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Doctor... Doctor Who?

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 8:05pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Dixoho Saa (*)
Edited on on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 8:07pm

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: SS Mary Rose: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 28 10:40
1865 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Talon exited the lift whistling. He hadn't been this happy in years. Despite a short setback, things were progressing nicely between he and Tabs.

As he whistled down the corridor his mind was on why Reuben wanted to meet him personally. Was his shoulder flaring up? Was there a problem? It must have been something bad, because Reuben didn't wish to speak in front of Tabitha. He understood that there were certain things you didn't share with the crew. They all didn't need to know the extent of his pain. But this wasn't necessarily StarFleet protocol. It was for crew cohesiveness. If some knew certain things, while others didn't, jealousies would bring down the crew from the inside.

So, it most certainly had to do with his area of expertise. Most certainly, it had to do with his injury. If not, why not discuss it with Doctor Moseby? Come to think of it, where was this doctor? As long as he's been aboard, Joss hadn't met the man yet.

Talon entered Sick Bay, walking into his office. Quickly, he cleaned up the empty bottles, tossing them into the reclamation bin. He was refreshed, revived after a shower with Tabs, and ready for the rest of the day.

Rueben strode in just as the bottles disappeared and looked the other man over quickly. He was glad to see him looking more awake even if the hang over lingered in his eyes and posture. Talon rubbed the earring hanging on his right ear and grinned. He sat upon his work space, motioning for Reuben to take the seat. Hopefully, they'd procure some furnishings for the ship. Talon didn't like the possibility of conferring with patients in his office with no chairs to offer them.

"I'm sorry about this morning, Boss," Joss offered. "I was a little rough around the edges."

"Picking your women unwisely I see but it wasn't there about that." He murmured spinning to sit in the chair. "Jefferson is gone!" He added as if he was saying something that wouldn't change the other mans view.

Talon didn't understand everyone's opinion of Tabs. He understood that she and Reuben had a rough first meeting. Maybe there was something to be said about first impressions. What Talon had seen that day was a certain sauceyness that drew him to her. Then, her fun and flirty attitude at the party sealed it for Joss. In the times they've been together, he's seen a sweet young lady with determination as her motivation. Whatever views Reuben held was just that, his opinion. Not everyone liked everyone. Talon understood that. But so far, Talon hadn't met anyone he didn't like.

The fact that the doctor was gone didn't surprise Talon. Maybe he was arrested with the former Captain. That didn't matter to Joss. All he was concerned with was where that left him. Kea was more a soldier than a doctor. Hence the Field Medic duties. So, was Reuben saying what Talon thought he was saying?

"And that means?" Joss posed.

"Means... All..." He spun in the old fashioned chair as he spoke. "Of... This... Is yours ... " he punctuated each word with a spin. It had been an easy choice between him and Kea.

Well! That was good news. Up until now, Talon was worried about stepping on another's toes. It wasn't the way he liked to operate. He was the free spirited person. The medical equipment was easy; no good doctor would turn down that opportunity. As far as setting stuff up, he wasn't sure what the other guy might want. Now he needn't worry.

"That's good news," Talon said with a smile. "I've won the lottery." He laughed at his joke.

Turning serious, he began to be Reuben's doctor again. "So, how's the shoulder coming? I've got the equipment to repair it now, thanks to Erim."

"But it's not a long supply... my shoulder works. We might need that for something serious." He murmured sadly. He didn't want to use a valuable resource on something that worked.

Talon didn't expect that answer. He realized Reuben was a man of principle, but came across as having to much of it to captain this type of ship. Usually, the men of these types of ships looked out for themselves, not caring about what may happen in the future. It was admirable, to say the least. It just didn't fit.

"How's the medicine holding up?" the doctor probed.

"Its good." He said quickly. He knew he had too many morals it was what had kept him in Intelligents clutches for so long.

Talon knew he was out of place asking the next question, especially after last night. He had to. Otherwise, he wasn't a good doctor. "And, the drinking?"

"We shall keep the drinking to ourselves." Rueben said gently as the door opened revealing Dixoho.

"Of course Boss," Talon agreed, "but as your doctor and friend, I'd be remiss if I didn't check from time-to-time."

Seeing Dixoho at the door, Talon greeted her with a warm smile. "Well, hello there, Dixie."

He had one more thing to say to Reuben. Joss was grateful for the opportunity to be in charge of all things medical. He was finding himself solidifying as part of this crew, forming several connections. With everything within him, Talon would try his best to serve this crew and establish lasting relationships.

"Thank you for the good news, Boss," he called out to Reuben as he left. He then gave his full attention to Dixoho.

"Doesn't matter you are obviously busy." Dixoho murmured and quickly turned on her heels heading out. Rueben raised an eyebrow at Saa.

By the Prophets this woman is complex! Talon remembered the last time the two were together. It ended abruptly with him storming out. He wasn't angry with her. Joss was just overwhelmed with the information Dixoho had passed on to him. The information that sent him in the downward spiral the past few days.

"Dixie," Joss called to her, "Reuben was just finishing up here." Dixoho didn't stop the door slammed as the red haired beauty left.

"Care to explain?" Rueben asked spinning in the chair.

"Our last conversation didn't go well," Talon confessed. "She told me how she had overheard Tabs telling you she was looking for her husband. I got frustrated and stormed out with a bottle. I haven't been too sober since. However, Tabs and I spoke last night. What she's looking for is closure."

Rueben sighed softly. Things like this would happened that was for sure.

"She was there and she did hear. Its the truth. I've allowed her onboard despite my reservations about her attitude and past..." He sighed throwing his hands. "What for I actually care... Just don't upset our guide okay. I need her to show us the way... Screw who you want Doctor." The Doctor for sure went for the crazy ones.

"Actually," Talon said with a grin, "Dixie confessed to me that she has a thing for you."

Maybe it was what Reuben needed - a relationship. Dixoho, for sure, needed one. Talon wondered just how Reuben resisted Dixoho's features. Joss had a difficult time. If it hadn't been for Tabs, he might have caved. As far as Talon knew, Reuben wasn't attached.

"We've discussed this before." He grinned, Saa was a beautiful woman, strong and capable despite her silence and venerable nature. He remembered the night she wad waiting for him a bottle of alcohol and not much else. "Saa isn't my type and plus I have a girl." He said pulling out a rumbled photo torn and faded from his pocket and passed it. It was of him and a younger woman who was wrapped around him.

Talon looked at the picture, noticing how worn it was. Reuben did look happy with the girl wrapped about him. But, where was she? This picture was old. Why no new pictures? Is she hidden away in Reuben's quarters? That couldn't be true. Not the way Reuben had been mixing alcohol with his meds. Talon only needed last night and this morning to realize that if he wanted Tabs, he'd have to not drink to drunkeness again. That was foolish; he should have just sought her out as soon as he found out about her husband.

"This is news to me and everyone else in the crew," Talon admitted. "How can you be in a relationship with someone we've never seen. This is old, which means it's an old relationship. What makes you think she's waiting for you? Maybe it's time to move on," Talon suggested with his brow raised. Rueben stopped spinning and looked at the Bajoran and sighed. He was right Jeassaho had every right to move on but he couldn't he knew the truth.

"You are completely right of course but I know what she means to me. Have you never had your heart stolen? He wondered softly. His heart had been stolen in 2385 and he never wanted it back from the Betazoid who had it.

Joss looked to the deck, realizing he had never committed in a relationship. Simply because he was constantly moving on to another place. It wasn't right to move a lady from their home to a place, which may be worse with deteriorating conditions.

Talon arched his brow. "No, I can't say that I have," Talon answered. "It may be soon, I don't know. I do know I'm falling for her."

"Talon..." He sighed as he realised he would need to tell people his story to let them understand. "Im going to tell you a story..." He told the man and started to tell him about his kidnapping to rescue Barton from the Cartels all the way through to what he had done on Vulcan in the name of seeing Jeassaho.

Joss attentively listened to his boss. His caring attitude heard the pain in his voice. The only thing that could help him was to bring the lady here or move on to another. The first would make him happy. The second, Reuben would always be wondering about Jeassaho. There was a third option, one that Talon wouldn't support. It involved Reuben going back to Starfleet.

"The way I see it, you should bring her here," he suggested to Reuben. "Then you will have your answer."

"I know..." He said running a hand through his hair. He wanted to do that more than anything but how could he when she had seemed happy.

This crew seemed to be coming together. It was Reuben's leadership that was doing it. He gave everyone the latitude to do what they could to do their part as a team, but allowed them the freedom to use their free time for themselves. The busiest group at the moment was those working on the engines, getting them up to par. When it came down to it, this crew would pull together to help their leader.

Joss consoled Reuben, saying, "We'll figure it out, Boss."


Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Talon Joss
SS Mary Rose

Dixoho Saa
Astrometrics Officer
SS Mary Rose


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