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Egg Shells

Posted on Sat Apr 3rd, 2021 @ 10:41pm by Captain Sebastian Deauvuex (*) & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers

Mission: Ishimura
Location: USS Ishimura
Timeline: 2343
1165 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Eden paced outside the brig before entering. No one knew she was there and it was late into the night so that no one would likely detect her visiting the prisoner except the guard on duty. But, she just had to see him. She knew he wasn't acting himself that there was someone or some thing in control of him but maybe, just maybe, if she talked to him she could make it through to Sebastian.

She entered the brig and went straight to the cell. "Hello." She said.

Sebastian turned at the noise and frowned rolling from lying down to sitting up on the bed. What was she doing there? Did she not realise just how dangerous the spirit was that was inside of him right now?? He did not not want her to see him with a broken nose and still covered in blood from the fight with the security colleague but there was talking to him despite him not being the person that was in control right now.

“Ah the little girl who talked so nicely before that bitch hit me” He wondered sounding nothing like Sebastian. The accent was thick and heavy compared to the flowing way the man spoke.

"Uhuh," Eden said. "I guess. Can he hear me?" She knew who she was talking to of course. But Eden wasn't afraid of one way conversation and she could definitely ignore someone if she wanted to.

“Yes.” Sebastian’s body chuckled. “He is not happy at all that you are here Eden.” He added sitting up straighter too look at her and smirk. It was just perfect that this woman had decided to visit.

"He's a bit protective," Eden nodded. "But I still wanted to see him." She had planned on only talking to Sebastian but now she was curious. "Who are you anyway? Why did you need a body? What are you after?"

That was an understatement if anything that the man was saying in his head was to go by. “ Kaldrec. You do not know me or my species little girl so do not try researching. We were fully grown whilst you were barely beginning your first walks on two feet from being nothing better than animals. Your boyfriend was just a handy host when the crystal purged us like it did every full moon.”

"That may be, but it doesn't mean we can't learn things about each other." Eden plopped herself down outside the cell and forcefield. "How did you end up this way?"

Kaldrec frowned as the woman got comfortable. She was either foolish or brave to stay. He did not want her there and it was something he could agree with Sebastian who did not want her there either but he was sure she was not going to go away. “It was our next stage of evolution.” He admitted.

"So what do you do between bodies? Float about. Can you communicate with others in that form? Are you aware of what's going on around you. You weren't from this planet were you? What happened to all the people down there?" Eden knew all these questions would likely annoy him and yet she couldn't stop herself from asking them.

Kaldrec sighed. “You ask so many questions. Far too many questions.” He breathed wincing at how his face felt. “I will answer one question.” He resigned himself to giving her the chance.

Eden pouted. "Alright," she said thinking carefully about which question was the most important. "What happened to all the people that used to live on this planet?"

Kaldrec looked at her dumbstruck as she realised that none of them realised. “They are there. They never left.” he laughed unable to believe that they had not realised that every shard of light was some soul, someone who had existed once upon a time.

"Oh." Eden said blinking. "So they're like you? But it appeared to happen so quickly. We thought maybe some kind of natural disaster or something drastic." That was certainly a lot to think about. She let out a small sigh though. Perhaps she shouldn't be here after all. She had found something out, but she was still missing Sebastian. "Maybe I should go and let you get some rest."

"It was dramatic. The end of everything and no means of escape." The man said simply showing the first time some type of emotion other than the evilness he had seemed to show. He could remember being living and breathing but he had existed for so much longer now that the experience felt almost new to him. "We had no choice but to achieve high consciousness to escape it all."

She frowned at this. "I think I might have just gone insane." She seemed to ponder this for a moment and then said perfectly seriously. "You know you have to give him back his body. You already exist without it. He does not, at least not in a way that he can express himself. You are suppressing him."

Kaldrec looked at the woman. “I have right to a life too.” Was all he said moving to sit back on the bed as the door whooshed opened and Ame walked in and stopped seeing Eden there.

"But you already live without a body, don't you? Are you aware when you are floating around? And besides, you can't just take a life in order for you to live. There have to be some kind of rules of the universe that say that's a very bad idea."

Kaldrec looked at the woman and smirked. “Then what are you going to do then little girl.” Ame stepped forward and turned the force field opaque so he could not see out but more importantly, Eden couldn’t see in.

“What are you doing here?” The security officer asked.

"Uh, hoping to have a conversation with the Captain sir," Eden replied, getting to her feet immediately.

“That isn’t the Captain anymore. Didn’t you learn that on the surface?” Just like those two other officers.” Ame frowned as she looked up at the console that showed the camera feed. The body that had been the Captain was just staring at where the camera was in a creepy way that Ame had only ever seen in psychopaths.

"Yes . . . but he's still in the same body. I thought maybe he could hear me." She gave a small shrug. Eden didn't really want to reveal why she wanted to speak to the Captain and she hoped Ame wouldn't ask. "I'll be going now I guess."

“Probably wiser Ensign. Maybe get your friends in science to hurry up.” Ame hinted as she turned back to the brig she was guarding. This was going to be a long night.

"Yes sir," Eden said and she brushed off her uniform, made sure her hair was still pinned up and left the room without looking back at Sebastian, not that she could see him right now anyway.


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