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Taking for granted

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 11:55pm by Dixoho Saa (*)
Edited on on Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 11:55pm

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: Science Section
Timeline: MD 27 :: 14:56
1043 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Lysina Chawat had been on the ship for about a week before she realized she didn't know exactly where everything was located. She had made assumptions based upon the deck plans of old ships. Judging by the conditions of her quarters and the bridge, the rest of the ship probably didn't look very fine.

The Bolian decided to take a self-guided tour. It was during this tour that she stumbled upon Dixoho Saa, observing a holographic display of the quadrant.

"Shh come in... No one knows i have this." The red head motioned the blue woman inside the room.

Lysina was amazed uby the display. She quietly walked into the middle of the display, the stars about her like little points of light. She saw nebulas displayed in their myriad colours. She couldn't help but be fascinated.

"What is it?" Lysina inquisitively asked. "Why the secret?"

"Because it is stolen." The woman said with a grin as she pointed to a another area. "I was born around here somewhere." She pointed out to a blank space between planets, nebulas and black holes, somewhere de voided of life.

Lysina followed her finger to the area. "Really?" Lysina inquired, highly interested. "Where is Bolarus IX?" The redhead nodded and picked up the control for the stolen device that she had hooked into the room she had claimed as hers.

"Yeah i'm a boomer child." Dixoho smiled and pressed a button and zoomed into the Bolian's planet with a smug grin. "I've done deliveries there. Very nice."

Lysina never realized how much she missed her home world. But seeing it there suspended just before, like she could almost hold the entire planet in the palm of her hand, brought tears to her eyes. Try as she might to hold them back, a stream fell from the corner of each eye. She would probably never see her home again.

"I can almost see the Cliffs of Bole!" Lysina exclaimed trying to smile. Of course, that was her imagination. The star chart only showed the planet shape, no details.

"Hey no crying in my shop." Dixoho murmured rushing over wrapping an arm around her.

Lysina gathered the strength to pull herself together. The thought of never seeing Bolarus and the mighty cliffs...her family...ever again deeply cut into her heart.

"I'm sorry," Lysina expressed. "It's just hard knowing you'll never see your family again." Dixoho nodded and squeezed her closure, almost clinging to the other woman for a moment. She sighed softly not wanting to speak the words that were going through her own mind about never seeing her family again herself.

Lysina returned the hug from Dixoho, hearing her sigh, assuming she had the same circumstances. "I've got to keep away from Federation controlled space. If not, I'll be sent to a penal colony. Reuben was gracious giving me this opportunity. I'm just scared and alone."

There she was, rambling again. It was the reason Reuben did the play on her last name, calling her Chatty. She gained control and silenced herself, realizing she was tightly clutching Dixoho. She backed away, her face a darker blue.

"I'm sorry," Lysina humbly muttered. Dixoho shook her head and gave one final squeeze before pulling herself. She smiled kindly.

"Just between us. I could of used the hug." She admitted.

The words made Lysina feel comfortable with her action. So comfortable that she gave Dixoho another hug. She wasn't sure tge other's situation, but if it were anything like hers, she would welcome another hug. Perhaps Lysina had found a friend and ally. There was still some doubt in her mind regarding trusting Reuben. She needed someone that she could completely trust out here.

Stepping back Lysina explained, "I'm alone out here. I can't go home anymore. I can't see my family anymore. Thank you for understanding."

"I am in the same boat Lysina... exactly the same." Though her situation was different, she was running from abuse. She bite the inside of her cheek, trying not to let her own problems out into the open.

For some reason, Lysina felt more secure. Maybe she just made a new friend. Perhaps it was the common ground. In any case, Lysina felt that Dixoho somewhat understood her circumstances. She seemed to have a similar situation in her life. Naturally, it wasn't the exact circumstances. What would be the likelihood of that?

Softly, Lysina suggested, "Perhaps we can be each other's support?" It was more of a question. Many, who worked these types of ships, were loners and didn't seek out support from others. Maybe Dixoho was not one of these types.

"Of course we can." The Trill woman said quickly with a smile.

Lysina let out a breath, satisfied that Dixoho would be someone upon whom she could rely. The look upon the Bolian's blue face revealed her relief. The burden she had felt the past year lifted from her shoulders. She felt light, as if floating in the midst of stars. Then she remembered: She was in the midst of stars. This realization brought her more laughter. She hugged the Trill again, feeling she had a true friend.

"Stop with the hugging. I will get the wrong idea." She whispered hugging her back. She wanted the support, needed herself to be able to trust someone in the universe. She was fed up of relying on her own skill and luck, going from ship to ship to survive and outrun her past.

Lysina stepped back, releasing Dixoho. She looked at the spotted face and smiled. "Thank you. I needed that. It has been so long since I've had and personal contact," Lysina admitted. "It just felt so nice to connect with someone once again."

That it did. The past year on the run, trying to stay one step ahead of Federation security, Lysina had no chance to build any friendships. She had been on her own. No companionship. No relationships. For a Bolian, the loneliness was overwhelming. Now, to hug someone or even touch anyone had a sense of meaning for Lysina. She would no longer take those things for granted.


Lysina Chawat
Linguist/Communications Specialist
SS Mary Rose

Dixoho Saa
Astrometrics Officer
SS Mary Rose


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