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Famous Passengers

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2019 @ 3:34pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Guest Quarters
935 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

It was not often that the Captain came down to the guest areas or that they even had passengers so he was interested to see who this Perrie was as a few crew members had mentioned she was famous. He did not believe it himself but it was his job as Captain to confirm who she was as he did not normally care as long as latinum was paid. He tapped on the open doors frame expecting that it was open that things inside would be decent. “Good afternoon Ms Fisher?” He called.

"That's me!" Perrie perked up from her reading, then squinted at him. "Oh. Wait...Captain?" she brightened "That's right isn't it? You're the Captain?"

Gregnol offered a smile as he stepped into the doorway properly and looked around the quarters. Was typical he got to look around one and it had been years since he had bothered to make it happen. "I am the Captain. Reuben Gregnol." The Russian greeted.

"Pleased to meet you!" Perrie grasped his hand and started shaking it vigorously. "You have a wonderful ship here, and a lovely crew. I have to say it's the first time I've traveled on a ship like this. Exciting to think that it's older than many of its crew."

"I would love to hear if any of my crew is older than 150 years old." He said smiling as she took his hand back with a polite look. "Yes, I think that is what brought me down here seeing you are who you are and how you normally travel." He said getting to the point of what had brought him down there.

"Well, I am who I am. If you ask enough people, they'll probably tell you." She shrugged, a helpful smile forming. "If you come back later tonight I'll be performing, maybe that can prove who I am?"

"I am just intrigued as to why you would pick this ship of all ships to get get a passage on." The man asked. "We are not what famous people normally travel by." It was the truth of the matter. They normally chartered top of the line civillian routes or luxary cruise ships.

Perrie grinned. "So you realised, huh? Well I'm not that famous. Maybe a little. Okay, so I used to have to have a bodyguard with me whenever I was travelling around, but then I realised that if I was travelling on slightly less 'public' methods of transportation - such as your ship here - then I kinda got less attention. I mean, the media might still follow me, but they'd have to be pretty darned persistent to find me out here on your ship. I'm babbling. Does that make sense?"

The Captain eyes narrowed just a little as she talked and he tried to translate what she was saying. "My wife babbles like that. I have become pretty fluent in it but you make sense Miss Fisher. I just wish that possibly you could have come to me beforehand. My crew would have been a little more prepared." He could have ordered them to at least ignore the fact she was that famous.

"Oh. Umm...sorry about that." She bit her lip a moment. "Actually, your crew have been super nice, and you have a lovely ship here, Captain Gregnol. Sorta easy to forget what you have when you don't have it any more. I mean, I loved that people would recognise my music and everything, but the important part for me was to be happy doing what I liked in a place that I liked." She grinned again. "My advice to you: don't worry so much about being prepared. Go with the flow."

"They are a super nice bunch of people for the majority." He had a few bad eggs but for the most the crew were all in the same boat, trying to move on from events that came out of nowhere. "It is the Captain's job to be prepared." He added simply. He would not let what happened last year happen again. It was his new year's resolution.

"That's why I'm not a Captain," Perrie giggled. "Will you at least catch a show while I'm on board? I don't know if you're a big fan or anything, but if you have a lady friend I'm sure we could get you a table in a nice spot, make it look like you're treating her?"

"She would know I had done something sneakily to get her there. Betazoid's." He hissed good-naturedly. He had considered taking Jeassaho to one of the so-called shows. Gregnol offered a smile and finally turned to leave before stopping himself almost feeling like his wife was prompting him. "Miss Fisher though if you are in trouble and are hiding for that reason we can help. We have done it before." He said truthfully.

"Hiding? I'm not hiding," Perrie blinked. The statement was a little out of the blue. "The only thing I'm hiding from is a bad choice in boyfriend. No, I just like the peace and quiet sometimes. But don't worry about me."

Gregnol just nodded. He had to check at the very least. "Well, maybe I will bring my wife to one of your shows." He said as the way of leaving the woman to it. He was still not sure but only time would tell on the ship if people were who or what they said they were in his opinion.


Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Perrie Fisher


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