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Change Of Role

Posted on Thu Oct 8th, 2020 @ 11:52pm by Meghan Massachusetts (*) & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: Guest Quarters
Timeline: MD -05 20:00
1998 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

"I hate gagh," Jaxith said as he scrunched up his nose. Meghan hadn't said a word and yet he was still chattering on about the things he disliked. "It moves. How can you eat something that is still alive and squirming? That's cruel and unusual punishment I say and it's gross. But then that's how they seem to like things, the bloodier and grosser the thing the more the Klingons like it. Probably why I've never befriended one. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever met one."

Meghan was barely listening to the man talking as he usually was at that time of night. She was staring at herself in the mirror and the dress she was wearing. The dress covered her shoulders halfway and flowed down into a fancy semi-sweetheart neckline. It was a snug fit which added to the grace and elegance of the dress. It always made her stand out but she could not decide on the colour that she wanted that day. Black, it was the perfect match for the a simple, but stylish necklace and an opulent bracelet that she already wore. She turned and looked at Jaxith and frowned. “I am sure we have met Klingons dear.” She commented on amused at what he had almost been discussing with himself.

"Hmpf," he replied thinking about it again. "What is this thing again? I hate monkey suits." Jaxith complained as he buttoned the top collar on his shirt. He understood why they called it a collar, it was so the wife could grab it and strangle the man if he got out of line. "You look lovely though."

“Oh we are dressing up because I miss it Jax.” It was as simple as that. Meghan missed the excitement of the high life. They could easily return to it but it would just draw attention to them again.

"In that case, we need music and dancing." He began to hum a tune. If she didn't listen to it too closely he thought he could get away with it. "May I have this dance?"

Meghan grinned and allowed herself to pulled close to the man and enjoy the humming he was doing even if it was out of tune and barely recognisable. It was something better than moments before, being stuck on the ship was starting to do things to her that she did not like. It was impacted by the crew than seemed to be just as cross at each other as she was with the world. They both needed a release.

To be honest he felt he forgot half the song but it was nice, her being there and moving with him, offering up no resistance to his charade. "What else can I do?" He finally asked when the music stopped. "To keep your mind happy."

“You do enough.” She assured caressing a finger along his temple tracing his familiar spots. “I just want to be allowed you let loose a little.”

"Sure, I know you feel cooped up. I'll support whatever you want to do within reason, and if we can keep you safe. Except Klingon food," he winked at her to see if she'd been listening to his earlier rant. The poor thing seemed so distracted lately. "I've uh, been thinking about doing a bit of writing. Want to hear my idea?"

Meghan pulled back her advances spurned yet again. Was this why she gave him free will, unlike his predecessors? Was this why he actually knew who and what she was? Or what she, as usual, wanting something she could not have? It was a hard concept when she could and do what she wanted. “Fine. Go ahead.” She mused thinking it could not be that bad.

"Well, it begins with this young man who sees a young woman in a vision and just knows that she's the one for him. But, he has to find her and there's been a plague on the planet that he lives on."

Meghan looked at him and shook her head. Had he been drinking again? "Sounding a little far fetched." She commented on with a small smile as she moved to the large bed of the VIP suite and sat down to put on the high heels that she had chosen.

"You think so? Well, he finally finds her and arranges a marriage for them, a contract basically because a lot of the women have been killed off by this plague or rendered infertile. Only he doesn't really care about kids, he just wants to meet her and convince her to live with him in his castle like place on this other planet. I don't have a name for the planet yet. What do you think of Adharrah?"

"It is sounding very familiar." Meghan found herself teasing him just a little bit. "Where did your inspiration come from?"

"I dunno, just came to me one day. Why does it sound familiar?" He frowned at this despite being super gentle with his touch as his hand traced the outline of her shoulders.

"I am very old Jax." She reminded him with a grin looking at his shoulder. Everything was familiar to her, there was nothing different to her other than what she was seeing with this crew.

He looked her in the eye this time, deep pools of knowledge they were with a tender bit of humor and affection in them. "Oh, are you now? Is that going to be your excuse for everything now. No, I can't hand you that sock, I'm old." He quickly shuffled to one side so she couldn't playfully hit him if that was her design. "Still as beautiful as the day you were twenty I expect."

"It is all a facade." She whispered grinning as she swatted his stomach before pulling back to her. "I am old Jax. I am old enough to remember when your species were still ocean wielding people." She whispered with a shake of her head as she moved to a mirror looking at herself. She had chosen this form as it was beautiful but not old. She wanted to be respected and a young form always made people disrespect or try and tell her what to do.

"So?" He asked, wondering if there was a point to this. Cause he certainly didn't care. He still had a job to do and he loved her which made his job more difficult and more interesting at the same time. It was the one rule that you weren't supposed to break. But he suspected his career was coming to an end now.

The woman narrowed her eyes at him and leant in pressing her lips against his in a hard kiss before she moved away from him. It was dark moments like this when she gave into the feelings between them despite him spurring her advances majority of the time.

He sighed slightly as she pulled away, both frustration at allowing himself to become so involved and disappointment that nothing further had come of it. "I'm thinking of quitting my job," he replied to her carefully.

"I know," She realised trying to not have a childlike anger reaction to the realisation that he would be leaving. It was only a matter of time she knew that but did it have to happen now. When was the last time she had ever felt like that.

"No," He reached for her and spun her around. "I mean leaving the position. Not leaving the physical location. I can still stay here . . . if you want me to?"

Meghan span and looked at him amazed. "You want... you want to stay?" She whispered. When had someone wanted to just stay with her? He knew the good and bad about her and why she was on the run across the universe and he was wanting to stay there with her.

"Yes," he half laughed at her reaction. "I've seemed to want to stay ever since I met you. I can't pull myself away despite trying really really hard to make this professional. And I thought well . . . if I didn't have the job then no need to be professional." He gave a slight shrug, waiting for her reaction to that as well.

Did he want to be less than professional? Well, this was a change from random fumbles from stress or lust. “How do you know it’s not my magic?” She asked seriously.

"Cause I don't think I would have resisted this long," Jaxith chuckled. "Maybe it is, I don't know and honestly I don't really care either. I've spent my life being careful and overthinking things. Now is the time to throw caution to the wind as the Humans say. I want to spend what time I have left with you."

"You have many years," Meghan commented with a roll of her eyes. It was a unique human trait that she had picked up many years ago when Earth had been alive with fushia, techno and music that got the heart and blood pumping.

"We don't know that, I could insult an Andorian who just happens to have an ice pick. And bam, the end of me. But joking aside, I was trying to be romantic. "

Meghan knew that but it did not mean it did not need saying. She wanted him alive. “Then be romantic.” Meghan encouraged thinking on if she had enough power to bring back the dead she was no Q but she did have some spark inside of her.

Jaxith chuckled. "I'm not very good at it at the spur of the moment, I have to think about it first. But . . . I'll try for your sake." He leaned down to kiss her, breaking the kiss only to whisper. "I love you."

Meghan said nothing just pulled him closer kissing him back. It was enough there and then for her. It had been too long since she had been kissed, to long since some one had declared that to her. “We still need to go to dinner.” She whispered breathless.

"How soon do we need to be there?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

The woman raised an eyebrow at him. “You really are being serious aren’t you?” She breathed shocked that he wanted something more.

"Well wiggling the eyebrows was sort of a joke . . . but yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"We kissed. We do not normally kiss. It is normally more... fierce." She breathed softly, ignoring the little voice that reminded her this Trill would be a blip on her radar. The woman smiled softly and kissed the end of his nose in an intimate gesture, one that spoke of how much she was enjoying this.

"Yeah," he responded sheepishly. "I had this internal battle going on. Supposed to be your guard, not your lover. But I just quit didn't I so there's that problem solved. I won't be able to work that way again probably but I have some talents .. . . I hope. So it will be okay."

"Who did you guard before me again?" She wondered innocently thinking on his skills. He would never want for anything with her but it would be interesting and mundane once she found a new home and somewhere to settle down for as long as possible.

"They are dead," he said with a straight face and then chuckled. "It was a witness to a crime on Deneb IV."

Meghan raised an eyebrow at him before shaking her head. "How did I end up with you again?" She wondered shifting her dress a little back into place.

"You enquired and my employer recommended me," Jaxith said with a grin on his face. "Poor woman, having to put up with me for so long and now it looks like you're stuck with me for a bit longer. Come on, we better leave before they wonder what happened to us," He reached for her hand and headed for the door.


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