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Things that Go Bump

Posted on Fri Nov 1st, 2019 @ 9:18am by Ensign Lea Talbot (*) & Lieutenant Vissia zh'Cliasa & Lieutenant Commander Ranav Voss M.D.

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Jefferies Tubes in seabase
Timeline: MD04, 1310
922 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure


There was an odd odour that permeated the tight shafts that led throughout the station primarily for the purpose of maintenance. Ranave ducked under a bulkhead as the passed into a new section of the tube and reached the ladder that would take them down towards engineering. Memories of his experiences in these confined spaces came flooding back as he looked around using his tricorder in the dim light trying to understand what was going on. Strange readings came and went across the device, there one moment and then gone the next. Then there was the sounds, eery sounds almost as if someone were tryng to talk but the syllables were somehow scrambled, ripped apart and put back together in some sort of randomness. Shadows from apparently nothing would cross their them but without an explanation as to where they were coming from.

"anyone else getting sporadic life readings?" Ranav glanced around as he spoke catching yet another unexplained shadow and they a what sounded like a yell, "and hear that?"

"No life readings but no record. I have..." Lea was breathless a little in front of them. "a gun instead of something science." The woman reminded as she finally was able to stand up properly.

Vissia was in the back, she had her tricorder out but so far it wasn't doing her any good. She was listening with her antenna as well, trying to pick up on any kind of vibrations through the base to give her an idea of where their lost friend might be. "I'm not getting anything on my tricorder and I can't feel anything with my antenna."

"Now that," the physician began as he turned to face Vissia, "this inaccurate or lack of data is really disturbing."

He stood once out of the cramped tube and glanced down the laddered shaft. He could hear what sounded like a scream and then yelled muffled words he couldn't understand, "sounds like a recording, sort of."

"I do not care what it is. Let us just get to Engineering see if we can start the core back up as instructed." Lea commented on looking uneasy. She was the only one with a weapon trained on anything and everything, she would be happier when they were somewhere else with fewer openings.

"We can't just leave a member of our crew, we need to get down to the lift," Vissia spoke up, yes they needed to get to engineering but you didn't leave a man behind. "It doesn't sound right but there's this damn background vibration that's making it hard for me to feel anything out."

Lea frowned slightly. Hadn't the man just said himself there was nothing they could do. "Then which way is it Sir?" The Security Officer asked bluntly. She didn't know where she was going now.

"Unless we can get power back to the turbolift we're not going to be able to get to him." the CMO stated, "we don't have a way to really cut through and even if we did we stand a high chance of injuring him more without being able to know for sure where exactly he is." He drew in a deep breath and motioned towards the shaft, "so as much as I hate just leaving him there we don't have much choice for now. Engineering it is."

As the trio finally made it to Engineering lea suddenly stopped as something or someone blocked there path. It was a creature like no one had seen before. Two hollow eyes examined the surroundings from their huge sockets. A broad nose rests below, but it's the normal mouth below that takes all the attention. It opened its mouth to reveal curved fangs and a forked tongue. Its short muscular body is slightly hunched over. Two broad tentacle-like arms rested at its sides and end in webbed hands with bent fingers, of which it has 8 in total. It wore a blue Starfleet that was ripped but you could make out the pips at the shoulder of an Ensign.

The physician hesitated to see the creature and the alarming fact that it was, or had been an Ensign, Regaining some composure the half Bolian managed, "Ensign, what happened here."

The creature in front of them let out an earth-shattering scream and charged at the Security Officer as she was the closest. The woman reacted as the thing grabbed her stunning the creature to the floor. "I really do not think it responds to orders anymore," Lea commented on looking at her arm and the scratches there from the bent fingers. "Fuck!" Was all the woman said shinning a light on it trying to get a better look.

"Let's get that fixed," Ranav said seeing the damage done to the woman, "I was hoping there was something still thinking in the thing." He took his tricorder and scanned the injury and shook his head, "no unusual bacteria or infectious material, lets clean it up and close the wounds."

"Let's just lock this thing up before it escapes first." The security Officer said pulling her arm out of reach. She could be fixed up in a little bit, they needed to secure whatever the being was first and still get to Engineering and get the core back up and running.


Ensign Lea Talbot
USS Cosmos
(PNPC Gregnol)

Lieutenant Commander Ranav Voss M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Cosmos
(PCNPC Jasper)

Lieutenant Vissia zh'Cliasa
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Cosmos
(PCNPC Tucker)


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