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A Matter of Choice

Posted on Mon Aug 7th, 2023 @ 10:40am by Evanna Belyaev & Captain Reuben Gregnol (Mirror)

Mission: Fractures
Location: Commodore's Quarters
3427 words - 6.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Evanna was starting to suspect that very few people knew Gregnol was back on board.

She based most of this on the fact that there had been ample time to surrender to the heat his hands trailed across her skin without interruption or interference from peripheral responsibilities. Given that he was known for keeping his fingers in most pies, (something that was likely to be an even more stringent compulsion after the fiasco of his entire Science Department being turned into a zoo without his knowledge), Evanna didn't really hold any expectations that time alone to explore his hidden appeal was ever going to be a very protracted allowance. His communicator hadn't gone off once and, since she had no reason to believe he'd buried it somewhere out of reach, the only remaining conclusion was that most of his subordinates thought he was still with the Empress.

It had certainly made the shower afterwards less of a rushed affair than she was used to.

Now, covered only by the clean shirt he'd pulled from his own drawers for her to wear, an act that Evanna assumed was as much for his pleasure as it was her comfort, she sat curled into the corner of the couch facing the viewport whilst he rattled around in the small kitchenette for what he had vowed would be a suitable alternative to a late dinner. He'd supplied her with whiskey this time, at least, which far closer to what her palate was accustomed to than the overly-sweet nectar had been.

Whilst she had whiskey he had continued to drink the nectar. It was his taste and something he very much enjoyed. It brought back long buried memories that be rarely allowed himself to think on even as he relaxed and gave into emotions he had forgotten he was capable of sometimes. He had pulled on a pair of clean boxer and a tee to make themselves an almost midnight meal. It was nothing special being an omelette but it had vegetables and many other things that would make it delicious as he passed a plate over to Evanna. “Your nourishment.” He announced.

An outstretched hand accepted the plate, just as eager to see what his late night specialty was as she was to satiate any hunger pangs. Her work ethic being what it was, Evanna had a relationship with food that was entirely practical in most instances. Nutritionally-balanced yet utterly bland because the emphasis was always on fuelling herself rather than enjoying the experience. That didn't mean to say she didn't have a discerning palate, nor that she wasn't capable of enjoying good food when she had the opportunity to indulge. She just tended to work through most meal times.

The colours alone looked far more appetizing than anything she'd had all week.

"Djakuju," she murmured, veering well-beyond her grasp of his mother-tongue to honour the variances of her own. There was enough blend between the two dialects, far more than historical context permitted, that she could have passed as a native from his village but for the slightest hint of an accent that suggested otherwise. The cadence of both languages suited her contralto better than Standard, in any case, as articulate as she was when wielding it.

The man smiled and moved to sit next to her with his own plate. He said nothing for a moment as he savoured the first bite. It still tasted just right despite all the years since he had bothered to even cook something for himself. “It taste okay?” He wondered finally.

The introspective blonde ate methodically, careful enough with each bite that it seemed likely she would take twice as long to finish as he did if she maintained the meticulousness. Part of it was just natural metabolism, she had trained herself to replenish in smaller portions more frequently, but it was also just an opportunity to savour. It had been a very long time since anyone had cooked something specifically for her in such an intimate setting.

"I can't remember the last time I ate eggs this way," Evanna replied quietly. Glancing across at him, she dipped her head gently. "A hidden talent." The sparkle of her eyes teased him then, though she didn't linger on the topic long enough to truly capitalise on the playfulness. "While you were making it, I was considering what else might prepare us for this investigation of Hoth." Because of course she'd been thinking work whilst gazing out at the stars, half-naked on his couch. "I've been working through the damaged communication files we retrieved. Extrapolation protocols have transcribed as much direct conversation as can be predicted but I've been running point-of-origin traces on the longer-range transmissions." In her spare time, no doubt. At this point, her job was her hobby. "By the time we reach the sector, I aim to have pinpointed more specific locations the ship was in contact with. Hoth is a big place," she added. "If there's a rebel outpost there, I will do what I can to find it."

Her gaze held his as she chewed and swallowed another mouthful.

"It will be better if I used Sanctum to do this."

Permission, in other words, to operate outside the system.

The commodore mused the question for several moments before he nodded. “Do it. Hoth is freezing so we need to be prepared more than normal. Half the crew have never seen snow let alone experienced a winter."

"I'm quite looking forward to it."

It was a revelation in that it was exceptionally rare for Evanna to share a personal desire in such a direct way. He had asked her to relax, however, and this appeared to be a deliberate attempt to oblige.

"It doesn't exactly lend itself towards sight-seeing but it will be nostalgic, at least, to not be able to feel my extremities for a few weeks."

Gregnol nodded. He had been thinking more and more about how the planet would be like home and how it would be nice to get some fresh cold air. It had been two of the reasons why he had wanted the mission other than it was his job to hunt down what was left of the rebels. "Fresh air and fresh blood will all do us some good." He said leaning over to grab his glass of nectar.

"Wherever they are, or at least whatever they may have left behind, will be embedded in such a way that I don't expect getting to it will be easy, even after we've pinpointed a location." Angling her gaze sideways to watch him carefully, Evanna added, "It may be difficult to adopt a blazing guns approach." A tactful way of suggesting a change in strategy, or at the very least a caution for even-temper. His passion set him apart, at his extreme the polar opposite to her impassive icicles, but there was very little point in shooting randomly into snowdrifts. She suspected she already knew how he felt about sneaking around, however.

"I do not adopt a blazing gun approach all the time." He advised her gently. He had started life as a security officer and knew when to be hot as molten lava and to be as cold as the planet they were heading to. "I want to find them and get answers. That is what I want and the Empire needs to stop the attacks on the outer worlds.

"No, you do not," the blonde quietly agreed, exuding enough authority to make it likely she'd tracked enough of his career to have some point of reference. Evanna visibly relented, returning her attention to her half-finished plate. "A word of caution for us both, perhaps. Surprises have a habit of getting beneath the skin when they are personally motivated."

The man took the hint and held his tongue for a moment to reflect. He was personally motivated to say the least, he wanted revenge for the rebels keeping his wife from him if she was still truly alive. He wanted answers for so many things and Hoth was the start of the trail properly for him. "I am personally motivated." He agreed.

"I expect we both are."

It was not intended as a means of buying into his own investment. Whatever was developing between them would need, Evanna suspected, to eventually accommodate a reunification of sorts with his wife. Having compartmentalised her life to such an extent that overlapping sentiment became practically unheard of, she felt no specific urgency in that regard, despite a purely intellectual dissemination making it at least probable that she would find the inevitable abandonment regrettable. Her reference in this case involved Talon, and the complications that would arise from having to confront her estranged father so many years after his rather impressive attempt to convince the universe he was dead.

"Indeed. We shall see how the road goes." Gregnol glanced at the woman taking in the look on her face and the tone in her voice. He could not understand what it meant at all. He was not at all sure where it was going to lead but he was sure that it was going to be dangerous and brutal. He took the empty plate from her and took it to the replicator to clean. "But for here and now..." He left the words unsaid and struggled as he stood in the kitchenette watching her.

Rising from the couch, Evanna took her drink with her and moved towards the viewport. Out of uniform, devoid of the posture it typically afforded her, draped only in the shirt that fell to mid-thigh, she was a different creature if no less elusive to direct interpretation. She appeared introspective more then melancholy, however, and closed the window for misunderstanding relatively quickly by exhaling slowly and stating, "I don't expect to derive quite as much satisfaction from my own reunification." Using the reflection to look at him, she asked, "Have you been brought up to speed on what to expect if we encounter Talon Kohl?"

Gregnol raised an eyebrow slowly as her words. He had no idea if any type of reunion was on the cards. “I have no idea if I will be having any type of reunion, Evanna. I have but I would like to hear it in your own words.”

A momentary hesitation had very little to do with his personal situation, which was none of her business and not likely to be anything Evanna felt entitled to invest in. It certainly wasn't something she could control and so it fell into the same category as everything else she would simply adopt a response to when the time came. The stillness of her reverie, the way her eyes locked on his reflection, was entirely the result of trying to figure out exactly what her words were on the subject of Talon Kohl. She lifted her drink to her lips and returned her gaze to the stars.

"There is much that remains unconfirmed, which accounts for Kristof's fixation. He has his own personal reasons, perhaps not that different to your own, but setting their past relationship aside, Talon is still someone that should not be allowed to remain at large. Particularly," Evanna added, finally turning to face him, "as our sources indicate he may not only have had a hand in stimulating rebel sentiment well before the destruction of Betazed, but made some powerful allies in the years since."

She sat leaned backwards slowly to rest her weight against the ledge.

"Talon is a savant, a telepath of extreme potency. What your interrogators enact with the assistance of neural-tech, he can achieve naturally. Manipulation, coercion, suggestion. He is particularly adept at controlling others."

Savants were fast becoming few and far between thanks to his destruction but there were enough for now for the Empire to do what was needed. “Alexis achieves but if you let her loose to often the crazy sneaks in.” He revealed thinking on the woman and how her abilities were why he wanted her onboard. “So I can imagine that he is a commodity that they were not at all happy about losing nor keeping alive for the rebels.” He summed up. He knew he would not be happy about it at all.

For once, the lithe blonde tucked an element of weariness behind her resignation. "The first and only mistake anyone ever makes is believing they can control him. He is undoubtedly useful but only on his terms." Her blue eyes travelled downwards until they came to rest on the subtle swirl of the remaining whiskey in her glass. "Our most recent data suggest that his collaboration with the rebels has taken a less direct route."

She glanced up at him once more.

"We believe he's with the Elasians."

A deep laughter broke out in Gregnol at the mention of the Elasians. Of course, Kohl was playing with Elasians. They had the inability to stay neutral and out of everyone else’s business. “Of course he is.” He finally stated and shook his head.

His mirth earned only a raised eyebrow. "The Elasians capacity for civil unrest has kept their focus inwards for centuries. The ongoing conflict with the Troyians has served to contain a considerable threat but this current Dohlman has already changed the playing field and she's only been in power for the past 5 years. Something is definitely stirring from that sector. Reports indicate their armada has tripled in size in the last year alone."

"Well they will be put down like any other threat. They know better than to attempt anything. Neither side has ever won in scuffles but time will tell, if he is there we will find him." Gregnol got up from where he was leaning against a counter and moved over to kiss her forehead. "Do not worry about anything reunions that may be years away or never happen."

As resolute as always, but mildly amused amidst it, Evanna simply fixed him with a playfully pointed look. "I am in no hurry to become reacquainted with my father's methods," she retorted, well-aware that his comment seemed a little broader in scope. "Beyond that, I would not say I am worried about anything, Commodore." It was the best reassurance she could give him without evoking topics that felt outside her realm of influence.

"I know you are not." He knew the type of man Talon was and it was similar to the type of man his own father had been but once Reuben has been old enough he had been able to take him out and avenge all the beatings he had ever received. "Maybe I will become reacquainted on your behalf. I have a very good track record with fathers." He said darkly.

"If I had more faith in the Elasians' motives, I might hope that they've finally found a way to rein him in." There was something mildly terrifying, however, about the prospect of the telepath being under another's control. "Time will tell," Evanna fell into cliché for once because there was very little else that could be achieved for the moment. Reaching up, she swiped a thumb against his chin, chasing invisible crumbs, and then permitted a shift in dynamics enough to kiss a droplet of nectar from his lower lip. "He can't avoid every missile barrage sent his way," she murmured. "But the list of reasons to neutralise him is extensive enough before it even references my personal experience. Focus on those, I will be fine."

“You will be fine. He has a kill or capture on his head so one way or another he is not your problem.” He said simply. “And it’s amazing what work I can do with missiles and photon torpedoes.” He whispered in her ear softly.

"He dodged the first time," she pointed out with a soft huff of laughter, weary enough that it didn't count as much of a rebuttal. The destruction of Betazed had eliminated several key concerns but Kohl, known for his ability to be one step ahead, had not been amongst the fallen despite early hopes to the contrary. Slender arms hooked around his waist permitted a change in tone, however, since there was nothing to be gained from fretting ahead of schedule. "We have a frost-covered world to conquer before any of this becomes a priority. I take it we're departing relatively soon."

“In the morning.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her from the window to face him properly. It was a gentle movement as had been hers . “So if there is anything you need from the palace you need to get it before fifteen hundred tomorrow.” He suggested.

An intriguing prospect if only because the Science Chief had not really considered her return to the Empress' seat of power as any kind of personal investment. There had been some scope for updating the matriarch on recent developments but, for the most part, the change in career path had also renegotiated communication lines. Belyaev was Gregnol's officer now, the channels of command were not as direct as they'd once been, or at least they wouldn't be as long as Evanna was determined to honour her newfound loyalties. "I have spent the last few weeks ensuring we would be ready for departure," she teased him. "If there has been any oversight, I am sure I will adapt."

The man inclined his head in a as you wish gesture. He had to return to collect belongings from his rooms there but it could all wait until morning. “I have to return to collect some items but it can wait until morning.” He explained.

"I should let you get some sleep."

There was playfulness to her tone, though the gesture held a granule of sincerity as it seemed less than guaranteed that his earlier invitation to stay had included overnight. At the very least, the lack of presumption was meant respectfully, phrased in such a way as to remain open to his wishes whilst, at the same time, bestowing no sense of obligation. They were independently-driven creatures, whatever it was Gregnol had hopes of pursuing, she doubted it involved complete sacrifice of his autonomy.

"I will sleep soon. There is still time for discussions." He commented. "And are you planning to stay or are you scuttering off somewhere?" He asked stepping back to give her space.

"I do not scutter," she chided him, a mockery of gentle indignation causing her lips to twitch. For a moment, Evanna studied his features and then allowed the arms around his waist to draw back just enough to settle her hands at his hips. "As for any plan, I think we've already established that you've rearranged my expectations for this evening."

She never stayed. For her entire life, Evanna had compartmentalised her intimate life in such a way that it only existed if it was necessary for work or as a pressure valve. Sleeping in the presence of someone else rendered her far too vulnerable and, as such, she had always avoided it. Even their first night together technically counted as an eventual escape, if only because there hadn't been a lot of sleeping and morning shift had arrived with just enough time for her to return to quarters to prepare. This was likely to be different, both were exhausted and drained for connected yet different reasons. She held his gaze, tried as was becoming a habit to decode the layers stacked behind it, and lifted her chin just a little.

"Do you have a preference?"

The man shook his head, running a hand through his still damp hair. “Not at all. That choice is completely yours.” He offered. He was aware that the choice was down to her, he had no preference. He had not shared a bed overnight with anyone for awhile so he had no preference or opinion. “The choice is yours.”

An open invitation. More than that, a choice. From a man not known to give many. The ghost of a smile tugged Evanna's lips up at one side and she slid the hands back around to clasp at the small of his back.

"For once, I am inclined to throw caution to the wind and simply take things as they come. After all," she added with measured amusement, "I do still need to actually teach you how all this works."


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