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Is the Doctor In?

Posted on Tue Jul 6th, 2021 @ 7:23pm by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Isaac Nicoli Dr. & Johnathan Anderson Junior & Beya

Mission: Mission 13: Stowaway
Location: SS Mary Rose, sickbay
Timeline: MD 03 2106 hours
1844 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

When Issac came aboard from Freecloud he had gone right to the medical facilities. He hadn't known what to expect but was pleasantly surprised to find that sickbay was stocked with modern equipment and supplies. He was surprised to find that he already had a patient. A former crew member who, it seemed, had returned to the ship after a year missing. He had brought his own tricorder and went about linking it to the ships medical sensors and computers. Issac wasn't sure what had happened to this young man... well that wasn't right, he knew what had happened, he had broken bones, he was dehydration and malnutrition. There were signs of several animal wounds and electrical burns across much of his chest. Some had been treated already, albeit by older techniques. He could remove some of the scars left behind and he could finish the treatment of the other ailments but what concerned him the most was the damage to the memory and emotional centers of his brain. He was sure that with treatment to reconstruct the missing neurons and repair the damaged sections. He would have to spend time with a counsellor, it would be a process like learning to walk again after having to repair a spinal cord.

He approached the man lying in the biobed, a warning beep told him that there was an isolation field surround the bed. Looking closer he saw that he was also tried down. Now Issac was a big man, at six two but he was also a Boxer, a heavyweight at that; this said he hesitated. He went to tap his commbadge, only to find it missing. He rolled his eyes and went to the nearest console and pressed the hail button. "Excuse me," he said to the Orion woman who was sat at the duty station. Given his had only just noticed her he realized how focused he had been on the prone man on the Bio bed.

Beya looked up at the new doctor. She hadn't had a chance to get to know him since he'd come aboard, but she hoped he'd be as nice as Dr. Vinny. "Yes? Can I help you, Doctor?"

"Why is he tied down?" Issac inquired tearing his gaze away from the isolation field and towards the young Orion.

“Because he attacked people. I authorised it.” A voice said from a chair in the corner of the room. Cassie sat there looking exhausted as she surveyed the new doctor.

"And for his own protection," Beya added. "He appears to have some brain damage from prior electrocution and he becomes confused and panicky." She looked down at the man sadly. "We did what we could for him when he came in, but I'm not a doctor. Until he's better, he could do damage to himself if he tries to get up and run."

Hearing the voices around him, Johnathan stirred. Slowly, he looked around. He was still in the place that held him. Though, he found that his body was in less pain. He actually felt much better, physically. He still couldn't understand what everyone was saying. When he saw his angel, sitting in the corner, his heart fluttered happily. "Ka'see?" He said gently.

Cassie said nothing but nodded at the man. It did not matter what she said he always just said her name. It was heartbreaking and frustrating for the woman who was tired and who was trying to fix her life to move forward. She wanted her husband in her life but she could not get through to him no matter what happened.

It was clear that the ship was in dire need of a doctor. He stepped forward towards the isolation field, he pressed a few buttons on the console next to the field and stepped through the field. His scans showed that the damage to this young man's brain had included the left side, which could indicate a problem with the speech and language centers. Issac stood back from the bio-bed and tried his very best to be non-threatening.

"Hello Mr Anderson," he said in Federation standard, but he echoed it with federation standard sign language. "I’m Doctor Nicoli, It would seem I am your doctor" again echoing what he said with Federation standard sign language. It was a long shot, not that he wouldn't be able to respond due to his injury but more cause he was unlikely to know what Federation standard.

Johnathan looked at the strange man, with a confused look on his face, as he spoke some language that he just couldn't make out. He saw the man making gestures with his hands as he spoke. Johnathan still didn't understand. When the man finished, Johnathan looked over to his angel and tried to reach for her, but he was still securely strapped to the biobed. Straining to bend his hand towards her, he asked softly, his eyes begging, "Ka'see?"

Cassie frowned at the fact he kept repeating her name. It was grating on her fragile hold on her emotions. “We have tried a few languages but he has not responded.” She said slowly patting Johnathan’s arm for a moment before she wrapped her arms around herself.

Feeling his angel's touch on his arm, albeit briefly, was enough to make Johnathan calm. He closed his eyes and desperately tried to come up with another word, any word. After several moments of struggling, he finally blurted out, "BOND!"

Cassie raised an eyebrow. At least he knew another word even if it was a stark reminder of what they had once upon a time.

Issac pulled the tricorder from the pouch on his hip. He looked over the results. "Beya, could you pass me a hypospray loaded with programmable fluid please." He looked back at the couple. "I do think that he understands. The problem is that the links between his speech centre and the rest of his brain are damaged and broken. I think I can jump-start those connections, at least the ones that are damaged."

"Here you are, Doctor," Beya said, placing it in his hand. "If that is the problem though, could one of the Betazoid crew maybe try to read the thoughts he can't express and relay them to us?"

"Could the translator we have inside of us done this." She said thinking of the old style universal translator they still have embedded in them. Cassie had hers turned off after several interesting conversations with other crew members and the shifts in vocabulary.

Issac gently handed the device to the young man wife. "I think it would be better if you did this," he said to her, "you can administrate it anywhere as long as it is directly on his skin." He then glanced back at Beya. He would have told her it was unlikely, except he didn't know the age of the ones this crew had. Modern Federation and Fleet ones were much more advanced. "Maybe" he considered it for a while. "But I fear it will take more than a doctor to work that one out."

Back to Cassie, "That isn't an instant fix, even if it does work we won't see any change for a few days, maybe a week."

Cassie levelled the man with a look. She took the instrument and resisted the urge to tell him that she had two PhDs and knew how to use a hypospray. Cassie nodded, not many people were adept at 2240 technology anymore, it has surpassed it in the last one and fifty years. “If you can get scans of it I will have a look.” She turned to Johnathan and pressed it into his neck easily before handing it back.

"I can set up a scan," Beya offered. "I've heard of UT's malfunctioning due to hitting certain energy fields, but I thought even the old ones had fail-safes so the worst that could happen was that they just stopped working. Of course, if he is that old, who knows? I doubt anyone expected them to stay in service so long."

“With us being in the transporters so long it might have affected it.” Cassie mused. “We might all need ours out. Mine was deactivated from the mission that we were on where we ran into the cloud.” She frowned and shook her head as she remembered the cloud for a second before filing it away. She did not want to remember those final days of 2346.

Isaac nodded "Please do Beya. Are the records of those transport available? I would like to look through them if possible." If he could get a look at this young man's medical data before the transport, after it and then today's scans. "Either way, there is nothing I can do for him until I know more. He is clearly here for a reason, but I would like to discharge him into your supervision as soon as we can. I don't think him being stuck here 24/7 will do him any good." Isaac smiled again at them all. "Beya, please do the scans." he paused a moment before reaching into a pocket n his coat and retrieving a modern tricorder "Here," he said offering it to the medic. "Medic tricorder, it has a number of programs and modules that I designed it should help you greatly" there was no cockiness to his offer, just a desire to help as best as he could.

"Thank you," Beya said with a nod as she took the tricorder. It was more advanced than what she'd used before, but not exactly centuries ahead. She'd used enough different equipment on enough different ships to figure most things out pretty quickly. "I do know how to use a medical tricorder, Doctor, but I'll ask if I run into trouble with any of your modules," she said as she set it up for the scan and ran it over Jonathan. "The readings indicate the UT is fried. The connection to his language center shows damage too, though it may be from what destroyed the UT as much as any malfunction in the unit," she reported, handing the tricorder back to Isaac so he could assess the readings himself.

"He cannot stay in my supervision. It is totally unsuitable with my ship duties and the situation. We... he... he has been gone a long time." The Vulcan hybrid stuttered through quickly looking at Beya and Oliver. She was unsuitable for that task especially as she was angry at him and the situation.

Isaac smiled at her. "Remain calm." he said with his best soothing voice, "Should we get that far you will not be alone, and he will not need the level of care he currently gets." He looked at the readings without taking the device. "Yes, I agree." he was unsure of what to do about though. Removing it would be difficult in a fleet surgical bay, it might be impossible aboard this ship. "We will monitor the situation, but I fear we will have to find a workaround.


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