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What's Up Doc

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2019 @ 9:48pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Ships Doctor Quinton Sarratt MD

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Captain's Study
Timeline: MD02 09:00
1154 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


If he was being honest with himself, this was the last thing he needed. He'd left Risa for a reason, he needed to get away and fast. The longer he stayed the more risk he put his family in. But it wasn't an easy choice, he'd left behind a life that he had worked so hard to maintain. But this was a risk, and one that he knew could happen at any point. It is why they preached on no family, no attachments; attachments only got in the way. But Jamie was different, she understood him. She made him want to be better, and now with Sammie, his life was starting to feel complete. He stood outside the doorway, debating on not pushing the button. Did he really want to get involved, again?

He sighed, as the image of Jamie and Sammie filled his mind. He didn't know how long it would be before he would be able to see them again. He reached up as he pushed the door chime and waited for permission to enter. He took a deep breath as he rubbed his temples. "Doctor Quin Sarratt," he said, almost as if he was trying to remember the name. He'd dropped his own name and took on Jamie's after they married. At the time he left it was the best way of putting his old life and Star Fleet Intelligence behind him. But now, with Jamie and Sammie at risk, he'd gone back to Sarratt. A name he'd hoped never to use again.

Gregnol looked up from the window he was leaning against and turned. He already knew who would be at his door this late on the evening but he did not want the man to think he was unwelcome. It was hard to find good doctors willing to work on something less than kosher all the time. “Come in!” He called and his suspicions were correct. It was the new doctor over his wife who would have been the other option.

"Captain," Quin may no longer serve, but it was hard to take the Officer out of the man. There was still a certain level of respect that was due a man of his position. "I wanted to thank you for this opportunity," he nodded, as he approached the man. "I know I am a bit behind, but I wanted to introduce myself and see what was in store for my department." Quin looked out the window, "is that the derelict we stumbled upon," he asked? Quin was suspicious, one didn't just happen on a find like that. Perhaps it was his years in the organization but he rule was when something was too good to be true, it probably was. He couldn't help but wonder who would come looking for the ship once they finished with it.

"Gregnol will do." The man did not need the title he knew what he was. "We have a home for anyone with a skill or need." He said absently wondering about the man. Gregnol glanced out the window and nodded standing up. "Indeed she is the derelict though I am not sure which one of us is worse at the moment." Neither ship was in a good state at all but maybe together they could cobble together something. SS Mary Rose was getting close to where he back would be broken and then they would be going nowhere especially after the trip to the other universe. "Just the usual medical issues and making sure that everyone is in good health."

"And that thing," Quin questioned, "what is the plan with that?" He was afraid of the answer, neither ship wasin great condition but that thing was the unknown. What types of problems were thing going to inherit if they took over that beast? At least with the Mary Rose they knew what they were getting. "And anything I need to know about medical, staff, or supplies?" he added.

"The plan is to see which one is better and use the other for parts." The man said simply standing to look at the other ship better. He pressed his hands against the glass and watched the USS Temperance. "Nope that is why you are going over once there is power to find out what the supplies are like over there. You can take anyone over but I want to at least have one doctor on this ship at all times just like any other day or shore leave."

"I have expected you to tell me I was the only Doctor," Quin told a rare joke, "assess resources, seems easy enough." Quin folded his arms behind his back, "any idea on the timeframe?" he asked. "Judging from the looks of it, we might be waiting a bit before that thing is viable to support life." Quin wasn't an Engineer and that was a good thing, but you didn't need to be an Engineer to see that the thing was beat up pretty bad.

Gregnol did not catch the joke at all but he was not the type to joke with someone he barely knew. "I am going across with the team in less than an hour. So start looking at things. It seems to have some type of life support still working. Somehow." Things like that set the former security officer hackles up as it could mean that someone had attempted to salvage her before.

Quin nodded, "will do Sir." He wasn't used to working as part of a team; it had been a long time. But perhaps it was time to change. He was going to have to start trusting people if he planned on making this work and surviving. "We will get things together and wait for your word,' Quin nodded, "anything else, Captain?"

The Captain turned and looked at the man and nodded. "Not overly. You know your job and you know what is expected of any doctor this place is just a little wackier and without emergency holograms and extra supplies." It was one of those make do or else kind of places. Quinton would soon learn about the comatose patients and the strange things that happened on the ship soon enough. Why scare him before he had even stepped into sickbay?

Quin nodded as he turned to head off to the medbay. He was still not entirely sure of this, he left Risa and knew that for now, he wouldn't be able to go back. Not if he planned on keeping Jamie and Sammie safe; he'd have to remain distant for now. "First step sickbay," he opted not to see his quarters; they were pretty much the same thing in this line of work four walls and a bed; if you were lucky,


Reuben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Quinton 'Quin' Sarratt, MD
SS Mary Rose


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