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Lights... Camera...Lack Of Action Part 2

Posted on Fri May 18th, 2018 @ 1:43pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Dixoho Saa (*) & Dodian Carli & Jasper Offermans & Executive Officer Valiyi Uhin & Johnathen Anderson Jr

Mission: Mission 7 - Sabotage
Location: Deck 1 - Bridge
Timeline: MD 01 0600
1817 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The Officer in charge looked at the information that was coming from Engineering and it wasn't good at all. It was going to be a bumpy ride if they didn't stop before the warp core stopped them.

Jonathan was currently in charge of the Helm, what with Dixoho Saa still recovering. Suddenly, the ship shuddered violently and then, Deacon's voice could be heard over the intership comm channel. "I'm attempting to reverse power," the young pilot suddenly said aloud, anticipating the man's orders to do so.

"Better off taking us out of warp before...." The man started but the ship lurched hard sending him flying from the center seat forward in a tumble. "Before that happens..." Neisath said, leaning over to help the communication Officer that was sent flying as well.

As the Bridge crew were recovering, the doors swished open to reveal Valiyi Uhin, buttoning up her uniform jacket before stepping onto the bridge itself. She took a quick moment to survey the situation, making certain she was aware of the crew on deck before she spoke. "Status report, what do we need and how soon do we need it?"

Hearing the voice of the ship's executive officer, Johnathen sounded off from the Helm, while keeping his focus on his controls. "Helm not responding, Ma'am! Am attempting to reverse power, but power levels won't reduce! It's taking everything I've got just to keep her flying straight!"

"Well keep up the good work," Valiyi commented. She raised her hand to tap a badge, frowning when she realized there was not one there. Her Starfleet training had not prepared her for emergency situations quite like this. Turning to where she had positioned an Engineering station on her former ship, she spoke. "Keep status updates with Main Engineering going."

Gregnol wasn't far behind tugging his tee over his head as he came onto the Bridge. "What is going on?" The man demanded leaning over Johnathen to look at the helm. He was starting to not like these early morning wakeups from the ship lurching. He frowned as the emergency lights came on leaving the bridge in a red hue.

Almost on cue Deacon's garbled voice came over the comm, "Bridge, Engineering cutting warp drive! Now! Now! Now!" the engineer yelled over the Klaxon, "Anderson, you better be driving this boat!"

Just as Johnathen was about to reply to the Captain, the ship dropped out of warp. The change in velocity was so abrupt, the ship's inertial dampners struggled to equalize. Thus, everyone on the bridge was thrown forward, those standing, were thrown to the deck, while those sitting were tossed from their seats and tumble forward.

As Johnathen and Reuben had the large helm console directly in front of them, both men were thrown against and over it, falling onto the deck directly forward of the console.

Johanthen groaned softly in pain, he had struck his head on the deck plating when he was tossed over his console.

Valiyi also lurched forward, stumbling to the ground from her standing position. It took her a moment to reel from the fall, managing to sit upright and check for any bruises and bumps. With the Captain on deck, she focused on the nearest member of the bridge crew, crawling herself over to make sure the young woman was alright.

Reuben groaned as he pulled himself up to his feet looking a little bloodied from the cut that was now on his temple and bruised. "You Okay?" He demanded reaching down to pulled Johnathen to his feet looking at Valiyi as she crawled to the Engineering Officer who hadn't moved. "She okay?"

"She'll be alright," Valiyi determined, waving away concern for herself with a hand. She was fine, jostled, but fine. "But she'll need medical attention."

Johnathen got to his feet, dazed by the hit to his head. His nose was busted and bleeding freely. Carefully, he moved back to his station and sat down.

"I don't think you can do that," Gregnol said moving the man from the seat as Dixoho came onto the Bridge.

"Shift." She said sharply seeing the blood and the look in his eyes. She needed to find out what was going on.

Johnathen realized that they both were correct. Reaching up, he began to pinch the bridge of his nose with his right index finger and thumb, as he allowed the Captain to guide him out of the way.

With everyone gaining their bearings, Valiyi made her way over to the comm on the wall. After a violent tap of the button, she cleared her throat. "Apologies, Doctor Sommers, we had a bit of trouble on the bridge. Not quite certain what is happening, but a doctor would be appreciated, as there are a few of the crew seem to have suffered bumps and bruises on the fall." The voice confirmed they would be there momentarily.

Dodian had a small cut on her forehead, courtesy of the console that delightfully met with her without a first date. She had made her way back on to the bridge from her previous location just in time to sit down to then be knocked senseless by the immediate drop from warp. As she went to raise her right arm she winced in pain, dislocated. She shook her head then began to mentally count before popping it back in with a little yelp and closing of her eyes to help compartmentalise her pain, as she had always done. Opening them she saw a slight flicker of what looked like foreign code flash across her console but she shook it off as the knock of on the head effect.

Jasper had managed to make through a series of Jefferies tubes seeing power was out to the door of the bridge. He was still wearing his soiled workout clothes but under the circumstances, he thought they might appreciate his presence no matter how dishevelled he was. it was not only the wearing of the food by this point that made him look so horrid but many of the tunnels were in need of serious cleaning but his hair had taken on the mad scientist appearance thanks to a build-up of static electricity across one of the ladders between levels. In the dim flashing light, Jasper used his tricorder to try and activate the mechanisms latches so the sliding door would let him in. With the release of pressure restraining the door he tried opening the doorway.

"Everyone alright in there," Jasper said a bit louder than normal as he strained against what resistance the door still offered.

Reuben was trying to help Johnathen when he saw the other man from the Transporter appear on the Bridge. "Offerman take the Operations console and find out what power is availab..." He stopped as Dixoho stood up.

"HELMS locked out." Dixoho called over her shoulder as the Console flashed and the ship just stopped even it's slow moving through the stars.

Barely dressed, barefoot and the medkit slung across his shoulder, Lhaes came running onto the bridge from one of the access hatches. He'd been forced to resort to what on more modern vessels were called Jeffries tubes when the turbolift car failed to show up. "Where's the patient?" he asked, eyes automatically traveling towards the viewscreen.

"Over here." Valiyi called, pointing toward the young engineer. "I'm certainly not a doctor, but the poor girl took a hit on the head and her arm's bleeding. We may have others as well, but I believe everyone else has sustained bruises and bumps."

"I have no doubt everyone has," Lhaes answered, rubbing his own head. "Someone will need to look me over too...I bashed my head when we suddenly stopped."

Valiyi stood from her position and took a step back, eyes wandering to the helm. "... Reuben, would it be possible an old Starfleet failsafe snuck through? I was always told on the Nimoy to watch out for when Engineering has an issue, that it could start up an old lockout procedure until the right person came up to assess."

The man looked at the woman who barely spoke to him and shook his head. "Don't think so there wasn't much Starfleet left in the system just..." He let the words fade as he meant the crew they had saved from the transporter loop. "Have a look into it with Offerman just to be sure." He said leaning over the HELM console trying to put in his code but even that didn't work.

"Absolutely." Valiyi nodded to Jasper, folding her arms across her chest. "I think your expertise is above mine, but I did used to command a ship that was an updated version of the Ishimura. Perhaps between the two of us, we can find something."

With hurried steps, Jasper headed over to the helms console, "shut down the COM loop relay and reboot the console's interface." He acted as if everyone should know exactly what he was talking about as he slid onto his knees on the backside of the table like housing for the help COM station and began removing a panel, "we've got three minutes to enter the commands before it begins shutting down procedure to main engineering."

"What are you doing?" Dixoho demanded looking at the man as the console went black in front of her losing all data. "It is locked out already rebooting it won't help surely." She demanded standing up before the man fried something.

"if you think I'm wasting my time," Jasper said as he stood back up, "she's all your."

"That procedure doesn't exist anymore. These consoles have been updated since 2246." Dixoho said with a shake of her head.

As others carried on, Lhaes knelt down beside the injured girl and ripped her sleeve off her arm. "This may sting," he said as he dabbed at the injury with the gained fabric. "Can you tell me your name ma'am?" It was a simple memory check, one he waited for as he opened up his kit and pulled out a dermal regenerator.

"Damage control teams report to starboard pylon. Major plasma leak indicated." Reuben heard the comms announce but where he stood looking at the view screen he started to wonder what was going on as if there was a plasma leak they would be able to see it. He was starting to think there was more to a state of emergency that meets the eye.


Jasper Offerman
SS Mary Rose

Dixoho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Lhaes Sommers
Senior Medic
SS Mary Rose

Valiyi Uhin
First Mate
SS Mary Rose

Johnathen Anderson Jr
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Robertson)

Dodian Carli
Science Chief
SS Mary Rose


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