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Asking for Help

Posted on Wed Aug 26th, 2020 @ 4:19pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Executive Officer Jake Ford & Liha t'Ehhelih

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: SS Mary Rose
Timeline: MD -01 16:00
1102 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

It was a little weird, Jake realised, to be party to these sorts of conversations. One minute he'd just been left alone to run the security side of things, the next he was in the room with the Captain making all the big decisions. It just felt a bit unusual, all things considered.

"Any idea why Liha called us in?" he asked, his arms folded as he sat back in conference room. "She's not usually that much of a people-person, so it's got me curious. And a little worried."

Liha strode into the conference room with an air of determination. Burnie followed in her wake, technically there for support, though he worried it was an even bet whether that would be moral support or intervention if her temper got the best of her.

"Captain, I've received an urgent request from a Fenris Ranger ship," Liha began, having no time for preamble. "A refugee ship was blown into a mine field by an ion storm and they need assistance for recovery operations."

Gregnol, who had been slouched in his usual seat, sat up when the Fenris Rangers were mentioned. He never admitted to anyone, not even Jeassaho that they were the reason he had been gotten off the slavers' ship let along that he had been helping them at points. He had a deep respect for the men and women doing what they could where Starfleet were not able or willing to do it. "Do you have more information?" He wondered casually.

"Yes. It's the Kilhranen mine field. I have coordinates for the Thrai, the ship that contacted me," she explained. "They're roughly a cycle away, maybe less." She cast a glance at Burnie.

"22 hours, if we push the engines a bit," Burnie confirmed.

"We do have that delivery to make over in the Menak system," Jake found himself commenting. Strange indeed how his role had changed. He caught Liha's eye and made sure to add on, "Though it's not that far off the usual shipping route..."

Liha's eyes had narrowed at the suggestion of the delivery taking precedence. She was probably more concerned about getting that delivery to a colony that had once helped her than anyone here, but refugees lost in a mine field came first. Period. "It is not. And I'm absolutely sure Menak would understand," she said firmly.

“Un narrow your eyes Liha.” Gregnol told her knowing their would be blood she’s if he wasn’t careful. “They will understand so we shall help the Fenris Rangers. What ship did you say again and what Captain?” He asked standing to head to the bridge. Not that either question mattered he just wanted to diffuse the situation.

She relaxed. Slightly. The Captain in motion seemed like a good sign, but she kept a warning eye on Jake. "The ship is the Thrai. I received the message from one of their officers, but I believe the CO is still Kaylin Jaal."

"What do we know about her? Is she trustworthy?" Jake asked. Asking if a Romulan commander was 'trustworthy' was probably not a straightforward question to answer. Everyone had a history, and for many a lot of former Romulan military retained that penchant for deception and arrogance.

Burnie could practically see Liha's hackles rise, and quickly stepped between her and Jake. "We know she's in command of a Fenris Ranger ship, which in my book puts her ahead of Starfleet intel for trustworthy. And the officer that contacted Liha is someone she goes way back with," he put in, hoping to defuse the situation (interpersonal explosions being one of the few types he did not enjoy).

"Enough," Gregnol said simple indicating everyone to leave the office. He shared a look with both men before shaking his head as he lead the way to the bridge. It would do no one any good to be fighting or not working towards the issue. People were missing and they were capable of helping. "I know the name but not the face and she would not know me but we help the Fenris Rangers." It was one of his codes after no slaves.

Jake just nodded. It was Gregnol's call, and he figured his job was to remind the Captain of anything that might blindside them. The Fenris Rangers were vigilantes; some of them dangerous ones. Liha might not like the implication, but Jake had heard one or two stories of their particular brand of 'justice'. Better not say anything further on that subject though.

Liha lifted her head and strode out after the Captain.

Burnie blew out a breath, and gave Jake a semi-apologetic shrug. He understood but didn't agree with the man's suspicion toward the Fenris Rangers. On the other hand, he was sure that if places were reversed, Liha would be the one being paranoid.

The walk was an awkward one with no one saying a word as they stepped out onto the Bridge. "Saa." Gregnol called out to the woman who was sat at the helm working on some calculations.

"Yes Captain." She answered turning around to raise an eyebrow at the group that had come in breaking the silence of the bridge. "Um Hello gang?"

"Liha will give you the coordinates. We're making a detour," Jake nodded.

With a short nod, Liha walked over and punched in the coordinates, and a set defining a region of space. "Be aware there's a cloaked minefield in the second set I entered so steer well around that when you lay in the course."

Dixoho moved back from the HELM and let the woman put the coordinate into the computer. The course popped up on the screen making the Trill frown. It was tricky but nothing she had not faced before. “Well, I cannot say you guys do not take up to the weird and unusual places Captain.” The Trill commented on as she sat down and looked at it all properly. “I have heard of this place.” She murmured.

"We call it Kilhranen," Liha supplied. "It's been there a long time."

That was correct, it was all coming back to her now the stories her father used to tell her as they ran cargo runs. "My dad once upon a time mentioned it as a place you do not venture if you value your life but I was never a daddy's girl and never listened to a word he ever said," Dixoho muttered sitting down at the station away checking everything over a third time before she started the thrusters. "Off to Kilhranen we go then."


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