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Wheel Of Fortune

Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2019 @ 9:12pm by Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers & Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*)

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Crew Quarters
Timeline: MD03 - 20:00
815 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Cassie hadn’t been able to track everyone down for a while but she had sent them a summons to her quarters and was relieved when Eden showed up well before the others did. It would give them time to catch up, Cassie was missing spending time with the woman. She gave her a quick hug before stepping back inviting her further into the big quarters she had thanks to her marriage. It was just a shame her husband was never around anymore.

"How are you?" She wondered thinking back to the market and what had been revealed.

"I am . . . I don't know. Something happened, it's weird. Can I talk to you?" Eden wasn't her usual calm self, she felt both excited and terrified. She resisted the urge to just start talking a mile a minute so that Cassie could register what she was saying.

"Wine?" The woman asked knowing they had a good half an hour before anyone else would show. She already had a glass but it would be easy to grab another for the other woman.

Eden let out a fit of giggles. "I'm losing it. Yes please." She sucked in a breath and began, "I sort of met someone. Well we've run into each other twice. The first time I ended up climbing up his body to try and get to the access panel because we were stuck in a turbolift and the second time he was stuck in the cargo bay and I helped him escape."

Cassie raised an eyebrow at the giggling. That was not exactly normal Eden behaviour at all. "And how do you think about it all?" The woman wondered as she poured a big glass for the woman passing it over.

"It's sort of exciting. I mean he did kind of ask me out for a drink. And his expression has changed a little bit. He's gone from more confused to curious. It's not a big step but Sebastian was the same."

"You aren't interested in him because of Sebastian was the same?" Cassie wondered indicating the seat and that they could get themselves comfortable. They had time to really talk and catch up.

"No, I just mean . . . . no one else has ever looked at me like that. I hate to break this to you but most people think I'm weird." She had assumed that would make Cassie laugh but she continued talking. "I like Jake because he seems to be really patient and he has a good sense of humor. Those are things I look for."

Cassie shrugged a little at what the woman said about her being weird. She was a biologist, the majority of people thought she was weird before they even spoke to her. "Well if you like him and it makes you happy I am happy for you." Cassie assured quietly as she took a big sip of wine.

Eden looked at her. "What's wrong?" she finally asked. Not that she expected Cassie to be over the moon about Jake, but she thought she'd find the information at least more interesting.

"Nothing." The woman whispered quietly. "I am happy if you are happy Eden. You deserve to be happy after what you have lost." Cassie almost sounded fully vulcan there and then, like someone had switched a button.

"I don't believe you, and I'm not talking about me. What's gone wrong?" Eden reached out to her.

"Johnathen went and followed Michael again." The woman said finally when Eden finally touched her. It was no good in hiding it. "I would much rather hear about you finding someone than my possible divorce after six months of marriage. Obviously we weren't meant to be after everything."

"Cassie! I'm so sorry." Now she felt like a horrible dolt for bursting in here and telling her the happy news. Course it was the first happy news she'd had to share in a year, but still.

"Happens." The woman shrugged it away. It was easy to see that she was hurting but it was hidden behind whatever Vulcan barriers she had up right then. "Why don't you see if Jake wants to come to our get together. I will borrow some more booze?" She offered.

Eden frowned. While she did want Cassie to meet Jake. She also didn't want Cassie to feel left out. "If you want me to I will. If he'll come."

"More the merrier." The woman said moving to sit down. The others would be there soon and it would be a good excuse to have a mini crew party. It would be fun to have something like that again. Just like old times.

"Might be easier if I just go find him and drag him here." Eden admitted. "I'll be right back."


Cassie Anderson
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Eden Bowers
Chief Helmsman
SS Mary Rose


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