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Dixoho wakes up

Posted on Wed May 16th, 2018 @ 11:55am by Dixoho Saa (*) & Leiddem Kea (*) & Caden Isaacks

Mission: Mission 7 - Sabotage
Location: Deck 7 - Sickbay Complex
Timeline: MD -14:00
1158 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Leiddem looked down at the woman lying no longer in ICU in a pressurised canister which they were very lucky was still one of the things that the Collector for some reason had kept. Maybe it was too big or maybe like some other items he had kept it onboard as some homage to other times. “Are we sure we want to wake her up?” Leiddem wondered looking at the men stood around patiently watching the woman who now looked so much better than she had six days before.

Micheal was in a wheelchair, sitting off to the side, his eyes locked on the unconscious form of the woman he had started to become very fond of. Of course, that was before they had been abducted and tortured. Now, after the fact, his feelings for the beautiful pilot were hard to describe. To say that they were intense feelings would be putting it mildly. He was quickly beginning to feel that, instead of just caring for her, he was beginning to love her. "Will it harm her wake her?" He asked Leiddem, his eyes and voice still full of the pain of their ordeal.

Leiddem shrugged, he truly didn't know, he could tell she was dreaming currently and it was some pretty dark stuff but he couldn't blame her psyche trying to explore and understand everything that had happened to her.

"I don't know... she's got some pretty impressive mental shields that I can't see anything really through at the moment. Physically that is down to the Doctors here to help with." He said looking at everyone around him.

Caden gave a curt nod to the pair, voice reassuring. "We wouldn't have suggested it if she wasn't ready. There should be no harm coming to her for waking."

"If needed I can reach her," Lhaes offered, though it was a hesitant offer since he knew what the cost to himself would be if he tried, "but only in case of emergency." He loaded up the hypospray he held and checked the setting, before pressing it against the woman's throat. "You can come closer Michael, you can touch her if you want. It may actually help her find her way to consciousness, the touch of a familiar."

Micheal wheeled himself over to Dixoho's left side. Reaching out, he gently took hold of her left hand, as best as he could, wirh his bandaged left hand. His eyes were full of concern for her as they watched for any sign of her waking up.

It took a few long moments but the woman slowly started to stir on the table and her eyes blinked open looking up at the people gathered. There was a moment of panic on her face as she tried to move of the biobed before Kea caught her up. "You are fine."

"Easy, Di," Micheal echoed Kea. "You're safe. We were rescued by the Captain and our shipmates. We're safe in sickbay, on the Rosie."

The woman's eyes clouded over for a second as she looked like she was trying to remember something important. Slowly she relaxed in the biobed not needing to be sedated again. "I don't remember."

"You are on the SS Mary Rose," Lhaes clarified, relieved that she chose to relax, "you are in sickbay and you're safe here. Nothing will happen that you don't want to happen and we treat only what you want us to treat now that you're awake and out of danger." He leaned a little closer to her so that she could more easily see him. "I'm Doctor Lhaes Sommers."

Dixoho looked at the man like he had lost his mind. "I know that Sommers." She said with a shake of her head. "I don't remember being saved." She explained a little more making Leiddem chocked back a snort of laughter.

Micheal chuckled softly as well, as he continued to hold Dixoho's hand. "Thought I'd lost you," he said quietly, a look of relief on his face.

The Romulan flashed her a grin. "Well excuse me ma'am," he mock-apologized, "I'm a touch-telepath, not a telepath...and I wasn't sure what you did and didn't remember. How do you feel now?"

The woman squeezed the mans hand back as she glanced at the Doctor again. "I ache I guess that is to be expected." She didn't feel like she was hurting much but she didn't exactly feel a 100% either. "When can I leave?"

"After a brain scan," Caden commented, holding up a small tricorder. "I've borrowed this from our good neurosurgeon friend, who has it calibrated specifically to catch any abnormalities. Shouldn't take long, and then I think so long as Doctor Sommers is in agreement, and we don't find anything, you're free to go."

Dixoho stayed quiet as she thought through everything, it was a jumble of a mess. "We have a neurosurgeon friend?" She finally asked lying back down to be perfectly still to allow them to do what they must so she could get back out again.

"Doctor Sommers is in agreement when Miss Saa promises she rests as much as possible and as has little excitement as possible for the next few days," Lhaes spoke up.

Micheal sat quietly, still holding Dixoho's hand in his bandaged one, as Caden began to scan her head for any internal damage. He gave her a gentle, supportive, squeeze.

Dixoho said nothing as she laid there staring at the ceiling waiting for the scan to be finished. She would listen to there advice but there was so much that needed to be said and done to get back to action. "Is it done?" She said impatiently to be anywhere but there surrounded by the men watching her.

The tricorder gave a small chime as she asked, and Caden gave a solemn nod of his head. "You're all clear. I've got nothing more on my end."

"Good. I can't leave to rest in my own quarters?" Dixoho said rubbing her head slowly sitting up. That all clear meant she could get out of there and get to her own quarters, shower and change out of the gown she had been put into. She wanted that much urgently, who knew how long she had been wearing the gown.

"You may rest in your own quarters on the promise that you will rest," Lhaes pressed, giving her an earnest look that left no room for argument. "Preferably, you will sleep for another few hours first."

Releasing Dixoho's hand so she could get up, Micheal rolled the wheelchair back a few paces, as he replied to Llhaes. "Don't worry, Doc, I'll make sure she rests."


Dixoho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Lhaes Sommers
Senior Medic
SS Mary Rose

Micheal Robertson
Chief Armory Officer/Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose/Shuttle Alexandria

Caden Issacks
Field Medic
SS Mary Rose


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