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Under the Pillow

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2016 @ 1:29pm by

Mission: Mission 1 - Bridges
Location: Allison's Quarters
815 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

WARNING: Gets kinda dark.

One could have easily guessed from the tossing and turning that Allison Price was having a nightmare. This in and of itself was a rare occurrence as long ago Allison had learned how to sleep a dreamless sleep thanks to the help of some meditation and medication.

Tonight though was a particularly bad one. If it hadn't been for the sound proof walls and flooring she could have easily have woken up half of the crew in these close quarters. Even then she would have never admitted it was her if anyone had asked anyways. No, it was a weakness one that people could exploit and something she couldn't let out in the world. Because it simply reminded her of a time she didn't want to remember, a time when she was venerable and scared. Something she had vowed that she wouldn't be ever again when she had finally escaped.

"Allie come on hurry up you need to be doing something she that he doesn't see you." Marketh said ushering the 16 year old Allison off towards the the laundry room where she could easily be put to work cleaning something or making sure Orgath would be happy in some way. "Kella has fallen out of favor with him, he's looking for someone new."

Allison's eyes went wide in realization of what Marketh was saying as the older woman ushered her towards the lower levels of the complex, he had always taken a liking towards her. If what the Helianian woman said was right he could be looking for her. Allison was far to pretty for him not to have taken notice of the young girl, something many of the older woman had realized and had taken steps to avoid. Kella herself had volunteered to take his interest only a few months ago, the Trill woman was an old hand within the complex but had always been someone favored by the Orion master and had convinced him Allison was not as interesting as her.

Now though, if Kella had lost his interest and he still held interest in her....

No she didn't want to think about it.

"I.. I.. Mar what do I do?" Allison said her voice laced with fear. "What if he find us?"

"Hush child, Jesla is trying to distract him, if we can hide you in the laundry room where he dislikes going you will be fine." Marketh reassured the young girl. In reality she had her own doubts, Kella had said all Orgath had been able to talk about within the last few weeks was the little human girl before her.

All Allison could do was trail behind the older woman listlessly, her fear and dread over taking her thought process. She was terrified of what might happen if Orgath were able to find her and Marketh before they reach the lower levels. What he would do, what he would do to her, what he would make her do to him.

"Marketh...." Was all Allison managed to say as she was pulled down the last flight of stairs and they turned the corner. She ran straight into the back of the Helianian woman.

A deep voice rang out in the dully light corridors, "Marketh! My lovely! Ahh and I see you have the little human with you as well!"

Allison's knees felt weak, she felt a something rising up her chest towards her throat, a dull numb feeling taking over. Her breathing started to shallow as she started to panic. No no no, this was not happening.

They hadn't been fast enough.

Orgath had found them first.

Allison sprang straight up in her bed, the knife she kept under her pillow shining lightly in the dull light of the panel behind her bed. She was breathing hard, she was covered in a cold sweat that chilled her body in the cool air of the room. As she began to take count of the room around her, Allison lowered the knife but didn't let it go.

She was safe here. Orgath was dead. She had killed him herself with a phaser to the chest long ago.

He couldn't hurt her anymore.

Allison pulled her legs to her chest as she began to cry silently. She hated this part of herself, the part that had been weak and allowed all those things to happen to her. She was strong now she could defeat this.

Yet she couldn't stop crying.

Out of sheer anger at herself for not being able to cope with this pain, this pain that hurt her very soul Allison launched her knife across the room. It lodged itself in the opposite wall with a dull thud.

Rolling over onto her side still clutching her legs to her chest, Allison cried herself back to sleep. A thankfully dreamless sleep.


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Comments (1)

By Captain Rueben Gregnol on Tue Jun 28th, 2016 @ 10:34pm
