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Unwanted information

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 8:05pm by Dixoho Saa (*)
Edited on on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 8:07pm

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: Deck 3 - Ward room
Timeline: MD 26 15:00
2561 words - 5.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Dixoho sat dreamily in the small and cosy Ward Room by the window watching the Station connected to them. They would only be there for a few more days but it was a nice feeling to be able to watch the world go by with a glass of golden liquid. She didn't even glance up as the door whooshed open.

Talon walked in and immediately recognized the hair. He didn't understand why Dixoho would be sitting there all alone; there were more being added to the crew weekly. The girl should be busy socializing with someone if not working on something.

"Well if it isn't my favorite redhead!" Talon exclaimed as he walked up to her. "Drinking alone? Not good! Care if I join you?"

He didn't wait for her to approve. Talon got himself a glass and a bottle and sat across the table from her. Dixoho shrugged, she was just enjoying watching the station.

"Just watching the station and its occupation." She admitted with a grin. "I have seen a lot of things."

A lot of things could be good or it could be bad. Talon poured himself some scotch and took a quick gulp. It seemed to Talon that there were observers and doers in life. The observers tended to be more intelligent, the thinkers, more proactive. The doers tended to be reactionary, quickly and impulsively taking action with instinct.

"You must learn a lot," Talon recognized. He realized that Dixoho probably picked up and analyzes everything she saw. "Tell me what you have learned."

"Well I've got some new moves, learnt how to reassembled a phaser." She grinned looking out the window again. "Lots of things. How is your life?"

"Mine?" he asked. "Going well at the moment. How about yours, Dixie?" The woman made a noise of agreement her life was going well at the moment, she had nothing to complain about apart from Rueben and everyone else ignoring her advances. She turned back to the look at Talon before smiling, looking away again.

It was taking Talon a while to get used to Dixie's style of communication. He wasn't yet sure how to take the noise she had made. Was it good? Bad? Or indifferent? Talon decided to press her knowledge of the rest of the crew. Her obvious skills of observation should have revealed much to her.

"So, Dixie," Talon tried. "What have you observed about our crew? Do you believe we have a good team?" Dixogo raised an eye brow and curled up a little more in her chair pulling the big cardigan around her slim form more. It gave her a look of actually looking as young as she was.

"They aren't to bad, they will survive out there." She said simply turning her eyes back tot the station. "Oh look its round two." She pointed to a window and grinned at a couple kissing in the room unaware that they were being observed.

Talon followed her gaze, seeing the couple. Inside, he quietly wished that the couple were he and a certain female crew member. He smiled at the thought and turned back to Dixoho.

"What do you see as the strengths of each?" he asked. The woman looked at him intently ignoring the scene that was playing out on the station.

"Who would you like me to start with?" She wondered giving him her undivided attention. It was nice having her not seemingly distracted by something. But that's the way it was, Talon found. Encourage people in their strengths.

"Let's say we start at the very top," Talon requested.

“Rueben...” She smiled a little. “I think he is the only man who I’ve ever tried to charm and has resisted. I seriously tried there and nothing I did worked, I even contemplated turning up naked but nope nothing. No stirring.” The path finder said with a sigh before continuing. “He is a dark soul but I think he is the most solid trust worthy man in the universe at the moment. Next?”

Talon believed Dixoho was spot on with her synopsis of the boss man. He was tickled at Dixie admitting her attraction to the man. Somehow, he never envisioned the redhead that forward. When she mentioned the thought of stripping for the man, Talon had to suppress the image she had placed within his mind.

Talon's interest was in another, but he was a man. If he were not the loyal sort, he may have left the image linger. Dixoho was attractive in her own right, but he had committed to grow a relationship with Tabitha.

"Next?" Talon rolled in over in his mind. "Our ship's security...Rokas, Kea, and Allison."

"I've only met Kea." She grinned, she loved how the name sounded on her tongue. It meant so much more but the word rolled around. "Who are the other two, describe them?" Dixoho had a habit of forgetting people and focusing on locations.

"Rokas?" Talon thought they had been aboard longer than he. "About my height, long hair, rather intimidating figure. Allison is the blond mercenary."

"Ah... Not really met either of them. I saw them at the party but nothing more. They keep to themselves really." She said with a shrug. She couldn't give opinions on people she didn't know or much care about. They had deemed her irrelevant to talk to as of yet so she wasn't going to chase him.

Talon took a swig of his drink. He would just have to get to know the other two through their interactions. If anyone on the ship would know them, it would be Dixoho. Talon next turned his attention toward the flyers. Pilot's generally had a sense of pride about them, even to the point of being risk takers.

"How about those who will fly this lovely lady?" Talon asked, referring to the pilots of the Mary Rose.

"They are both okay. Alika seems nice but i don't really know her very well. You know more about me than anyone else on this ship. You know i am a boomer child, i have difficulties sometimes with my breathing." She murmured curling up a little more as she watched him intently.

"Even then," Talon admitted, "that's not much."

If he wanted to earn the trust of Dixoho, it had to start here. He had noticed that Dixoho mostly kept to herself. Emotionally, she seemed to rely on herself. She didn't make many connections with others. The one time she tried, she was either ignored or rejected. Talon moved on to the next person.

"Tell me more about one Dixoho Saa," he requested. "I know what you've told me. But I'd like to know more."

"You do not want to know more about me Talon, i am not that interesting." She assured him quickly. She wasn't interesting to say the least, she didn't want to reveal her self. "Tell me more about you?" She demanded downing her drink.

"Of course I do, Dixie Dear!" Talon assured. "Otherwise, I wouldn't be here, enjoying this fine drink."

He took another sip of the liquid, assuming that Dixie was keeping her strong, silent front at the forefront. He would find a weakness in her defensive wall. That's what friends did to cause the wall to crumble. Then, the trust relationship could really begin.

"Alright," he agreed to turn the light from her to himself. "First, tell me what you know of me from your observation."

"You are kind and thoughtful." She murmured slamming her glass down. "Another?" She wondered swaying just a little.

"No, I'm fine, Dixie," Talon replied, noticing the effects of the alcohol were beginning to show too much. "You shouldn't have anymore either, judging by your sway." It was the friend in him speaking more than the doctor.

"Kindness and thoughtfulness," Talon chuckled. "It comes with the profession. It comes from my grandfather." Talon's eyes were looking toward the distant past, which seemed like just yesterday. "My grandfather doctored the mining camps during the occupation. I didn't see my parents too much; they were Maquis and were killed in battle. My sister? She was taken by the Cardassians at the young age of thirteen. She was most likely made some Gul's comfort woman." He paused and sighed, remembering the dream he had a few nights ago. "I don't even know if she's alive."

He looked at her. Obviously, Dixoho was alone in the universe as well. They all were. No one came to serve on a ship of this caliber if they were connected to anyone. Why would they?

"So," Talon said with a sense of bitterness, "now you know why I'm on the side of the underdog. Maybe I will have another." Talon lifted his glass for Dixoho to fill. "Maybe you should to."

Dixoho stayed perfectly still taking him in as he told her about his past. "Have you ever told someone else that?" She finally asked as if she had woken suddenly from a dream. She lent out and gently touched his hand in a gesture that seemed out of place to the woman.

Another person's touch had a calming effect upon Talon, bringing him back to his baseline. It actually was the first he had opened up to anyone about his personal past. He had shared his opinion concerning the Federation and its Prime Directive. That could have been for anything. But personal stuff, he had kept inside.

"No Dixie," Talon sighed, "you're the only person I've told. It's why I hate the Federation." Dixoho put her glass down and sided up to him on his side of the table. Slowly she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him to her. She wasn't surprised that she was hugging him, this ships crew was starting to feel like they were huggers.

Her arms around him felt nice in a comforting way. If he were like some he'd have taken the hug as more than a hug and try to give it a meaning other than comfort. He remembered Tabitha and the relationship he wanted with her. Here and now, with Dixoho sitting across from him was tempting enough, but with her touch the temptation was at a higher level.

He could have kissed her, but that would have confused things for both of them. She had already spoken of her attraction to Reuben. If the feeling were mutual, he'd be off on the wrong foot with the Boss man. Reuben might have said he wasn't interested in anyone, but sometimes people deny their true feelings. Talon was attracted to Tabitha. If he gave in to her touch, he'd totally miss out with Tabitha.

Talon poured them both a drink. He was beginning to rely on Dixoho's friendship. He couldn't really remember having many he could count on as friends. Moving from settlement to settlement, refugee camp to refugee camp, mining community to mining community, it never seemed logical to him.

Talon looked into Dixoho's brown eyes, softly saying, "Thank you, Dixie. I needed that." He lifted his glass to her and offered a toast. "To a beautiful friendship."

Dixoho nodded, the hug over far to quickly. She had enjoyed being held if only for a few moments. She grabbed up the glass and raised it to him letting the silence reign for a few moments as she sat there watching him.

"What are you thinking?" She asked softly moving back to her side of the small table. She could see something in his eyes but for the life of her she couldn't place it.

Talon knew the truth would cause problems for both of them. If she knew he had been tempted from her touch, he would have hurt someone of whom he was becoming fond. Actually two, one a love interest, the other fast becoming a friend.

"Oh," he lied, "I was thinking how nice it is to finally have a friend. Someone who cares." Dixoho nodded, she could hear the lie in his words.

"Of course I care. You're the first guy who has showed me any affection." She looked at him intently. "Want to continue with my observation?" She offered trying to lighten the mood. It had suddenly become electric in the room.

He was the first? That couldn't be a fact. She was an intelligent, attractive lady. Quickly, he turned his attention back to her words.

"Sure!" he agreed. "Tell me what you think of Tabs." Dixoho looked at him and shook her her head. She didn't want to say anything about the woman who was most likely sleeping with her friend.

"You don't want my opinion." She told him softly.

Talon was confused by Dixoho's response. He wasn't ready for it at all. Why wouldn't he want her opinion? She was becoming his friend. Friends confided in friends. Or so he thought. Certainly, Dixoho saw them at the party. The way they flirted with each other. If she knew of any negative side to Tabitha, why didn't she head him off.

Of course, he couldn't imagine anything negative to do with Tabitha. She was attractive, intelligent, desirable, and she was fun. What more could there be?

"What do you mean?" he asked Dixoho. "Why wouldn't I want your opinion?"

Dixoho sighed softly, sweeping her hair out of her hair. She thought for a second that perhaps she should cut it but the thought went away as she saw Joss' expression.

"Because I don't want to see you hurt." She muttered. "She's got a bad attitude Tal and the fact she is out here looking for her husband doesn't endear her to anyone." She stood up grabbing her glass downing the liquid.

The confusion deepened, his face failing to hide any of it. Was Dixoho making this up for her own benefit? If it was true, how did she know? Talon thought of Dixoho as a friend. Friends wouldn't lie about something like that. For not wanting to see him hurt, she sure had a strange way of showing it. Talon's head was spinning; he needed answers.

As Dixoho put her glass back down, Talon reached and took her wrist. "What do you mean, 'she's looking for her husband?'" Do you mean she's looking for one or she has one? And, how do you know?" Dixoho stiffened as he gripped her wrist was captured. She looked down, it wasn't a hard grip but one that she knew she couldn't mess with.

"Her husband was taken. I over heard her telling Rueben. She was being rude even then." She pulled her wrist from his grip.

Talon's eyes narrowed as he stood. It couldn't be! He picked up his glass, drank it down, then threw and smashed it against the far wall. Picking up the bottle with what was left, he carried it out of the place without saying another word. He had to be alone; he had to think. It couldn't be!

Dixoho let out a cry as the glass smashed against the wall and winced as she saw his narrow eyes.

"Tal..." She whispered as he walked away but he didn't stop and she didn't chase after him. What was she going to do?


Talon Joss
Field Medic
SS Mary Rose

Dixoho Saa
Astrometrics Officer
SS Mary Rose


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