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Re-collecting the Collector's Collection

Posted on Wed Feb 5th, 2020 @ 7:03pm by Fordyce Kirschler PhD

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Kirschler Quarters, SS Mary Rose
Timeline: Following "This Gentleman Will Pay For Everything"
1247 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Ford woke up slowly as he became aware of a soft blue glow on the other side of his eyelids. When he opened his eyes he was face-to-face with his Personal Engineered Autonomous Robotic Laborer, or P.E.A.R.L., as she hovered over him. He didn't move, just stared back at her.


She straightened up but remained at his bedside, the blue light of her holographically projected face the only source of illumination in his quarters.

"I detected an apnea event in your sleep cycle."

"I stopped breathing?"

"For three seconds."

"Maybe I was trying to kill myself," said Ford as he rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"Your autonomic nervous system would not allow that, Dr. Kirschler."

"Yeah, it's a real bitch that way," he groused. "Computer - lights at 50 percent, gradual illumination."

As his pupils slowly adjusted, the room came into better focus. It was a let down. The same 2240's era furniture; a half-consumed bottle of water from the canteen; his torn and tattered clothes; an empty gun holster; a duffel bag of his belongings; and a mag-sealed container from Lithios Prime.

"What time did he say my shift started?"

"0800 hours, Dr. Kirschler. A meeting has been set with the operations staff to introduce yourself."

"Cancel it."

P.E.A.R.L. didn't immediately say anything so he knew that somewhere in the software cluster that passed for her brain there were logic and reasoning subroutines trying to make sense of the decision.

"I'm going to meet with them individually. You don't get shit out of people in a group meeting," he added.

Still lying prone in bed, he stretched his arms and dreaded trying to move his leg. The ship's doctor had done an admirable job treating it, but it was still going to take some time to regain complete functionality. In the meantime, it would be stiff every morning, and he'd already run out of the drugs he brought from Lithios Prime.

"We've got to find a way to get in touch with Lucie today. I've got a few ideas. I doubt their last Ops chief left behind much in the way of security measures but we should tip-toe around anyway. Hopefully it's not too hard to establish a subspace link without anyone noticing."

"A subspace link requires two participating parties, Dr. Kirschler."

He rolled his head to the side to level a look at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I have been monitoring the Couronne's communications array, and Director Bex has made no effort to contact you. It seems likely that she does not wish to speak to you at this time."

"I don't know about that…"

With P.E.A.R.L. outside keeping watch and his new credentials in hand, he had unfettered access to the ship's communications array. It had been awhile since he'd worked with Starfleet systems, longer still since he'd had his hands on anything from the Mary Rose's era. But most technology was intuitive once you'd worked with it long enough, and he managed to get back in the groove fairly quickly. Within a few moments, he managed to open a discreet and secure channel to his Bank of Bolias handler.

"Dr. Kirschler," said Lucienne in greeting. She paused to observe his surroundings and then frowned. "Where are you?"

"Some ship called the Mary Rose."

"I'm not familiar with it."

"Me, neither. Some civilian outfit; they're salvaging a ship right now."

Lucienne didn't respond. She did lift an eyebrow, as if waiting for the rest of the story. Ford relayed the tale of his escape from Lithios Prime, the unfortunate encounter with pirates in the Francien nebula, and the unstable warp jump that had landed him in the system with the Mary Rose. When he finished, she looked very unenthusiastic about the situation.

"How long until you've made repairs to the Couronne?"

Ford looked a little uncomfortable. "The damage was… well, pretty extensive."

Lucienne remained quiet. Then she was replaced by the Bank of Bolias symbol, which meant she'd effectively put him on hold without warning. She was brusque in that way, so it wasn't a total surprise to him. She was probably running some cost analysis calculations. Or maybe reviewing his portfolio. Regardless, likely making an informed decision about his worth to her.

As predicted, she reappeared just as suddenly as she'd disappeared. "The ship you're on was formerly in the possession of an individual of interest to the Bank, someone known as 'The Collector.'"


"Hardly," said Lucienne, doing all but rolling her eyes at him. "Have you secured passage on the ship?"

"Employment, actually. Chief of Operations." Ford grinned because he knew that was going to bring on some discussion about violating his agreement with the Bank of Bolias. But surprisingly, Lucienne sidestepped the issue.

"Remain there until further notice."

"Wait, what? What am I supposed to do with this thing from Lithios? You're not leaving me here, are you?"

"You're not being released from your contract, if that's your concern."

"My concern is bein' marooned on a civvie ship in the middle of nowhere making a third of what I oughta be pullin' in."

Lucienne sighed. "Rest assured we remain a loyal, committed employer, Dr. Kirschler. The Lithian Primarch has taken notice of his missing item. For the moment, it's in our best interest to have you 'marooned on a civvie ship in the middle of nowhere.' I will contact you shortly."

Then she was gone.

Sometimes weeks went between calls from Lucienne. She had said 'contact you shortly' but that never translated into hours. When P.E.A.R.L. alerted him to an incoming call through the subspace receiver on the Couronne two hours later, it was a shock. And a red flag.

"Dr. Kirschler, the Bank has an assignment for you."

Her voice came directly to him through his cochlear implant, and he let it rattle around in his head for a minute before answering. "Lucie, I told you the Couronne isn't in any shape-"

"The contract does not require travel."

"Well, shit, there goes all those mileage reimbursement reports."

"As I mentioned, this ship you're on was owned by an individual named 'The Collector.' Several items belonging to bank clients were 'collected' by this individual, and it would be in our best interest to re-collect them. As with most unscrupulous individuals, you will be likely to find the materials in false holds and the like. Please conduct as thorough a search as is discreetly possible; we do not wish to alert the ship's command staff."

Ford smirked. She couldn't see it but she could hear the mirth in his voice. "Ol' Gregnol outside your sphere of influence, or the Bank just finds his character a little too unimpeachable?"


"Yeah, he strikes me as a little too upright and a little too likely to start asking a bunch of questions."

On the other end, Lucienne delivered the deadpan of her dry humor, "I'm amused you can still recognize those qualities in another person."

"Oof, phasers set to kill, Lucie."

"Report back with your findings as soon as possible, Dr. Kirschler. And again, please use discretion."

"What's that? You said go in with guns blazing?" asked Ford, but she was already gone.


Dr. Fordyce Kirschler
Chief of Operations
SS Mary Rose


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