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Security Check-in

Posted on Wed Jan 10th, 2024 @ 5:06pm by Chief Armoury Rormu Yazlin

Mission: Fractures
Location: SS Mary Rose, Deck 7, Armoury
1539 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

With a jaunty step, Jack made his way toward the ship's Armoury, his anticipation evident in the light, almost musical rhythm of his boots against the metal floor. The corridors of the Mary Rose whispered tales of bygone eras, each turn and corner carrying an aura of history that made his heart sing.

The door to the Armoury slid open, revealing a room that felt like stepping into a time capsule. The walls were lined with secured weapon cabinets, some showcasing relics of a different age, others full of modern phasers. Every piece was meticulously maintained, their silhouettes visible behind the polished, reinforced glass, hinting at tales of battles long past and of captains and crew who once wielded them. The room itself was a testament to the dedication of its keeper.

"Ahoy there!" Jack boomed, his voice echoing slightly in the chamber. His eyes scanned the room, searching for a familiar face amidst the array of weaponry. "I've come seekin' Chief Armoury Officer Yazlin. Eager to discuss how this ol' starfarer might assist and be of service in this fine repository." He paused, letting his fingers brush gently against one of the cabinet handles. "And, of course, to familiarise myself with the tales and tools that reside here. Every piece has its story, and every ship's strength lies as much in its tales as in its arsenal."

Yazlin just placed her marksman rifle back into its dedicated locker when she heard the doors slide open. She made sure to keep her focus on properly locking the thing in place and closing the door, her concentration was broken when she heard someone she'd never met before refer to her with her given name. It made her turn and face the man who just entered. Able to keep a scowl from her features she stepped towards him. "Chief Rormu, please." She extended a hand to make his acquaintance.

Jack paused, his jovial demeanor giving way to a momentary flicker of embarrassment. He straightened up and met her gaze, a sheepish grin playing at the corners of his lips. "Ah, my apologies, Chief Rormu. Should've checked me bearings before venturing into unfamiliar space," he said with a chuckle, reaching out to firmly grasp her extended hand.

"The manifest mentioned 'Yazlin,' but I reckon that's a lesson for me to not always go by the chart, but rather to get to know the crew and the customs firsthand. Name's Jack, the new Chief of the Boat," he introduced himself, giving her hand a respectful shake. "Eager to learn more about this fine Armoury you've got here, and how I might assist. And, of course, to better acquaint myself with yourself and your crew firsthand." His eyes twinkled with genuine interest.

"I'll have a talk with the Quartermaster about that one." It was mostly an offhand comment not aimed at the man personally. "Nice to meet you, Jack.." She recognised it as a human given name and wondered if leaving a pause there would prompt him to give her his family name.

Jack caught onto the subtle cue, appreciating the tact with which she approached it. "Ah, that'd be Rumm. Jack Rumm," he clarified with a grin. "And thank you for the warm welcome, Chief Rormu. I've always believed that a ship's strength isn't just in its armour and weapons, but in the hands and hearts of the crew who wield them. I look forward to working together to ensure the Mary Rose remains a beacon of efficiency and unity in these vast cosmic seas." He punctuated his sentiment with a nod, then carried on, "So, tell me, what can you share about the Armoury and its operations? Always been a bit fascinated by the blend of technology and strategy it involves."

There was a moment where Yazlin seemed to consider her response to all of that. Her brow furrowed ever so slightly as she contemplated. "It's nowhere near as complicated as official operations of such things." She'd had experience with such things in the Bajoran militia, having excused herself from Starfleet duty. After the Bajoran integration she had quickly made her way into mercenary outfits and working closely with the Fenris Rangers. "There's drills to consider, preparing for all sorts of different operations. Mostly defending against boarding parties. The holodeck is a helpful tool, especially since you can record and review. We have a shift rotation that keeps sensitive areas under guard, with different randomised patrols throughout the vessel to make sure we're not being infiltrated." Then again, if one wanted to know everything about this particular type of vessel all you needed to do was go to the fleet museum or a Federation library.

Jack nodded thoughtfully, taking in Rormu's words with rapt attention. "Holodeck drills are invaluable, alright. A tool that's worth its weight in latinum for a crew's readiness. It's been a while since I've been on a vessel with one, so I'm lookin' forward to taking part and keeping sharp." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then continued, "Boarding parties can be a right tricky business. Sounds like you've got a solid plan in place. Randomised patrols, too. Good move."

He paused, looking around the Armoury once more, taking in the sight of meticulously organized weapons and equipment. "I've been on both sides of boarding operations in my time, defending and, on rare occasions, boarding. If there's ever a need for a perspective from these old eyes, or if you ever want to run a few different scenarios, just give me a shout."

Yazlin nodded at that, "I'll be sure to loop you in. We'll need hostages." There was a slight smile to hopefully break a bit of the tension she felt she might've caused by insisting on the naming conventions. "The offer of help is appreciated. Is there anything the armoury can do for you?"

Jack’s eyes twinkled with mirth at the mention of needing hostages, an easy laugh escaping him. "Hostages, eh? Sounds like the drills are as lively as a night on port. I might not look it, but I can play a damsel in distress with the best of 'em, if the need arises."

He leaned back slightly, crossing his arms over his chest. "As for the armoury helping me out... Well, I wouldn't mind taking a gander at what we've got in terms of hand-to-hand combat weapons. Knives, batons, that sort of thing. Always found that sometimes the oldest tools can still be the most effective, especially when power cells run dry or technology gets temperamental."

Pausing for a beat, Jack's gaze wandered around the room, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Actually, while we're here, how about giving me a brief tour? It'd be good to familiarise myself with the layout, know where everything's stored just in case."

Yazlin looked around the room they were in, "Sure." There was a moment of wonder why a Chief of Boat would be so interested in the weapons, but she knew they were well protected and locked. "This is the armoury. We have all the crew rifles here, registered to the ship rather than an individual." She moved past a wall with phaser rifles. In the Starfleet days they would be more easily accessible but a ship like theirs was put under more scrutiny, so there was a thick pane of transparent aluminium separating them from the rifles. "Red alert or emergency code unlocks access. The power cells are stored separately." She crossed to the other side, "These are the personal lockers. Individuals that comply with regulations are allowed personal arms, they have to be stored here. Access is locked to the individual, with an override available if both the Captain and myself sign off on it."

Jack followed Yazlin with interest, his gaze lingering on the transparent aluminum barrier and the weapons beyond. "Sensible precautions," he commented, nodding his approval. "Keeps the weapons safe but accessible when the need arises. I've seen what happens when security measures are... lax. It's not pretty."

He glanced at the personal lockers, appreciating the balance struck between personal rights and collective safety. "A good policy on personal arms. Trust is good, control is better, as they say."

Jack's attention returned to Yazlin. "Well, Chief Rormu, it's clear you run a tight ship here in the Armoury. I've got no doubt the Mary Rose is all the safer for it. If there's anything I can do to support your work, you need only ask."

He gave the racks of phaser rifles one last look. "If you have any hand-to-hand weaponry, I'd like to check those out when you've got the time. It pays to be familiar with all the tools at our disposal, after all. And let me know when you're planning your next drill," he added with a grin, "I'll be ready to play whatever part's needed. Just promise you won't go too easy on me."

Yazlin smirked at that, "I don't think anyone every accused me of going easy on them. I wasn't planning on starting." Bajorans in general were seen as tough and stoic. It was clear that multiple generations of trauma had formed her people. "I'll set something up and loop you in, no problem."


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