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Collecting (part1)

Posted on Wed Oct 19th, 2016 @ 7:31pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 2 - Contagion
Location: SS Mary Rose
Timeline: Stardate 56003.9
189 words - 0.4 OF Standard Post Measure

What can I say? I am growing old, she is growing old but my collection, my collection is only getting bigger. She grows every port I go to, all the other collectors want to share with me because they know I am the best. I have been around so long everyone thinks it is a right of passage to bargin with me. Just yesterday I brought a ceremonial sword from the Klingon Home world to the best Corsican wine from Earth. She is a marvel of the best the universe has to offer, what I can buy with my latinum.


I am concerned about what will happen to her when I am gone? I was meant to have a successor… My daughter was meant to take her on but she was taken from me, taken by the other her, the her I no longer acknowledge. The one that no longer wanted to collect the beauties of the universe. I hate her. I miss her. She should come back, she is nothing without me, Neeradia is nothing without this ship and my collection.

She should come back.


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