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Back From The Dead

Posted on Thu Dec 29th, 2016 @ 6:03am by
Edited on on Thu Dec 29th, 2016 @ 6:04am

Mission: Mission 2 - Contagion
Location: Gordon's Quarters
Timeline: MD: 12 1800 hours
579 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Senior Crew Quarters
Bradon Gordon’s Quarters

The first thing he felt was thirst. A deep, abiding thirst for anything liquid. Then sounds started to intrude in the quiet that was him; the normal sounds of… something. He should know, but he felt so tired. He barely had the energy to keep his eyes open.

Wait. His eyes were open? When did that happen? The thought of being able to see brought his attention to what he had been seeing, lights in his quarters set at perhaps five percent, just enough to see by, but not bright by anyone’s stretch of the imagination.

He groaned as every muscle in his body screamed at him in protest as he struggled to rise to a sitting position on the bed. He finally made it. It wasn’t the best attempt he had ever witnessed, but it had worked. He swung his legs over the side, glad to see that he could do that without too much trouble, His head hurt, but from the inside out, not on the outside.

He stood, then held a hand down toward the bed as his body swayed on its own. It had to be, as he didn’t want to be swaying this way, that was for sure. It was only a moment, though, before he was able to move, albeit a bit unsteadily, into the ‘fresher.

He grabbed a cup from the dispenser, held it under the faucet, then brought the cup to his lips and took a smallish sip of the cool refreshing water. He resisted the urge to down the rest of the cup in one gulp. He knew slow and steady was the way to go.

Finished with the drink, he stumbled into the shower and used the override he had fixed to douse himself in steaming hot water. He let it run over him, then stripped out of the hospital gown he was in and let the shower refresh him. It took a while.

Finally, he could take no more and shut off the water, then triggered the sonics to shake the water off of him and out of his hair. Stepping back into the main room he caught glance of the clock on the wall. It was an antique, one of his quirks. He liked old mechanical things. This one had a date feature on it too, shown by an additional arm pointing to numbers in a circle around it, one to thirty-one. He took a second look as the date registered, then frowned.

The last thing he remembered was listening to the music on the old jukebox, then waking up in his bed. Nothing in between. What had happened to him? He had apparently gotten sick; everyone else had, so why not him? But why had he awakened here and not in sickbay? That made no sense to him; he’d been by himself. What if something had happened to him?

He frowned again, then went to the closet, pulled out a set of clothes, and got dressed, getting a bit stronger as he did. Good. First, he’d hit the mess and get something to eat. Then he would hunt down the captain to find out what in the heck was going on.


Bradon Gordon
Chief Engineer
SS Mary Rose

OOC: Sorry to be absent as of late. Had some issues that are now close to being resolved. I'll try and stick around.


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