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Surprises After Disasters

Posted on Thu May 2nd, 2019 @ 9:40am by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Johnathen Anderson Jr

Mission: Mission 8 - Shattered
Location: Deck 3 - Mess Hall
Timeline: MD04 01:10
1947 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Cassie weaved through the people that were gathering in the mess hall, trying to work out what was going on. She knew he was here, she could feel him looking for her as she was looking for him. What was he doing here? When had he gotten here? As soon as she saw her husband, she ran at him and hugged him down to her height not caring if she was using her strength or not.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, unsure why he was there, because, when she had last seen him, weeks ago, he was leaving to help Michael on a mission to find the shapeshifter that had captured, and tortured, both the Security Chief and Dixoho Saa.

Johnathen took the strong embrace in stride, feeling zero pain as he wrapped his arms tightly around his wife and lifted her a few centimetres off the deck. "We fulfilled Micheal's mission. We were on our way back here when our long range sensors picked up a massive disturbance, located where the Rosie was." He continued to hold Cassie off the deck as he quickly explained that Micheal had pushed his shuttle engines to the limit, reaching the anomaly shortly before it started to close.

Lowering her back down to the deck, Johnathen continued. "Cas, we followed Rosie's signal through the distortion. Unfortunately, the ride knocked us both out. When I came to, I was in a cell, being tortured by people I thought I knew. They kept demanding I tell them about the grotto. They tortured me for days, but, I wouldn't give them anything."

Cassie winced as she noticed that he was severely bruised with a black eye, healing busted lip and nose. The woman caressed his cheek as she took it all in. How could she not have known that he had been so close to her but so far away? She shook her head. “You need sickbay.” She instructed him, then realizing that it would be backed up with other injured shipmates, so, she decided on the medical kit in their quarters until the more pressing of people had been treated.

Johnathen smiled - as best he could, considering his facial injuries - as he shook his head and replied. "The Doc has his hands full right now. What I need, is my wife by my side, in our quarters. The medkit we have there will suffice for now." He started to turn and, while still holding into Cassie's left hand, led her out into the corridor and towards the nearest turbolift. "What exactly happened while we were gone?" He asked as they entered the lift.

The woman wasn’t arguing, as it was, after all, exactly what she was thinking. She wanted a shower and just some time alone. “Within a few days of you leaving, the ship stopped. We couldn’t get her to move this way or that. Then, as if by magic, she took off like a dog chasing something, and we couldn’t get her to stop. Seems we had a saboteur onboard. Well, two of them actually. Their Dixoho swapped herself with our version, and we took on a doctor to help Selina. They were both from another universe.”

Johnathen reached over and activated the lift while Cassie spoke. Less than five minutes later, they were entering their quarters. "I thought everything seemed like a bad dream. If not for the pain, I'd've thought it was all a hallucination. The people, some were so much like our friends and shipmates, but, at the same time, completely opposite." Looking at Cassie with concern in his eyes, he asked, "Did anyone do anything to you? Were you hurt?"

"No, apart from shooting at me and Ryder when we tried to escape and evade." The woman assured Johnathen, as she settled him onto the first flat surface they came to, which was a table, to look at his face. "You still look pretty, even with the black eye and swollen lip." She assured him, kissing his cheek softly before disappearing off to get the medkit.

Johnathen stayed leaning against their table, smiling softly, as he watched his wife move off to retrieve their med kit. He knew that they were safe now, however, he still dared not move, for fear that it was all a hallucination, brought on by the torture he had received on the Fenrir.

The woman returned and smiled at him. "Feels like I haven't seen you in years," she whispered gently as she started to run the device over his lip first. "So much has happened since I last saw you." Cassie was pretty sure if she had been discovered by the crew of the Alternative ship she would have been taken, as they had been looking for anyone with telepathic abilities.

Johnathen kept his head still as his wife slowly began to mend his injuries. His eyes, however, remained locked on hers. "Sweetheart, I can't even begin to imagine what I would've done, had something happened to you." His eyes took on a sorrowful look. "Please forgive me, I never should have left your side. I give you my word, right now, no matter what happens down the road, I will never leave your side again."

"You have to do what you have to do." She told him softly. "I am just happy that I didn't exist in that universe." She murmured softly. There had been no hybrids up until the late 2300s, as no one dared to even broach that subject of corrupting Terran blood. "There is nothing to forgive," She told him brushing her lips against his.

Feeling Cassie's warm lips against his caused a jolt of electricity course through Johnathen's body. He wrapped his arms around his wife, pulled her to him, and kissed her, deeply and passionately. It was nearly two minutes before he broke the contact and came back up air. "Any universe where you don't exist is not a place I ever want to be," he stated, still a bit breathless. He then straightened up and gathered her up into his arms. As he carried her to their bedroom, he added, a strong sense of hunger in his voice, "The med kit can wait."

As the doors to their bedroom slid shut, he lowered her down onto their bed.

:::a few hours later:::

Cassie was barely aware of the world around them, as she simply enjoyed the warmth and nice feelings in her body for a few moments before she opened her eyes, blinking hard in the semi-darkness of their bedroom. "This is so nice." She whispered, hearing just the silence of the ship.

Johnathen sighed happily and contently. It had been some time since they had made love to each other so, completely, that he was still coming down off of his euphoric high. "You could say that again, my love." He was on his back, with his right hand up behind his head, Cassie snuggled up to his right side. All that covered them was the Tholian silk sheet and the sheen of sweat that covered both of their naked bodies. "It has been far too long." He glanced down into Cassie's beautiful eyes. "I love you so much."

"My ponn farr." She reminded him, no longer embarrassed by that event and how close she had been to dying through her stubbornness. "I love you so much as well. I wasn't sure it was possible to love someone like this." She assured turning a little to touch his temple connecting their minds for a second before she snuggled back against him.

Johnathen sighed softly when he felt Cassie's mind joined his briefly. He always found the contact quite stimulating. Moving his right arm down, he wrapped it around her shoulders, then lightly traced his fingertips, slowly, up and down her bare back. After a few moments of quiet bliss, he said, "Let's have a baby."

Cassie blinked in surprised a few times at his words before she slowly moved to sit up and look at him. "What has brought this on?" She wondered, thinking of the child she had lost and the child that she had out in the universe that had been born after her disappearance. Her own grandchildren were older than her which made her freak out at points.

Sitting up as well, Johnathen faced Cassie as he replied. "My love, this is not a new idea for me. I have been thinking about having children with you since before we went to Vulcan. Now, however, with recent events, it makes even more sense. We have had a tremendous opportunity given to us by waking up in this time. I've done the research, the pairing of our two species is commonplace now. All that would be needed are some mild innoculations. And even those would be even less, as you are already the child of our two worlds." He gently took her hands into his and gazed lovingly into her eyes.

"I know this is scary. Believe me, when I tell you, I'm scared. However, the joy of bring our child or children into this world and loving them with every fibre of my being, that offsets some of the fear."

"Scary?" The woman looked petrified thinking back to everything her parents had gone through to have her. She didn't know if she could do that at all after losing her baby. "I hadn't even considered us having a child yet. I hadn't thought it possible after what had happened." Was Rosie a place to bring up children? Did he want to leave for another world?

Johnathen smiled softly at his terrified spouse. "I'm not saying that we have to start trying right this minute. I just want the option available to us. I want us to grow our family. This is something I have thought long and hard about. I want children, and I want them with you."

"I don't know if I can. I never got to even meet Sevir or anything." She whispered the guilt she felt over the whole event that the man still wouldn't meet her despite everything hurt her more than anything else she had experienced. She knew why but it didn't change the fact. She was lucky that her grandchildren wanted to meet her and have her in her life.

Johnathen nodded in understanding. "Well, perhaps it's something we can investigate. And I'm sure that Sevir will, one day, come to his senses. You are a wonderful, loving and caring person. Give him some time to see that, my love." He gently caressed her left cheek with his right hand as he spoke to her.

Cassie nodded, muscle by muscle relaxing again. "I am going to go back to sleep." The woman said, feeling the drain that being awake for three days was now having on her. It felt like she was running on empty. It was also her way of ending the conversation.

Johnathen smiled softly at his wife. She was the most important person in his life. He would do anything to bring her happiness. Perhaps, he thought to himself, he could reach out to Sevir, try to bring the two of them together.

Laying back down, he snuggled up against Cassie's back, wrapping his left arm around her waist and laying his hand against the back of her left hand, against her chest. "I love you," he whispered to her as he settled and closed his eyes.


Cassie Anderson
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Johnathen Anderson Jr
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Robertson)


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