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Help From The Oldest Of Friends

Posted on Thu Apr 12th, 2018 @ 12:31am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Dodian Carli & Johnathen Anderson Jr

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Azzia, Vulcan Scientific compound
Timeline: MD 05 10:00
4090 words - 8.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Reuben frowned as the door to the compound was slammed in his and Johnathen’s face, causing the Captain to swear in Russian under his breath. He turned around, annoyed that there was stigma still attached to Vulcans and their Amok Time. It was ridiculous, to say the least, and could possibly cause his crew member to die.

Johnathen frowned, disappointed at the reception that they had been given. The woman he loved was in pain, and the people who knew best how to treat it were too damn arrogant to help. He was about to pound on the solid wood door, demanding they help, when he heard a slight scuffle behind him. He turned and saw what the commotion was about.

The Captain just frowned and turned away, pretty much bumping into a small group of Vulcans coming towards them. “Sorry…” Reuben said, holding his hand to the girl in the group, and pulled her up to her feet.

“No harm. Were you looking for someone here?” The female Vulcan asked looking around to the closed door behind them.

“Kind of… my crew member is in trouble… she is Vulcan but refusing our help.” The Captain didn’t want to give names or anything to this group especially seeing such an old Vulcan was with them, he was bound to not want to help.

When Johnathen finished turning, he froze. He would recognize the older Vulcan male anywhere. "Tevir...? Is that really you?"

The old man tilted his head, studying the young man before him for a moment. The memory of the man was vague, but still present. "Mister Anderson," he returned politely after a few seconds of silence, before confusion spread across his face. "Were you not lost with the Ishimura?" He had of course seen the entire crew manifest after the ship had disappeared and recalled his face from seeing the photo on the list of people missing in action. Right next to the photo of his wife, Ka'See. Hope sparked, but for now, he said nothing else.

"You... um... you know each other?" The Captain wondered looking just as confused as the two young Vulcans with him. It was impossible that the pair knew each other or if they did that would make this man very old indeed.

"I know of him," Tevir replied uncertainly, "but I am not certain we ever met in person. My wife has mentioned him a few times."

"And she spoke of you as well." Though he felt awkward doing so, Johnathen raised his right hand and gave the traditional Vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, Tevir."

Nodding in appreciation of the gesture, Tevir parted his own hand in greeting. "Peace and long life, Mister Anderson," he replied formally.

Dodian listened to the others talk, curious as to how people interacted so freely with each other as it was something she didn't do all that well. She had came to speak to Tevir, give him an update on her findings on the Azzian anomaly when all this began. In truth she blended into the background as she always tried too, her beauty and aura tended to attract people so it was always difficult. In her hand she had the PADD containing her newest findings about Tevir and her own theory about 'space ripples' but that could wait for now.

The Captain shook his head and quickly moved the subject away from the past to the here and now. "I need help with my Crewmember." He said not connecting that by Wife the Vulcan meant Cassie.

"We should help Grandfather." The woman said softly holding out her hand to the Captain. "Isaath but everyone who isn't my grandfather calls me Isa."

Before Reuben could react to the offered handshake, Johnathen looked over to him and spilt the beans. "Cassie, or Ka'see, as it is pronounced in Vulcan, is his wife." He tilted his head towards Tevir as he spoke.

Tevir glanced sideways at his granddaughter, then looked at his grandson. "Sekat, your thoughts?" he offered, wanting to hear his opinion too.

"The door got slammed in their faces," the young man replied thoughtfully, "if we can help, then we should." Sekat glanced up at Rueben. "Tell us more about your crewmember, how can we help?" Neither Vulcan seemed to connect the dots either, not realizing the crewmember in question concerned Ka'See, nor were they questioning why Anderson looked as young as the day he and Ka'See left for their assignment.

"Tevir... it is Cassie. She's alive." The Captain said softly regaining his wits as he looked at the group everything becoming clear.

The old man seemed to stagger at that news as if suddenly all energy had left him. Sekat caught his arm. "Grandfather are you alright?" he asked softly as he steadied the man.

"Alive?" Tevir whispered, "how? Where is she?"

"It is a very long story and not mine to tell. I can take you to her?" The Captain offered looking at Johnathen and wondered what it all meant to him. This man had been married to the woman he loved, someone else had loved her at some point.

Realizing that there was only one way to give Tevir the information he needed as quickly as possible, Johnathen spoke up. "Tevir, if you are willing, I will grant permission for you to meld with my mind. Everything that you need to know to save Cassie is there." His eyes filled with tears as he spoke of his love. He knew that this course of action could very well end his life with Cassie by his side, however, to save her life, he would do anything, even give his own life willingly. "Please," he pleaded to the aged Vulcan.

The few years he had with Ka'See had taught him a great deal about human emotion, and as Tevir watched the young man's eyes mist over, he instantly knew there was more going on. He nodded without hesitation and stepped closer to him, raising his right hand. His hand trembled as he placed the tips of his fingers on the katrapoints on Jonathen's face. "My mind to your mind..." he intoned while closing his eyes.

Johnathen's eyes closed as well, once the meld began. "My thoughts to your thoughts..." He replied in a calm, flat voice.

It was brief but the link showed how Johnathen and Cassie's friendship began at the Academy, then solidified during her mother's funeral. They grew to love each other. Then the heartbreak caused by the wedding and marriage to Tevir, plus how she sent John away. Next, their reunion on Ishimura. Their friendship rekindled, platonic at first. Then, as time went on, they became closer until, one day, they both realized just how much they loved one another, then the guilt of cheating on Tevir, the discussion of ending the marriage so they could be together, then the horror of the Cloud Creature attack, getting into the transporter, waking up in Rosie sickbay, regret again of cheating, then various good days, then Azzia and her going into Pon Far. Finally, Tevir could see just what Cassie meant to John, what he would sacrifice for her safety, without a second' s hesitation.

'Wow, head grabbing... never get used to seeing people do that.' Dodian thought. She could feel the emotion building up in the room from the Vulcan side, even though the did not express it, it was definitely there. She leaned against the wall at the rear of the room, out of the way, twirling her hair and looking at the PADD.

Reuben watched and played nervously with the band on his finger not at all sure what to do at all. He wanted to get back to ship as quick as possible and this was delaying things, to say the least. Delaying how quickly they could get back to Cassie. "Have you ever seen your grandfather do that before?" He demanded of the two youngsters.

Sekat nodded. "Of course we have," he answered, "he has melded with us a great many times when we were children, so we could learn. He did it to our mother and father too. And they with him."

In the meantime, Tevir stood staring at the young man before him, tears rolling down his cheeks. "If only I had known then," he whispered, "I never knew, she never let on anything..." He could forgive the cheating but if she loved someone else, why hadn't she told him? Why had she tried so hard to make the marriage work with him? He had adored her and respected her privacy at all times. He couldn't understand what he'd done wrong.

A long silence fell in which he processed what he'd seen, and then he finally nodded. "Yes I want to see her," he said softly, "and I will help in any way I can. If I can help."

"Of course... I will take you to our ship." Reuben nodded it was easy to see the old man was shaken to the core by whatever he had seen with Johnathen and the Russian felt sorry for him to say the least. It didn't take long to reach where the shuttle was docked and for the group to get onboard.

Tevir sank down in one of the shuttle's seat, grateful for the presence of both his grandson and his granddaughter. As they sat, he looked at them both. "There is something, that I have never told you," he finally spoke, once the shuttle was lift off. "Something that your father does know about as I told him when he came of age, but it was kept a secret from both of you."

Sekat leaned forward just a fraction, an indication the old man had his attention.

The young woman in the group lent forward slightly as the shuttle broke orbit and they were now out among the stars again. Rueben glanced back but didn't say anything but he couldn't help but wonder.

Tevir closed his eyes for a moment. "T'Sara is not your father's mother...she did carry him and gave birth to him, but she is not his mother. Ka'See is his mother."

"What?" Isaath said standing up looking at her brother. How had people hidden this from them? How could they have done it when her Grandfathers first wife had been part Human.

"Ka'See is your grandmother." Tevir opened his eyes to look at her, "only to you and Sekat, not the others. Only your father is Ka'See's and my son." He could go into the technical details but that'd gain them nothing. "You particularly look a lot like her..." he added, looking up at Isaath. "Sekat has her eyes."

Now that Tevir mentioned it, Johnathen could see a strong resemblance to Cassie in Isaath. Leaning back in is own seat, he kept quiet during the flight, his mind solely preoccupied with saving Cassie.

Dodian often found affection to be quietly uncomfortable, getting to know people 'better' for her usually involved a rather forced situation in the past or more recently it was because she or they needed something. There was far too much emotion being thrown about in such a small place and for her, she had quietly kept to herself. Tevir had asked her to come along on this 'visit' but had she known it would involve more of a familial feel then she probably would have stayed in her lab.

The small shuttle was very quiet as it landed in the docking bay and Reuben turned to look at the small group. The atmosphere was thick with emotions in the small space. "Shall we go?" The man said softly rising from the pilot seat leading the way. It was slow going with the shocked group but they soon made it to the Brig.

"Why is she locked up?" Isaath demanded.

Johnathen didn't hear the question posed to Reuben, as his focus was solidly on the woman in the cell. She looked worse than when they had left. The young pilot moved to the transparisteel wall that separated them from Cassie, placing his hands on it opposite hers. "Beloved..." he whispered his voice heavy with emotion. His face was a mask of helpless anguish as he looked at the beautiful Vulcan-Human hybrid.

Seeing his wife in such a state, and so much younger than he was now, almost broke the old Vulcan's heart. He kneeled down, leaning his hand against the wall. "Ka'See..." he spoke softly, "I am here..." But he knew very well that he was going to have to let her go. He had T'Sara and he could see quite plainly that Jonathen would go through hell for her, same as he himself would've done all those years ago.

Reuben watched amazed as the woman who had been lying on the floor looking in a sorry state sat straight up and looked at Tevir. She clambered up and away. "I knew you were alive." She breathed wide-eyed and looking more and more out of control by the second. "I could feel it... but it felt wrong... you move on." She couldn't look at him, couldn't say his name, her guilt weighing down on her just as much as the heat did.

Tevir nodded slowly. "I had to. But I never stopped searching for you." He sighed audibly, shaking his head. "You should too," he finally said, "and I know who you need...and he is willing. Why not accept his help? Do you not see he is aching for you?"

Sekat walked up and into view. "Down on Azzia there is a priestess who can dissolve your bond with my grandfather, so you would be free to choose a new mate." He nodded over to Jonathen. "Him..." he added.

The mere thought of breaking the bond sent her into a panic, it was one of the last visages of her past. "I can't." She whispered sitting against the far wall putting her head in her hands. "I will hurt him." She whispered barely audible as Reuben watched worried.

"Let me in," Tevir demanded of the captain, fixing a steely gaze on the man before turning back to the woman. "I am coming in, and we will solve this."

"I can't... she attacked the last person who went in there." The Captain said softly as the young woman in the group watched her worried.

"How many days is she on?" Isaath asked softly looking worried. This woman was the missing link in all their lives and they couldn't help her.

"Four or five days. We can't tell." The Captain said gently trying to keep his gaze off of the woman who looked so similar to the woman that was inside the brig.

"She will not attack me," Tevir reassured him, "you will let me in with her. Now. You will not deny me being near my wife."

"I hope you are right." The man sighed knowing he couldn't deny him really as he was technically her next of kin. This man had a right to do that. The Captain went to the console and lowered the forcefield allowing the man through before he put it back up.

Tevir sat down on the floor close to the stricken woman, holding out a hand, two fingers extended towards her. "Ka'See," he whispered, wanting her to come to him, "please...let us help you. Let us be there for you like you were there for me all those years ago."

"It wasn't all those years ago. It was barely five for me." She whispered softly as she looked away, tears rolling down her cheeks as the bond between them flared to life for a moment before dulling to a gentle roar in her mind.

"I know..." Tevir watched her intently. "There were developments, but I cannot tell you until you let us, let him, help you. Can you not see how he aches for you? How he worries?"

“Just leave me to burn please,” She whispered turning away physically from him despite the ache and longing to take his hand. “Go back to your wife."

"You are my wife," Tevir answered gently, making no move to come nearer or even touch her. She had to come to him, he knew she would eventually. "You are my first taught me how to love. You taught me so much, you gave me so much..." He paused. "Now it is our turn to give to you. I want to give you your life Ka'See, as you wanted to live it in the first place. Please...allow me to do that." He looked over his shoulder at Jonathen, then back at Ka'See, feeling a dull pain in his right side as he spoke again. "We must go down to Azzia...we must break our bond," he told her. "And then you must bond with Jonathen. And then...I will introduce to you to people who are very eager to meet you."

The woman looked back and for a second touched his hand before moving away like she was burnt. “Can you please leave.” She whispered looking at Reuben. “Can you please tell him to leave.” She requested quietly as she moved to sit on the bed. It was easy to see she was looking worse, sweating badly and her eyes were wide like she was on drugs.

"He cannot," Tevir answered stubbornly, "if you do not accept Jonathen's assistance then your only option is me. And since it is not me you desire, I suggest you take his help. He is aware of the dangers and I am very certain he will take precaution. Since the disappearance of the Ishimura, there have been other Vulcan/Human couples and all have survived several cycles."

The woman shook her head. “You cannot help me Tevir. You're not mine." it was the simple truth of the matter. They weren't meant to be bonded any longer. "I can feel her bond pressing against my mind, telling me to back away. I don’t belong here anymore.” She whispered tears rolling down her face as she felt it all. It was like she was lost and she didn't know how to get back to her life, how to be her.

"You do belong," the old man insisted, frustration and pain audible in his voice. "You will belong." He paused, feeling tears well up in his eyes; his control was no longer what it once was..obviously. "Your family needs you. Jonathen needs you...."

" were my family." She said her head hurting. A bond between Vulcans was so much more than people outside of their species knew and now something was threatening it she regretted everything. "I regret so much... please just go... let me go in peace. It will be so much better for everyone... everyone can just move on." She whispered as she turned seeing out of the corner of her eye a woman who looked similar who banged on the forcefield.

"No." The answer was resolute. "We cannot move on." He locked eyes with Isaath as he turned his head. He pointed at her, then at the older male who stood beside her. "Your family," he said softly, before pointing squarely at Jonathen. "Your mate."

"I don't have a family." She whispered looking back at the two Vulcans stood there looking just as resolute as the man next to her.

"You do... we are your blood," Isaath said softly turning to look at her brother quickly to get his help. He needed to say more, he had brought her along yet he wasn't saying anything it was all on him.

"Isaath and Sekat, they are your grandchildren," Tevir explained slowly.

"Grandchildren? We didn't have children." She demanded of Tevir, not understanding at all. She had lost their baby, it had been what had driven her back to Starfleet and the events that had led them to be trapped in the transporter. She glanced at Johnathen and shook her head, feeling for a second clear-headed, despite the adrenaline rushing through her. "I didn't tell you that... I am sorry. I didn't tell you so much because I didn't want to wreck us."

Johnathen looked at Cassie, eyes red with tears. "You have nothing to apologize for," he replied, a brief smile threatening to cross his face, caused by the sudden hope that soon things will be better. "I love you completely, Ka'See," he said, using the Vulcan pronunciation of her name. "I know that things won't be easy, but, I am willing to stand there, by your side, through everything that gets thrown at us! Please, my love, let us help you!"

Tevir nodded, gesturing for Gregnol to let the man in now. "Let him help," he pleaded, "be with him and I promise you I will take you both to see your son. I will explain....if you promise you will get through this first."

The Captain nodded and deactivated the forcefield watching as Cassie slid to her knees in tears. No one had moved watching the scene so the Russian decided to do it himself. He knelt by her and gently swept her hair out of her face. "You're okay, sweetheart." He whispered softly as he took her in his arms, standing up. He could be gentle and caring despite his rough accent and even rougher demeanour.

"I am sorry." She whispered as the Captain shook his head. "Tell Sommers..."

"We will talk when you are better." He promised with a half smile moving her into Anderson's arms.

Johnathen gladly took Cassie into his arms, having her rest her head on his right shoulder. "All Wil be better soon, beloved," he whispered to her. "For now, just shut your eyes and rest. I won't let any harm come to you." Looking first at Reuben, the young pilot nodded his thanks. The Russian had no idea just how much loyalty he had earned from Anderson today. Johnathen then turned toward the Vulcans. "We're ready. What now?"

"Now we see a priestess who will release Ka'See of her bond with me and sees Mr Anderson bonded to her," Tevir answered softly.

"I will monitor," Sekat promptly said, "I have a medical degree and am qualified to monitor her until they together. I suggest they stay here for the time being or have a temporary residence on Azzia. I cannot monitor her all the time I fear, I have to leave soon as I have to report to the Cassiopeia." Not once had the young Vulcan let on that he had to report anywhere, or even that he was part of Starfleet.

"Brother?" Isaath looked at her brother annoyed. He had never let on that he was due anywhere or so soon.

"Hush sister," Sekat bade her, knowing she wouldn't understand.

"They will stay here." The Captain said softly. "Most of the crew are below. They will have some privacy." He said softly as he noticed the woman drop off into a feverish sleep. "Does she need to be awake for the... for losing her bond?"

"No, she does need to be awake, she will need all her strength later. He should not leave her side, however, not once. I will summon a priestess and I will meet you here in an hour. Sekat will stay here to watch her and make sure she is alright." Tevir gave the couple a sad look. "Promise me one thing, Mr Anderson."

"Anything," The Human replied. "And please, call me Johnathen. Our history goes back far enough."

"Promise me, that you will treat her well. That you will take care of her. Promise me this much."

Johnathen straightened up as best he could and replied. "You have my word, so long as there is breath in my body, I will do everything I can to ensure that she is loved, happy and safe. Whatever the cost." The steel in his voice expressed how serious he was in his vow to the elder Vulcan.

The old man nodded. "Well then...I will be back in an hour."



Cassie McAvoy
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Johnathen Anderson Jr
SS Mary Rose
PNPC Robertson

Civilian Scientist
(Pnpc Lhaes)

Lieutenant Sekat
USS Cassiopeia
(PC Lhaes)

Civilian Medic
(NPC Gregnol)

Dodian Carli
Sciences Chief


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