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Posted on Mon Oct 28th, 2019 @ 6:52pm by Caden Isaacks

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Derelict Yeager, Deck 7
Timeline: MD 03 : 1305 Hrs
399 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

The first chance he had, Caden Issacks was certain to split from his little group and stroll down the nearest empty hallway. No one seemed bothered by him disappearing without a trace, which suited him fine. He'd reappear, get on board the Rosie, and all would be normal.

Unless they decided this was the ship they were going to inhabit. It was peaceful enough, and way more technologically friendly. A small trip to the defunct medical lab showed him that much. Down first to the medical lab, then through the barren and silent hallway, where not a soul could be heard save from whatever teams were above and below him. But by this point, he knew the sounds of the crew he slowly began to call his family. A strange family, rife with abandonment, death, upsets, and betrayals, but his family all the same.

It was unfortunate that he almost didn't recognize the name of their most recently passed, and she had been one the most instrumental members of their team thus far.

But minor grief was masked by plenty of new faces, faces of which Caden had become uncomfortable with. This sort of thing happened on Starfleet ships all the time, but at least they could trace a family back. There was no such luck sometimes on a civilian vessel like this. There were too many stowaways and criminals. No one had a backstory that 'needed' telling.

As he lifted a hand to press against the dusty wall, a loud thunk was heard behind it. He took a step back, curiously eyeing the wall even though he knew it would give few answers. "... Huh..."

And again, another thunk, this time louder. Following it was a series of scuttling noises, as if something was crawling through the walls. He pulled out a tricorder, one of the few from the Rose, holding it up to the wall as he took a couple more steps backwards, just in case. The tricorder blipped on, scanning for a few moments, before the screen died out with a tiny pop.

"... Damn old machines," Caden hissed, before the sounds grew louder... and louder...

And finally ceased. Caden frowned, eyes wide. "... Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope." He turned, headed back to the direction he last knew any of the Rosie crew to be in. Damn, how he wished they had communication devices right about now.


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