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Finding Where The Food For Thought Is

Posted on Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 10:36pm by Rianne Edei (*) & Teresa Forrest

Mission: Fractures
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: December 2397
1082 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

In the dimly lit compartment of what was a usually bustling galley, Rianne moved with practised precision. The savoury aroma of sizzling garlic and the soft symphony of clanging pots and pans filled the air. This evening, however, held an unexpected note it was quiet with most crew escaping the ship for shore leave she did not have much to do other than a basic meal and dessert. Something hearty to warm up the people left onboard would be perfect and exactly what her herself was after.

As she moved between stovetops and prep stations the Betazoid noticed someone beyond out in the mess hall. A frown creased her forehead. She knew the ship intimately, recognising each member of the crew by sight after six months onboard. This mysterious figure, however, remained unknow. Suspicion ignited within her, fuelled by the notion that someone unauthorized had infiltrated the ship she stepped out to greet them.

"Who are you?" Rianne demanded her tone firm but tinged with curiosity.

Teresa has just been cleaning up after herself before trying to find her new boss, this elusive 'Burnie' she'd heard Delaney mention before, when she heard someone call out. It took her a split second to realize it was probably meant for her, before she glanced over at the source of the call. "Uh - Teresa Forrest. Engineer. I only just came onboard," she answered, straightening her outfit and offering a smile in response.

Rianne studied the stranger for a beat, assessing the sincerity in their eyes. She could not do it mentally with not having the telepathic aspect of her species but she made up with people studying. She was able to tell sincerity from someone trying to pull the wool over his eyes. "So Teresa Forrest, Engineer are you here for food?" The older woman wondered trying to work out why the woman was there.

"Just finished actually," Teresa thumbed behind her as if to indicate the sink where she cleaned her plate and utensils before putting them back. "I was just on my way to meet the chief engineer, Burnstein I think his name is?" she asked, quizzically. "Who might you be, anyway?"

The woman raised an eyebrow as she glanced out to what had been left from breakfast for latecomers and shrugged. It would have still been fresh enough but she would have made something fresh if the woman had spoken up beforehand. "Rianne Edei... I make the food." The woman commented and stepped forward to offer her hand.

Something about the way Rianne kept looking at her unsettled Teresa, and she wouldn't even be able to explain how or why. "I look forward to tasting more of your cuisine then," she offered, accepting the offered hand and reciprocating the greeting. "Did - ... Did I do anything wrong?"

Was she being that stand off ish again? She was not sure but the woman seemed to be picking up her suspicion. “No I just like to know who everyone is.” Rianne assured gently. She needed to trust that Gregnol would not betray her so easily.

"Oh, alright," Teresa smiled. "So, what got you onboard the Mary Rose? What's your story?"

Rianne could not help but smile at the human as she asked her questions. It was so human to question everything and everyone. “Me? I am a chef and needed a job and the ship needed a chef. Do you know how bad the food was before? It was awful no wonder the crew was so unhealthy.” She was being dramatic but she knew her cooking was certainly boosting morale. Who could be sad and mad when there was a chocolate pudding available from Betazed.

"Mmhm, I'm quite familiar with the food on ships where they don't care about the food," Teresa agreed. "Old MREs barely still within their best-by dates, just-add-water protein packs - " she shuddered, making a face. "I'm glad to see there's an actual chef behind the chow on this boat."

“And what about you hmm? What’s your story? What brought you to this ship? You do not look like the usual crowd that flocks to this type of vessel.” The betazoid wondered back. If she was giving some answers to questions she was going to need to have some answered back.

"I don't? I'll take that as a compliment ... ?" Teresa quirked a brow. "No, I'm former Starfleet. Didn't like how things went, how I was treated, so I set out on my own, some years ago. Taking on freelance engineering jobs, you know the drill. Found myself on that starbase, saw a classified about hiring crew for this ship, answered the ad, and here I am," The woman added with a smile. "So, what's the normal crowd that flocks to this type of vessel look like, then?"

"Ah no you are the type you just do not look it. Lots of former Starfleet on this vessel. You will fit right it." The chef decided with a snort. She now knew why Gregnol had let the woman onboard without much fanfare or anything. He had a soft spot for former Starfleet being one himself. It was like he had a homing device on anyone who had a good heart but a rough life in Starfleet to gather them up and put them on the right path with the fenris rangers.

"Well, that's what I'm hoping. I mean, I still believe in the ideals of Starfleet and the Federation. Just not so much the politics," Though Teresa suspected that went for most people on this ship. The Fenris rangers themselves seemed to be an extension of the Federation ideals of aid and cooperation, just outside of the politics and red tape.

“Similar theme for a lot of people.” Rianne liked that Gregnol was surrounding himself with like minded people it really boded well for her opinion of the crew. She had been disillusioned coming onboard not at all convinced that she might find a home or anything but she was starting to see that the people were a lot more than what they seemed.

"Can't wait to get into the fray of things," Teresa agreed with a smile and a nod. "Speaking of, I should probably get on that. It was very nice meeting you though, Rianne."

Rianne inclined her head at the woman with a murmured good luck and let her leave. She had to get to preparing for the next meal as that never changed onboard for anyone.


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