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Til Death Do Us Part

Posted on Mon Apr 9th, 2018 @ 10:31pm by Johnathen Anderson Jr & Dixoho Saa (*)

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Holobrothel
Timeline: MD 11 / 1543 hours (local)
1719 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure


The screams could be heard outside the dilapidated pleasure house as dull moans, though inside, they were quite loud. The screams currently being heard were coming from Micheal, as he was being slowly electrocuted. He was currently strapped to an old bed frame, laying on the exposed metal, which was conducting the voltage into his body. The power wasn't high enough to kill him, merely injure him. However, too prolonged a charge and his heart could very well be stopped.

The tricorder chirped it's warning, "Damn it! Not again," Không ai cursed grabbing the leads off the table, "Shocking to 120. CLEAR!"

As the defibrillator delivered its charge Micheal boy jerked,once, then two more times after two more it took to re-establish a sinus rhythm. The Carassian breathed a sigh of relief. Then cutting the swollen patches above his eyes relieved the pressure enough to check to see if his eyes were still responsive.

"There we go Ms. Saa all better," Không ai growled at what was left of the woman strapped to the chair across from the piece of hamburger that was once her boyfriend. Grabbing a tuft of Michael's hair, the Cardassian showed off the man's battered face. "He won't be a stunning conversationalist for quite sometime, but he's breathing."

"Now I would reconsider the coordinates of the last two wave points you gave me," He hissed, "And come up with the correct ones!" He could see the look in Dix's eyes alternate between despair for Michael and absolute loathing for himself. "Keep in mind that if his heart flatlines, shocking it will accomplishing nothing. Unless you like your meat well done that is."

Dixoho stared at the scene tears rolling down her face as she shook her head. She wasn't giving anymore information, she wasn't letting them get away with it. "They are correct you sicko." She insisted. It had been the same thing over and over.

Out of sheer frustration Không ai smashed the defibrillator against the bulkhead, marched out of the 'cargo bay' and from there out of the holosuite. "That stupid little whore is still lying to me!" the chameloid growled as her Cardassian skin shifted out of place, "I'm afraid 'your' way is not giving us our desired results my dear T'omas." he grumbled at the Betalgeusian towering over him. Even though Không ai was eighteen hours without sleep, with only stims and willpower keeping him awake, he was still not fatigued enough to yell at his volatile employer, "Perhaps you should take over the interrogation for awhile so I can truly see a master at work."

T'omas sneered at the apparent failings of his partner. "And here I hired you because you were supposed to be the best at what you do. You can't even break a weak little girl!" He forcefully brushed past the Chameloid as he entered the holosuite.

Once inside, the large avianoid moved first to Dixoho. He glared down at her for tense couple of seconds, then backhanded solidly across her face with his right hand, snapping her head to the side. "You are pathetic," he spat at Dixoho as the frightened Trill whimpered in pain.

"Hey!" Micheal yelled weakly from his rack. "Big tough guy, huh? Beating on women half your size how you get your rocks off? Afraid of going toe to toe with a true opponent?"

The Betalgeusian turned his hate-filled gaze towards the Texan. "You think you can taunt me into releasing you? Do I look that stupid?"

From his rack, Micheal shrugged as best he could. "Truthfully, you look pretty stupid all the time, what with that silver beak and face hand." He saw the fire in T'omas's eye increase with the insult. Micheal knew the only way that he and Dixoho would get out of here, would be to force tbeir captors to make a mistake. Unfortunately, he knew that he'd have to take a lot more abuse. "Tell me, did you have to switch hands to take care of yourself in those quite moments? Or did that member never work to begin with?"

T'omas screeched in anger, and leapt Micheal and the rack, bending it slightly with the sudden added weight. He landed several solid blows into Micheal's torso and face. Unfortunately for him, he hadn't noticed that, in his rage, he had actually broke the rack enough to allow Micheal's wrist bonds to loosen.

After several minutes of beating Micheal, T'omas, panting heavily from the exertion, climbed off of his prey. Looking at his handiwork, he felt a sence of euphoria. Micheal Robertson, the man how had crippled him in the past, was laying, apparently unconcious and near death, completely at his mercy. He decided to give the Human one last look at his slut before his life ended. Reaching down, T'omas was about to grab Micheal's head, to turn it towards Dixoho.

Suddenly, Micheal snapped into motion. Using his last bits of strength, he yanked his arms down, breaking the already weakened bonds. Before T'omas could react, he grabbed either side of the Betalgeusian's face, digging his thumbs into the avianoid's eyesockets, causing T'omas to screech in Antony. However, he didn't screech long, as in one strong twist, Micheal snapped the Betalgeusian's neck, killing him instantly.

Now dead, T'omas's corpse fell heavily upon Micheal, pinning him to the rack.

“Rash and impulsive,"Không ai laughed shaking his head, "So rash and impulsive." Smiling he looked at Michael Robertson struggling to move over 130 kg of literal dead weight off his chest. The human honestly warmed the cockles of the Chameliod’s heart.

Không ai then activated a subroutine on the control panel and four very large Klingons entered the cargo bay,
“Gentlemen,” he said into the microphone, “Please pull Mr. Robertson’s arms out of their sockets, but do be careful, I need him to live.” Then hearing a warning beep he looked up at the security monitor, seeing a ‘drunk’ profess how much he loved holosuite brothels, “Hmmm,” the Chameliod said checking his chronometer as Micheal’s screams came over the monitor, “That is certainly impressive.” Then his attention shifting back to the monitor said, “Excellent gentlemen, now please transfer Ms. Saa back to the decompression chamber. I shall be in presently.” Picking up a hypospray, he quickly programed it before activating the last subroutine on the control board, "All situations are fluid" he whispered to himself.

A few seconds later the doors to the cargo bay parted allowing the visage of the Cardassian torturer to enter. Stepping over T’omas’s remains he walking over to Michael, the human’s face twisted in agony he pressed the hypospray to his neck with a hiss. Suddenly Michael felt all his pain and fatigue was away. The Cardassian adjusted the hypospray and injected Dix before shutting the hatch to the chamber. She too felt the relief and mental fog leave her and she suddenly noticed she was breathing easier.

“Before you ask, I’ve just injected the pair of you with ‘Combat Cocktails’,“ he explained as he adjusted the controls to the decompression chamber, “Focuses the brain while it attenuates the pain,” he added almost absent mindedly, “Something from my more idealistic days; a little bit of Cotepine a dash of Theragen along with some other additive of my own devising." he explained as he set the decompression sequence on the chamber," You, Mr Robertson, had some Qudroline in your dose, that heart arrhythmia has me worried, and Ms Saa," he added lancing through the porthole, "I added some Stenophyl. You really need to spend more time in a real planetary atmosphere, dear girl.”

Dixoho tried to struggle against the holograms but she was feeling so weak that it was impossible. Even as she was drugged she couldn't she just glared as she was held down. She had never felt so helpless in her life, it would take time for the decompressing, it wasn't a quick thing at all.

Không ai watched as Dix closed her eyes and appeared to relax, her face becoming almost angelic in the torturer's eyes. Truly Không ai lost track of time as he studied Dix in minute detail. As he heard Michael begin to stir he said "You know, Mr Robertson, you are a very fortunate man. As is our dear Ms Saa. You both love each other dearly. It's rather touching really." turning away from the porthole, he decided to explain himself, "You would honestly not believe the number of my clients, supposed 'lovers' that turn against each other at the merest application of pain, breaking of bone or even cutting off of six of seven digits."

Looking over at the Cardassian, Micheal was feeling a bit foggy in his head. "You... you should know... If I don't... don't kill you first... My friends will."

"Please Mr Roberson," Không ai replied turning back to the decompression chamber controls as the cycle ended, "While I have no doubt you could give me a fair drubbing if you were in tip-top shape, in our current condition you would be less dangerous than a bowl of chilled jello."

As Michael watched Không ai wrestle with the hatch he saw the Cardassian's body stiffen in aggravation, "Damn that T'omas! Honestly, Mr Robertson, I am glad that you killed him, look what he has done!" He said pointing to the damaged cylinder, "Do you know how hard it is to find workmanship like this? And now I'm going to have to wrench this hatch open."

Getting a hammer and plumber's wrench from a nearby toolbox, the Cardassian worked the jammed fitting until it came loose. He then forced the hatch open saying, "There you go Ms. Saa some fresh air for you." Không ai then placed the tools on a tray next to the hatch opening as he turned back to Michael, "As far as your friends go, Mr Robertson, both you and Ms Saa need to resign yourself to the fact that we are bound together, 'Til Death Do Us Part'."


Micheal Robertson
Chief Armory Officer/Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose/Shuttle Alexandria

Dixoho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Không ai
Bounty Hunter
(NPC Kane)


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