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We Went Shopping And This Happened...

Posted on Tue Jun 6th, 2017 @ 12:43am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Reessem Nubohn KIA (*)

Mission: Mission 3 - Negligence
Location: Empok Nor - Central core
Timeline: MD 02:: 13:50
864 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Quang couldn't believe he was in this situation again. He thought this would be a thing of the past when he left the Starfleet Marine Corps in the aftermath of the Dominion War. He hadn't come unprepared. He had a salvaged Starfleet armoured vest on and was toting a Starfleet "surplus" combat assault rifle. It wasn't precisely legal but wasn't exactly illegal either.

He moved stealthily down the darkened corridor. Alongside were Capt Rueben Gregnol, and Sanuye the security chief. That didn't make him feel any better. This wasn't part of the agreement when he had signed on as the quartermaster of the USS Mary Rose. But considering this was part supply run, he needed to be here. You could never tell what you might find.

"Captain," Tran asked, "just what are we looking for. I might have an idea where it might be stashed."

"Anything worth taking along with the data from the core. Anything we can use to repair Engineering more." Rueben said having finally caught up with the pair he had sent towards the Bridge to recover the information from the core and see if any of the components would be usable for Rosie.

Quang nodded attentively while keeping his eyes glancing down the darkened Empok Nor station. "I understand and will do what I can. Just a suggestion though, shouldn't we have brought an engineer or mechanic. In case we run into something really weird?"

"One is on the way as arranged," Rueben assured already hearing footsteps from somewhere in the distance that wasn't any of the three men that were in the area. The area was dark despite the emergency lighting that had been turned on by the Engineers.

"Ezra can you see about getting a better signal to Nubohn than what we are getting. I want her to check off the list of the items you are collecting and this thing..." He held up the short wave radios that they were using that was currently crackling to prove his point. "... keeps cutting out."

"Away teams come in? SS Mary Rose to Away teams?" The voice of Reessem asked over the radio sounding like she had been asking awhile and was bored of repeating the same question.

"Tran do you need help looking for those supplies and provisions?" The Captain asked wondering if he should have brought one of the girls from the promenade with him to help? He was sure Saa would have volunteered she had been volunteering for more things recently. He knew that the virus had upset her as she had been so close to death and it seemed to have aged her and grown her up. She hadn't been flirting with him for awhile which he was thankful for but there something certainly different about her.

"No, Captain," he replied. "I'm doing fine. I spent way too much time on stations like this. It might have been a Cardassian station. But their station layouts aren't that different from our own." he poked away and made his way toward what he had worked out was a medical section. He just hoped that it wasn't too picked over.

"Hell, Captain, this is like shopping in a discount store."

Rueben nodded as he ducked his head to the nearest console and started stripping it of its workings. "Da," Rueben replied as a commotion started on the communication gear. Engineer down... The Human froze as he listened trying to work out what was going on. "Say that again!" He demanded quickly into his headset.

Amelia lurked in the shadows the the space station, filling her bags with must needed items. Hastening her step, she approached her group. This had been one of her first missions, and the risk didn't disappoint "Hey, I've got medicine and a few bags of food. Not sure if that helps, but I figured, why not?" she said proudly with a hand on her hip.

Rueben was about to answer the shadow lurker when he pressed his finger to his ear and the headseat. "Did you say Engineer down?" He asked. "Did anyone else hear that?" The human's heart felt like it was in his throat as he thought about where the Engineers were that he placed on the Station. The only thought that was going through his head was not Jeassaho... not her. "Someone find out what Engineer that was." He said the venom in his voice evident as he started toward the turbolift to where the commotion was coming from.

As soon as she heard Engineer down, her heart raced. "No..." she whispered inwardly, hoping no one else would hear. She had developed a liking for the girl. Hell, they'd become friends and not-so-innocently, Amelia had developed a crush on her. Granted, Jeassaho had other things on her mind, but Amelia couldn't help herself. She stayed silent, hoping in vain that they would hear more...


Captain Rueben Gregnol
Commanding Officer
SS Mary Rose

Amelia Harkness
Shuttle Pilot
SS Mary Rose

Quang Tran
SS Mary Rose

Chief of Security
SS Mary Rose


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