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Tumaini Beams Aboard... Almost Part 2

Posted on Tue May 5th, 2020 @ 8:42pm by Lieutenant Selina Fenruse (*) & Commodore Ledeya ‘Ed’ Ehestri (*)

Mission: Cosmos
Location: USS Cosmos
Timeline: 2396
1606 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Four Years Ago. USS Viking.

Leaning back into his seat, Selina's words brought a fond smile to Calumn's lips. "That's an enviable feeling... Feeling secure in your calling. It's always gratifying to meet people who love the work they're doing," Calumn said. He chewed on another bite from his wrap. Since Selina had already cited their common heritage, Calumn told her: "I was mostly lucky, as far as the Dominion are concerned. My family had emigrated to Berengaria Seven before the war. There were dragons in the woods, but no Cardassians, no Jem'Hadar."

"I enjoy my job to say the least. Its interesting, exciting and everyday is different." Selina couldn't say that everyday was the same at all, some days she wanted to cry from exhaustion but as soon as she stepped back and looked at what she had done that feeling disappeared. "You were lucky Lieutenant, Dragons were preferable to them." She got a haunted look for a few long seconds before she plastered a smile on her pretty face. If he hadn't experienced the mental anguish of the occupation, she didn't want to share with him. "Seems like an odd place to move too. Did you enjoy it there?" She asked wanting to change the subject from her... He looked and felt a lot more interesting.

Calumn's face screwed up into an expression of puzzlement. "I don't know that I understand your question," he admitted, but he did so in a lighthearted manner. All the same, he tried his best: "Berengaria is home. It's what I know. I don't remember what it was like to live on Betazed. My parents, they wanted to live somewhere cosmopolitan and multicultural. They wanted to live in a place where the people spoke aloud and wrote a lot."

The woman nodded, it was a logical explanation just seemed odd to her that a Betazoid would leave the comfort of Betazed for a planet that wasn't as open or honest.

"It doesn't matter. I was being noisy, im trying to work you out." She admitted. A bright blush appeared on her skin easily standing out thanks to her paleness. "I apologise for that noisiness. I am so used to fellow Betazoid's being open it is a little disconcerting sat here and there isn't that.." She looked sheepish hoping she wasn't prying at all.

He put down his wrap. Inclining his head slightly, Calumn muttered an, "ah!" of understanding. He raised an index finger and tapped it on the side of his head. Looking Selina in the eyes, looking right at her, Calumn said, "You mean my thoughts?"

Selina blushed more but nodded, sure she could feel his emotions but he was saying nothing to her telepathically it was confusing.

"I'm prying too much. My apologises Lieutenant Calumn ." The Assistant Chief pulled her napkin off her lap finished with her meal.

Watching Selina retreat in more ways than one, Calumn reached a hand out to her. He didn't go so far as touching her person, he didn't know her that well, but he laid his palm on the table between them. "Please don't apologize, Selina. I'm an investigator. I value nosiness." When Selina didn't immediately stand or run away, Calumn settled himself in his chair. He explained, "My mind... my paracortex has always strangled my other senses. I never learned to function as a person, until my telepathy was rendered non-functional through medication. I rely on a prescription to numb my paracortex, to make it completely inert."

Selina stared at him in shock, of all the things that she had been thinking that had not been it. She could sense the truth in his thoughts easily. The woman nodded.

Now. USS Cosmos.

"Selina," Tumaini said again with more force behind the words. That force was a mixture of relief and excitement and desperation. He used that energy to move towards her, to finally step down off the transporter platform. He would have done so, if his boot hadn't caught on the carrying case, kicking it open, and tripping him up. Suddenly the platform was clattering with clay bowls and Tumaini Calum's gangly limbs.

Selina said nothing as she watched the man trip and fall among what Selina could only imagine was his art projects. Cristobal had mentioned in his last letter to her months back about how his husband had become an artist. She had not answered any of anyone’s letters since then, it had been back when she had been wanting to connect with people.

“What a way to make an entrance Lieutenant.” Selina murmured moving to haul him to his feet. The Captain said nothing as she moved to start cleaning up the transporter platform of clay bowls.

As he found his footing, Tumaini took hold of Selina's shoulder. He drew strength from her as he stood on his own two feet. Tumaini looked in Selina's dark eyes --he looked right at her-- in that unblinking manner he sometimes had. Tumaini could be awkward, or easily conversation, or entirely too earnest. Perhaps rudely, he paid Ledeya no mind as she cleaned up his mess; it certainly wasn't the first time she had done that for him. Instead, Tu replied to Selina softly, so only she could hear. With a pained grimace cutting across his face, he whispered, "I didn't think I was ever coming back."

"But you did. We are stood here." Selina commented not at all shrinking under his gaze at all. She had never done it before and was not the shrinking type in the slightest. Ledeya took longer than was necessary to put all the stuff away. She was giving the pair time. "Hello." Selina could not believe that she was stood there with Tumaini Calumn of all the people she had been wanting to see since the choas had begone with Starfleet Intelligence.

Looking back at Selina, Tumaini's experience of her in this moment was like a twisted mirror. In the years since they'd parted, Tumaini Calum's every goal had been about digging his feet into the soil. He had aimed to ground himself, to construct a life worth living, and to repair the cracks in his marriage. Rather, it was his time with Selina that had been full of turmoil and upheaval. Selina had served as a beacon through that hazy cloud of trauma. Instinctively, Tumaini threw his arms around Selina. Holding her close to his chest, he whispered in her ear, "I'm so relieved you're here."

Selina was for a momentary second stunned by the hug before she relaxed into the hug and wrapped arms around him. He had never instigated a hug before and she found herself smiling at the difference in him. "Me too. It is good to see you. Soothes my soul." Selina admitted.

Considering the Captain was tidying up the last of his clay pots, Tumaini moved to disentangle himself from Selina. He took half a step back, but the words she chose gave him pause. Despite his Betazoid genetics, he was incapable of sensing her feelings and he wasn't always good at guessing them either. He left hand lingering on her shoulder, when he asked, "Has your soul been in need of soothing?" It was his roundabout way of asking if anything was wrong.

Selina nodded, there had been so much that had happened that she was just not willing to discuss right then and there but he would know eventually. "Completely but you are a sight for sore eyes." She said stepping back looking over at the Captain stood there looking around as if she was ignoring them. "Good afternoon Captain." She greeted bringing her back to them.

"Hello, Lieutenant Fenruse. I am sure that our new Security Officer wouldn't mind a walk to his quarters now he has gathered himself and put his best foot forward. My Transporter Chief will be relieved." Ledeya said with a smile.

Remembering where he was, Tumaini muttered an, "ah, yes," to himself more than anyone else. He folded his hands behind his back and affected a parade-rest posture. "Ah, if I didn't say it before," he said, enunciating better, "Lieutenant Tumaini Calum --security officer-- reporting for duty, Captain." And he even saluted, to make up for his earlier mess.

"Stand at ease. As always Lieutenant pleasure to see you and your spectacular entrances," Ledeya said without a hint of irony or sarcasm. She truly meant it, it was boring everyone arriving on the ship the same way. "You are dismissed. Make sure you report to Command Agrax soon. I am sure she will enjoy your experience."

Offering a heavy nod, Tumaini replied with, "You have my thanks, Captain." He released the stiffness of his posture and he stepped down from the transporter platform. He cross the compartment to the transporter console and left instructions for the transporter operator to send his cases to his quarters later. "I will do my best to provide Commander Agrax with as... spectacular an introduction," Tumaini promised. His timbre was entirely serious, but he suspected both women knew him well enough to hear the joke in his choice of words.

Selina allowed the smirk to cross her face at the man joking but Ledeya just nodded in the cool way she did so well sometimes. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant Calumn. Now if you excuse me I would like to get back my exercise." The Captain quickly made her exit leaving Selina and Tumaini alone.

"Well, I think that went well." Selina mused thinking it could have gone a lot worse if she was honest.


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