccharine smile

"I guess they do." came the reply. Though the guy with the mohawk tried to look noncommittal Không ai till didn't like him.

But the lookout had job to do so he just nodded and went back to his binoculars. Then looking at the happy couple as they walked back to their towel swaying hand in hand, "How's the water?" he asked them.

They looked so happy, loving, Không ai thought smiling at them thinking of their screams and the pain she'd experience with them, knowing that she'd bath in their love when she finally allowed them to die.

:::To Be Continued...::

T'omas el-Altaa
Bounty Hunter
NPC Robertson

Không ai
Bounty Hunter
NPC Kane


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