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The Time Is Now To Move On

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2019 @ 1:05am by Jeassaho Kea (*) & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers
Edited on on Sun Sep 1st, 2019 @ 1:09am

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Deck 20 - Corridor
Timeline: MD02 18:00
906 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Eden was generally a pretty patient person. She'd always found that getting mad about things never helped them get done any faster. But today her patience was waning and it was making her feel guilty. She really had a love/hate relationship with Mary Rose. It had sustained her life for decades, kept her alive as they hurtled through space both before the cloud monster and after, and it was home. But it was also falling apart. She wasn't sure how she felt about a new ship. There was some excitement but also dread and guilt. She sighed as she leaned against a corridor bulkhead and looked down at the PADD in her hand.

Jeassaho looked at her own PADD in had as she walked towards the woman just leaning there. She was going over the work tickets that were open for Engineering along with operations as sometimes they linked up and it was always an interesting read. "Hey, Eden." The woman greeted taking a few steps past her before she turned around and looked her over. "You okay?" She wondered.

She looked. "Yes, fine." It was probably the fewest words she'd ever spoken in her entire life.

Jeassaho raised an eyebrow and moved to stand next to where the woman did. "Penny for your thoughts?" She offered.

"A what?" Eden said, looking up at the other woman with a curious expression on her face. "I'm just not sure about this, that's all," Eden answered assuming Jaessaho wanted to know what she was thinking. "Rosie is home. This new ship is unfamiliar. Newer yes, put together better, maybe. But unfamiliar and strange."

"You are human?" Jeassaho stood there looking at the woman just as curiously. Reessem had used to say it all the time. She had assumed it was an Earth thing. "Penny is an old earth currency. You offer it for what someone is thinking. Someone onboard used to say it often. How about you wait until we are allowed over to see what it is like. You might click with it? Have you only ever served on this ship"?

"Yes I'm human," Eden said trying to hide the annoying sound in her voice. "But I wasn't raised on Earth. No, I was on two other ships for a short time, the USS Constitution and the USS Lovell. I don't know though, Rosie is old but she's been home for a long time. She sustained me when I was nothing but a pattern in the buffer."

The Betazoid slid down the wall and patted the space on the floor next to her. No point in standing if they were having a conversation that was more than the usual how is your department today. "She really did sustain you all. How that was done is genius. I wish I could meet the man who thought of it." Jeestroyet thought aloud. It was such a basic idea and at a time when transporting was still in its infancy.

"There were a few kinks to work out but we're alive." Eden shrugged. "Most of us," she sighed lightly. "That were left anyway. I would make a terrible counselor, this conversation went from bad to worse."

"Oh I would make a terrible counsellor and I am a Betazoid but I make a fantastic friend." The woman said with a grin. "I think it took a lot to sacrifice a chance of survival and to do what he did," Jeassaho said softly knowing she knew very few people who would do it.

"Yeah," Eden said, suddenly feeling like she just didn't want to talk about things anymore. It was why she had accepted Jake asking her out, Sebastian was dead and it was time to move on without him. "Anyway, I'll just have to accept what happens when it happens I guess."

"Sometimes from my own personal experience you have to do go with the punches that the universe throws at you. It is annoying and brutal and I really hate when it does it." She had her own experience in believing the man she was now married to having dead and then him coming back into her life so suddenly.

"Yeah, I'm just tired of the punches. I could use a little break. So, what do you think about moving? Are you excited about this yeager?" Eden smoothed back a few strands of misbehaving hair.

The Betazoid shrugged. Ship moves were nothing new to her Victory, Mercury, Utopia Dock Yards all the same to her. She would follow her husband wherever he went so she went with him. "I have no feelings on it really. I'm used to moving around where the engineering takes me."

"Hmm," Eden responded. She did, but obviously if everyone decided that this Yeager was a better vehicle. She was going to have to let those feelings go. "I should get back to work I guess."

"Eden if you need time to process and talk I will sit with you here all day," Jeassaho said kindly. She wasn't going to just up and leave the woman if she wanted to talk and discuss whatever was on her mind.

Eden shook her head. Her thoughts touched on Jake for a moment. "No, I think it's finally time for me to start moving on."


Eden Bowers
Chief Helmsman
SS Mary Rose

Lieutenant Commander (LOA) Jeassaho Kea
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)


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