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Code Cracking

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 11:28pm by

Mission: Mission 7 - Sabotage
Location: Armory Chief's Office
Timeline: MD2, 0900 hours
737 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Following his confidential conversation with the first mate, Lhaes was now heading down to the armoury to find the chief. His data, encrypted and all, safely secured on his PADD, he carried it as though it was the most precious item he currently possessed.

"Chief?" he called out as soon as he entered, "are you available? I need a second set of eyes to help me with something."

Micheal looked u from his desk when he heard the doctor calling out to him. "In here, Doc," he called out through the open door to his office.

The Romulan smiled as he walked into the office. "Good morning chief, i was wondering if you could help me with something.." he offered the PADD to the man, before sitting himself down. "I came across this code as having accessed personnel medical files. Though's more of an algorhitm but that's as far as I get...cryptology has never been my area of expertise I'm afraid." He smiled pleasantly as he watched the man closely. "And I've been advised by the XO to seek you out as possibly, it may be yours?"

Micheal took the offered PADD and gestured for the CMO to have a seat. He immediately began typing commands into the PADD, his brows knitting tighter together as he worked.

After a few quiet moments, he finally frowned and sighed. "When I get my hands on whomever is screwing with us, they will quickly learn to regret the day they decided ti target us." He looked over at the Romulan and continued. "Have you noticed anything else, out of place, in or around Sickbay?"

"In or around sickbay no... but I'll have a trawl trough the computer and see if any specific files were accessed..." He tapped at the PADD, "unless this algorhitm will tell us which they were after, but that we won't know until we crack the code."

Micheal nodded as he listened at the same time he was trying to crack the code. Give me a couple hours, if I cant crack this by then, then I don't know what to do. Perhaps the Captain will have an idea, if we get stymied."

The Romulan arched a single eyebrow at the man, after agreeing to giving him the suggested time for decoding. "Stymied?" he asked curiously, "what does that mean?"

Micheal grinned as he looked up from the PADD. "It's Human slang for... stuck, confused, or at a loss to explain or understand."

"Ah.. I don't now if the captain will have thoughts. The XO sent me to you and with my knowledge and yours I was hoping we could work on this together, at least to some degree. After all it does pertain confidential patient records I found this piece of coding in."

Frowning slightly, Micheal looked back at the PADD. Suddenly, he had an idea. Pulling up his right sleeve, he grabbed a small knob that was on the face of his comm unit. Pulling, he extracted about six inches of thin cable. After attaching the knob to the interface port on the PADD, he pressed a control on his comm unit. "Rebecca, are you online?"

Yes, Micheal, the soft, feminine voice could be heard. How can I be of assistance?

"I need you to see if you can crack the encryption on this PADD? We have all the signs of someone gaining unauthorized access to the medical and personal files of the crew. However, aside from an unusual code sequence, we don't know who the intruder is."

Accessing, please hold. The AI's voice could be heard. Then the PADD seemed to begin operating by itself.

Eyes briefly fixed on the PADD, he then looked up at the man controlling the AI. "Interesting additional feature you have there," he commented dryly. He had very little experience with AIs, as his area of expertise was infiltration, not encryption or computer analysis.

The Texan shrugged. "Rebecca and I have worked together for a long time. I've come to rely upon her skills and abilities."

"If you trust them, I'll trust them too," lhaes said, "you'll let me know if she finds anything?"

"Of course," Micheal nodded as he continued to look over the information.


Micheal Robertson
Chief Armory Officer/Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose/Shuttle Alexandria

Lhaes Sommers
Senior Medic
SS Mary Rose


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