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We’re going to be late

Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 10:38am by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Executive Officer Jake Ford

Mission: Shackles
Location: Various
Timeline: -MD05 22:00
1326 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Cassie stretched out on Jake’s bed listening to the sounds that the familiar space gave out from the way she could hear the water cycling above to the faint hum of the ship’s electricity going through the circuits below but what she could not hear or see was any signs of Jake turning up for the party they were meant to be attending. It was strange to get an invitation addressed to them both but Cami seemed to be going all out on arranging a party. But it was a party that she was either attending late or attending solo. “Computer loc…” she started as the door swished open. “You are running late.” She called.

"Ahh you know. Things. I think the Rangers are sending us on another fetch quest," he waved his hand slightly, as though that statement explained everything. "Sorry. I'll change." He made for the closet to search for something to switch into, glancing over at her. "You look nice."

Cassie grinned at the expression on his face as he rushed in, clearly flustered. It was obvious he had just had an encounter with Captain Kaylin Jaal, who had a knack for leaving him in such a state. Cassie found herself frequently having to read between the lines of the unspoken tensions and emotions.

“Thank you,” she said, accepting his compliment with ease. She adjusted her posture, sitting up straighter and glancing down at the simple black dress she wore, paired with sturdy boots. The outfit was practical yet stylish, a reflection of herself. “Ah fetching missions are not that mad. We normally survive them intact.” She declared trying to be positive.

"Normally." Jake rolled his eyes. "Let's hope we don't end up lost in the middle of nowhere with no power and just a hammock for company. On the other hand..." He winked as he pulled on a new jacket.

Cassie raised an eyebrow at his flirting and wink, a bemused smile spreading across her face as she got up from the bed. “Well, aren’t you in a flirty mood tonight,” she remarked, trying to keep her tone light and playful. Despite her efforts, her mind drifted back to the memory of the power cuts. She chuckled softly, shaking her head at the thought. “That was nearly a year ago,” she mused aloud, the passage of time surprising her.

"Feels like longer," he responded, finishing off the jacket and checking himself in the mirror. "Time is a funny thing...and don't we both know it." Another wry nod of his head. "And yet you're still here, hmm? Must be doing something right."

“Not sure if that is a good or bad thing that it feels that long to you,” Cassie said the smile still on her face as she rose to approach him. “You are doing so much right. You are kind, loving, handsome as hell and you see me for me what else could I want, hmm Jake?” she challenged looking up at him. There were many other words she could use to describe him.

"Yeah. Well." His eyes turned to her as she paid him the compliments, suddenly feeling a little lost for words. Not that he wasn't used to them, but his normal response would be to deflect and avoid such things. "I can think of a few things you might want. But I don't imagine anyone is that perfect. Nor do I intend to dye my hair..." he added, motioning to the very faint greys that were growing through just above his ears and in his beard.

Cassie sidled up to him and turned him around to face the mirror and looked at them both in the mirror and touched his grey hairs. "Not at all. I am very lucky to have this and I do not need more and I would never expect you to dye your hair. I love you for you but more because of what is in here." She put her hand over his heart.

"This is turning into one of those conversations, isn't it?" he remarked, still feeling a little flush with embarrassment at her expressiveness. He put his arms around her. "You know I really care about you too. Maybe once we're done with this milk run for the Rangers we should take some time away together? Just the two of us? Book a hotel on Risa or something."

"Nope because we're late enough," Cassie said quickly having attempted to move back but his arms moved around her and she looked up at him instead of his reflection. She smiled, the L word was easy for her to say to him but she knew he was reluctant to say it and that was okay. She was patient and not wanting to push him which was why she still had her own quarters and did not always seek him out. "I would like that. I have not been to Risa." She admitted thoughtfully.

"Let's just say it's got hammocks, and it's warmer than a storage locker on Deck 12," he murmured with a little wink. "Can't wait to see that body in a bikini..." he added with a chuckle and the faintest tickle under her ribs before turning to move to the door. "Come on, we're going to be late..." he added with a wicked grin.

Cassie stood there a little stunned for a moment before she chased after him. Her eyes narrowed as she caught up grabbing his hand walking in front of him. “What has you so flirty tonight?” She wondered. He saw her in various states of undress and the tickling well that was unexpected. He was either drunk or something deeper and she had five minutes to figure it out.

"Maybe I just decided to have some more fun. Life's too short to mess around with all that serious stuff," Jake grinned, squeezing her hand lightly. "Unless you'd rather I be all serious and grumpy..." he added, putting on a mock angry-frown.

Cassie let a flutter of a smile cross her features at Jake's frown. She leaned over, her fingers gently caressing his lips until his expression softened and changed. "Just unexpected," she said, her voice warm and teasing. "So, what does this new version of Jake want to do at the party tonight?" she wondered aloud, stepping into the turbolift.

"Dance with my girl. Actually relax for a while..." he mused, swinging her held hand gently. "Maybe ask her what she wants for a change?"

Cassie shrugged a little at his third want. She felt like she did a lot of what she wanted when they did things together, that was not something that she had considered an issue between them. "I do what I want. You came to that movie night with me last week." She pointed out.

"That's not what I mean." He said. "That's the little stuff. I mean, what do you want?" he repeated, a little more meaningfully this time, as if urging her to understand he wasn't just talking about this week or next week, but for the years to come.

Cassie raised an eyebrow, her confusion evident as she tried to decipher Jake's ambiguous words. Had she not made herself clear before now about what she wanted and why she was there? She felt a wave of confusion. "Jake... I..." she began, her voice trailing off as she searched for the right words to express her thoughts. Just then, the turbo lift doors slid open with a soft whoosh, and two crewmen from engineering entered. Cassie glanced at the newcomers, their presence temporarily halting her train of thought.

He hid his smirk as he took her hand before silently winking at her. A silent We'll finish this conversation later crossed the air between them; a promise that the chat was far from over, and their evening's merriment was just beginning.


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