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COMP:: Blinky

Posted on Tue Jan 23rd, 2018 @ 5:13pm by
Edited on on Wed Jan 24th, 2018 @ 3:33am

Mission: Mission 5 - Liberation
Location: Kitchen
Timeline: MD - 02, 0500 hours
522 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

It started as a quiet hiss, almost like the sound of a gas leak. Lorenzo looked around and checked his kitchen but was unable to locate the source of the sound. It grew steadily louder and voices became audible. Three or four separate voices, Lorenzo wasn't quite sure, all whispering to each other, their words unintelligible.

"Hello" said Lorenzo "Can I get you something?"

The voices cut out and Lorenzo frowned. A moment later there was a blood chilling shriek followed by a burst of maniacal laughter. Lorenzo flinched and snatched up one of his sharp knives.

"Who's there, show yourselves!" He demanded holding the blade in front of his body.

The whispering returned along with what sounded like sobbing. Lorenzo moved cautiously through the kitchen toward the pantry where the voices seemed to be originating from. As he put his hand on the door handle, ready to yank it open, one of the whispers became clear.

"I wouldn't do that Blinky"

Lorenzo jumped back holding the knife up in his shaking fist. "Show yourself!" He demanded.

The voice continued in a deep voice "It would be bad if you were to come any closer Blinky, you might lose a finger...or your hand"

There was another blood chilling shriek, it was certainly coming from the pantry. Swallowing his fear Lorenzo approached the pantry again. He grabbed the door and quickly yanked it open, thrusting forward with the knife in the same motion. Had anybody been standing in the pantry they would have been struck with the knife, as it was all Lorenzo struck was a bag of rice which began pouring onto the floor.

"I warned you Blinky"

Lorenzo whirled around and swung wildly with his knife, slicing through nothing. There was nobody in the pantry, and nobody other than him in the kitchen. He made his way through the kitchen and into the neighboring mess hall, that too was deserted. He moved through the mess hall and stuck his head into the nearby corridor. Also empty. He returned to the kitchen looking warily at each shadow. He crouched down in the pantry and began cleaning up the spilt rice, it wouldn't do to waste good food.

The whispers returned and this time a different voice became clear, a young woman, Lorenzo was sure.

"Please no" she sobbed "please don't touch him."

Lorenzo shook his head, it was very early, some bored, tired officer on the bridge was probably just fooling around with the comm system.

"Clever" He said, looking up toward the ceiling "but the joke is not funny anymore, I would-"

He was cut off by another scream and some incoherent babbling. Judging from the terror conveyed in that scream Lorenzo suddenly doubted it was the bridge.

"Please" cried the woman "don't touch Blinky, it wasn't him."

The voices faded away, but as they vanished Lorenzo heard one last chilling scream and more insane laughter. Lorenzo could feel his heart racing, he was afraid for that poor woman, and Blinky, whoever that was. There was something odd going on aboard this ship, and Lorenzo wasn't sure he liked it.


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