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Round Two

Posted on Thu Dec 12th, 2019 @ 6:07pm by Ships Doctor Quinton Sarratt MD & Liha t'Ehhelih

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: SS Mary Rose, Medbay
Timeline: MD05 0900
2258 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Liha arrived at the medbay toolkit in hand. Specifically, in the previously injured hand to show that it had healed just fine thank-you-very-much and this follow on appointment was completely unnecessary. She would not be accused of avoiding a medical exam, no matter how unnecessary, but hoped the prospect of having some of his systems fixed would motivate the doctor to make it quick.

"I have returned for the follow on as required," she announced on entering and lifted the toolbox slightly. "And I have an hour, or until comm'd to fix the next breakdown, to work on whatever needs repaired in here. I hope you have a prioritized list."

"Well if it isn't my favorite Romulan Pilot," Quin stated with a rather deadpanned serious tone. He pointed to the row of biobeds, "that would be your first task," he pointed to the second bed, "according to that I had a pregnant human male in here early today." He grinned, a rare display, "now I know it's been a while since Medschool, but I am fairly certain that isn't possible." He handed her a padd, with the rest of the items that needed to be repaired.

It was your standard list, most of the items were for convinces rather than need but at the top was the biobeds and tricorders. Sure, a physical exam could work but he wanted the reassurances of the computer, just in case. From there replicators, a few display terminals, and cold storage for several of the more sensitive medicines keep on ice. "It's not much, but in an emergency, I'd like to know that we can get the beds working at least.

Before the Romulan could reply, "..but first let me see that hand."

"Your medical schools are obviously deficient. I recall hearing that the chief engineer on one of your first starships careless got himself impregnated." Liha smirked. "It's actually somewhat amazing your Admiral Kirk never did. I hope you are better trained in simple things, like burn treatment," she added, setting the toolbox on a biobed and leaving her hand resting on the handle for him to view.

"Oh don't worry there sweetheart," he added, "a little burn isn't going to be a problem." He took the hand and looked things over. "Your movement has increased a bit, and things seem to be healing rather well. Any troubles with it, that I need to know about?" He added, "and if half of the rumors about the great and famous Admiral Krik are true, I am surprised he didn't die of some alien STD. Famous or not, he isn't one of the Federation's best, shining examples.. sorry."

One eyebrow ascended sharply. "I am not now, nor will I ever be, your 'sweetheart'," she stated firmly. "And there have been no issues with my hand." Not that she would admit it to him if there were, but she pulled it back and snapped open the toolkit as if to emphasize the point. "I don't doubt that Kirk was over-rated," she said, pulling out a scanner to trace the faults in the biobed, a flashed a sardonic grin, "like a lot of Starfleet. "

"On that we can agree," he nodded realizing he'd gotten under her skin if only for a fraction of a second, "sweetheart..." He pointed to the biobeds, "now you gonna fix something or sit around here and debate the flaws in Star Fleet; either of which could take some time."

Her jaw tightened a moment at hearing 'sweetheart' again. On a Galae ship she'd be justified in backhanding him, but humans were weak and the men in particular tended to get huffy about taking a slap. "I'm not so limited that I can't do both," she replied, proceeding to remove an access panel to fix the biobed, "...hlai'hwy." She doubted he knew the Rihannsu term referring to a tame bird much like an earth duck, but trusted that she had delivered it in a tone he would understand.

"Mnek daendle'le swai ujudhueiusmm'ukssdh," he stated, one of the first languages he'd learned while in SI was Romulan. It didn't come in handy after they moved him to the Cardassian front, but he still remembered a phrase or two. "But someone like you won't need luck, I assume," he added.

Liha snorted a laugh. His pronunciation wasn't terrible, which was rare for a human, but his usage... it was the sort of thing that came of attempts at direct translation with no real understanding of culture or idiom. She wondered if knowing whatever smattering of Rihannsu he had meant that he'd understood hlai'hwy, or was just trying to make her think he understood. If the latter, it was an utter fail. "I certainly won't need luck," she scoffed, replacing a couple damaged isolinear chips - all that had been wrong with the bed's diagnostic scanner - and starting a reset. "But that would be because Romulans don't believe in luck. We say "Glohhaasi' mnekha" - good hunting."

Quin just brushed her comment off, "everyone believes in some form of luck even if they are unable to admit it to themselves." Quin set back going over the reports from the derelict ship. He hadn't had a chance to go over yet, but he was hoping soon his team would be able to catalog the supplies and scavenger what they could. "Tell me something," he asked, "I know this isn't a Romulan vessel, but do you plan on holding fast to their Romulan arrogance every time something doesn't go the typical Romulan way?" Before she could reply, he added.

"I realize we both ended up on this ship for whatever reason and neither of us wants to be here," he continued, "but as we say sometimes you just got to make the best of it." He picked up a nearby glass and took a swig of his coffee, "can't help but wonder how terribly lonely it must be comparing this place to what you could have had, rather than moving on like most people."

"'Luck is the deification of coincidence by those too weak or small minded to face the true unknown'," she quoted offhandedly as she moved to the next biobed and began running a diagnostic. "But to answer your first question, what you call arrogance we call 'natural superiority'." She gave him a smug smile. "Which includes the ability to adapt and 'make the best of it', even when surrounded by sadly inferior beings. Though there is some satisfaction in seeing how much you need me," she added as she reset the bed's scanner display and brought it back to life.

"As to the rest..." she cocked an eyebrow at him - if he was trying to get her to 'open up' he'd have to do a lot better than that. "...are you sure you aren't - what's the human term? - projecting?"

"Call it whatever you want," Quin replied, something told him the two of them had a lot more in common then either would be willing to admit. "So, how bad is that bed? Am I going to have to rip one out of the other ship?" He looked at the Romulan as she peered into the inner workings of the biobed. He peaked in over her shoulder,, as he attempted to see what she was looking at.

"I will." She nodded firmly, taking that as a win. What wasn't a win was the biobed. It should be working, but while it was showing results now it was clearly still malfunctioning since she was quite certain she wasn't a Tellurian child. She frowned at the screen, and then at him. "It would be easier to know if it needs to be junked without someone in my light," she groused.

"Excuse me," he backed up a bit, "I didn't realize I was hindering your ability to perform." He knew he was in her way, but had to have a little bit of fun with it. "But I would agree with your assessment, you're not a Tellurian child," he stated, "but then again I only inspected your hand..." he attempted a joke.

"Not much, but you aren't helping." Liha shot him a glare, before returning to adjusting isolinear chips. "And if you need to inspect more than my hand to tell that, I had best get all the diagnostic equipment working well enough that a child could use it."

"A Romulan with a sense of humor," he looked at his patient, "how interesting." He stepped back allowing her space to work, "child use or not, I'd like to see all the diagnostic equipment working anyways, child or not. So Miss Engineer," he looked at her, "Captain wants us to go to the other ship and gather supplies, basic medical I can figure out myself. When it comes to the equipment, is there anything in here that isn't repairs and I will need to scavenge from the other ship?"

Liha glanced up at him skeptically. If he could figure out what to scavenge from equipment on a ship a century more advanced than this one, he knew a lot more about tech than he was letting on. "You know your medscanners aren't working, and even the ones I can repair are probably on their last legs, so you should grab some of those. But hauling a biobed back might be beyond what a human can carry," she smirked, resuming work on the malfunctioning bed, "Plus I'd have to retrofit it into the systems here, so the best thing would be to bring back components that be used for repair/replace workarounds. So gather isolinear circuits, phase regulators, ODN relays, flow distributors, mono-crystal subprocessors, dermatiraelian sensor components, philosynaptic resonators, auto sensor nets, especially ones with thalmerite duotronics..." she paused and looked at him sidelong. "You how to extract those without ruining them, right?"

"I am pretty sure I can handle it, if not I know a mediocre Romulan Engineer who might be able to assist," he was joking but said it in a fairly straight face. Quin was keeping a running list as the Romulan spoke, careful not to show that a few of those things he wasn't entirely sure what they were. He was glad that he would be able to look them up, he was a Doctor after all not an Engineer.

She gave him a Look at 'mediocre', but honestly the attempt at saving face was so much like what she'd expect from a Romulan medic facing the same task that she had to hide an almost nostalgic smile. Of course, she wouldn't have let a Galae doctor entirely get away with it either. "So, you don't know then," she pronounced confidently. "I suppose it's as well. They say the ship isn't entirely safe, so it's probably best to have someone with you who's capable of combat. Barely mediocre as you are, you're the only doctor we have."

He bowed his head, ever so slightly, "you're concern is appreciated. But I am sure it more has to do with the fact, you don't wanna see another Doctor for that hand, and not so much about me. Besides, I think I can handle a weapon just fine, you don't get to where I did...." he realized he was letting a bit to much out. "I can take care of myself, thanks."

An eyebrow twitched. Get to where exactly...? Certainly not here, unless he had been tossed out of Starfleet for actually using a weapon. That didn't seem entirely beyond the realm of possibility given how their doctors often seemed squeamish about 'doing harm' even to enemies, but she doubted it was what he meant. Which made goading him a little irresistible. "I can take of myself too - which includes not needing any other doctor to look at my hand now. But I can also handle actual threats, which I'm not so sure you can, even if you really are somewhat more competent at handling a weapon than most Starfleet medics."

"Careful Romulan," he smirked, "I'm not most Medics,...I think you could find me a bit more of a challenge then other Doctors," he didn't really like being called a medic, it wasn't the right term, "you've previously met." He looked at her work, "and judging from your work here, we should have quit the medbay, if I can find these supplies over on the other ship."

"A little defensive about your combat skills, Doctor?" Liha smirked, having clearly hit a nerve. "But I guess you are different from the human medics I've met since most of them seem almost proud of that silly 'do no harm' vow." She closed the panel and straightened. "Since it would make sense to get some parts from the other ship before continuing here, I'm glad to know I won't have to double as your bodyguard."

"You will find in time that I am not like most Doctors," Quin replied, "and I think you are correct, we need supplies before we continue on here," he opted not to reply to the body guard comment, it wasnt worth it. "I will see you on the shuttle," he added.

Liha considered shooting back with a comment on how 'unlike doctors' related to competency, but he'd already ceded the point that he needed her along for the scavenging trip. "I'll be there. I'll even bring an extra knife for you."

Liha t'Ehhelih
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Burnstein)

Quinton Sarratt, MD
SS Mary Rose


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