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Two Russians walk into a bar

Posted on Mon Jul 5th, 2021 @ 1:50pm by Isaac Nicoli Dr. & Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 13: Stowaway
Timeline: MD -1 22:00
1040 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Gregnol was not sure how this meeting was going to go since Vince has requested to leave them with them having just gotten Johnathan back and Dixoho to be taking a turn for the worst but he could not fault the man or the work he had done. It would be big shoes to fill but word via a friend in Starfleet had put them in the right place as the right time for someone to be interested. Someone down on their luck almost as much as them. It was a dark dingy bar with no theme or charmed but well off the beaten track, away from Starfleet Officers and anyone else that might be interested in what two former Starfleet officers might be doing. It was pure luck that they were still on Freecloud and that he had looked at the communication as the delivery was all onboard and secured.

Issac found the somewhat seedy bar... refreshing wasn't really the right term but after decades in the bright and obsessively clean starfleet bars it was different enough that he felt happier here than he had done in years. He had managed to message, and then get a reply from the Mary Rose, an old fleet ship that had been retired a while back. It would be familiar enough for him but enough of a change that he could work through his issues with the Fleet, and his former boss. Who he had heard had been promoted for this 'fine work dealing with those Remans'. He shock his head, He, Issac, had been court marshaled, demoted two grades and forced into an extended leave for what he had done. The asshat who had refused to let him safe those people took the credit and got promoted! He didn't really do anger, he was annoyed though and for hims that was a big deal.

Gregnol recognised the man as soon as he walked in. It was hard not to when all Starfleet moved the same way. It was something after three years he had gotten out of the habit of but Jeassaho never would. It was bred into her now after who knows how many generations of Starfleet officers. He offered a nod as they both recognised each other and the former executive officer offered a Russian greeting before he switched to standard. “Zdraviya zhelayu. I am glad you found the place.”

Issac got to his feet. "Ah, wasn't that difficult" the truth was that he had spent more than a few nights here. "The vodka is good here, just like they make in Mother Russia". Retaking his seat he called over the server. "Care for something to drink?" Issac didn't know what else to say, sure the man before him had been in the fleet but he wasn't anymore and he, Nicoli was looking for a berth on a privately owned ship.

"Goes without saying," Gregnol said with a grin as he ordered a typical vodka and settled down into the seat taking off his heavy coat and hat. "Freecloud is very much like Russia at the moment." He really wanted to come back in the monsoon season to see what it was like without the snow and firelight that everything seemed to be lit by.

"I am glad yo contacted me Капитан" he said, slipping in his nature tongue for captain. "I hear you might be in need for a Doctor."

In need of a doctor? It was the understatement of the year with how sickbay was a revolving door of medical personnel. They knew what they were getting into but when the reality kicked in it was another thing. “Could say that.” He smiles as the waitress came back with the drinks. “We are a ship low of supplies and technology.”

Issac smiled with his future captain. "Well," he said looking for the right words. "There are a few things I can bring with me." He had custom personal medical gear that he had built himself. They had tried to force him to leave them behind, For once JAG was on his side. "I could maybe find a few medical supplies also, but I would need to talk to a few people."

"Talk away to people if you are interested in joining the ship that is." Reuben knew many people were not up to the task. He would not admit it but he had pulled a few strings to check on the man before offering to meet him there. He did not bring just anyone into his circle anymore, his time out of Starfleet had taught him that even good men go to war.

They were still skirting the offer so Issac extended an tentative offer. "If you will have me, Captain. Then I shall like to join your crew." He was also getting a sense that the captain had somewhat of a bad run with medical staff in the past. Issac didn't know how long he would be with this crew, before he returned to the fleet as the most experienced and knowledgeable Lieutenant in history; assuming he did return. Whatever he decided in the long run he would ensure that the Mary Rose would have enough supplies to last them a good long while.

“I will have you. The ship needs someone like you.” Gregnol assured quickly, hoping his gruff attitude and man of so few words was not putting him off. They needed someone to get them through the potential death of Saa and whatever else the universe decided to throw at the ship.

Isaac smiled. "Its not my job that I walked away from, it was the fleet politics that i couldn't stand. I would be glad to take on the role of your ships doctor. I will go and gather my supplies and personal equipment. I should be able to turn your medical bay into something approaching state of the art." The big Russian man grinned, a slight twinkle in his eye. He had brought his fleet standard equipment, he was still active duty after all. "Is there anything i should know before i get aboard Captain?"

"How do you feel about giant spiders...?" Was all Gregnol said with a bit of a grin.


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