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Engines and Mad Scientists

Posted on Thu Dec 22nd, 2016 @ 1:56am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Jeassaho Kea (*) & Alika Mahone

Mission: Mission 2 - Contagion
Location: Deck 3 - Ward room
Timeline: MD 12 14:00
821 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Rueben walked into the Ward room expecting to see in empty that early in the evening but stopped in the doorway as he noticed Jeassaho curled up in one of the old fashioned overstuffed chairs reading a PaDD. He smiled watching her unnoticed for a moment, his mind going back to coming off ship and finding her curled up in his quarters day dreaming out of the window or observing her in her element in Engineering. It made him feel sad of the things he had lost, the things he could have had, had he not gone looking for Barton and gotten himself in trouble. It was for the best perhaps that he avoided her, it made things easier but he wanted to talk to talk to her find out how she was after the sickness but it was too late to make amends. He made a move to turn away and leave before she noticed but someone pushed him further into the room.

Loudly, at that. "If you're gonna stare vacantly, at least wait till you're out of the doorway to do it." With a hand firmly placed on his back, Alika shoved him forward. Since the illness, she had been nothing but grumpy and melodramatic, but she needed to spend some quality time in the ward room. That's where the second comfiest chairs were.

Then, the young Mahone's eyes rested upon the Betazed who was in Rueben's line of sight. "Oh, hey Jeassaho! I don't think we've caught up. Or talked. At all. What's going on with you?"

Jeassaho looked up as she saw Rueben stumble a little from an obvious shove. She raised an eyebrow at that thought that notion that the young human had shoved him.

"Alika right?" The older woman checked quickly giving Rueben time to stop glaring at the helmsman and disappear off to the corner of the room "Nothing I came here to catch up on some stuff I downloaded from the computer. This Collector guy is fascinating."

"Collector?" Alika, who had been woefully out of the loop, tilted her head to one side before plopping down next to Jeassaho. She had all but ignored Rueben. If he was going to be sulky, then that was his prerogative. "Is he the guy who owned the ship?"

Jeassaho nodded as Rueben sat in his usual chair in the corner and bent over a glass and a thick looking book. "Yes, he is a genius." The Betazoid didn't use that work often or for just anyone. "The things he has created and collected are amazing. That Grotto and the things we saw are just the tip of the iceberg of what this ship is holding."

"He isn't a genius JJ." The Captain said surprised by the those words. Jeassaho smiled at him calling her JJ before she shook her head.

"Rue... He really is look?" Jeassaho got up and walked over handing her PaDD over to him.

"I think he made a disease that we almost died from," Alika pointed out, "And he's definitely not someone I want to know a damn thing about. Other than that he hates humans and like, half the races out there."

"He doesn't trust humans and like, from this personal log he got a bio Engineer to create it to protect the grotto." She pointed to something on the PaDD to Rueben who looked at it intently before looking at Jeassaho again. He finally nodded at her before looking at Alika a little helpless.

Alika merely shrugged in return. She was a pilot and a software operator, not a doctor. "If he got someone to bioengineer the disease, wouldn't that make them the genius?"

Rueben sighed a little passing the PaDD back sitting in a chair closure to the pair of women. "Da, Either way we need to check the rest of the ship for more traps like that one. We might not be so lucky next time." He admitted softly, his voice strained with the pure thought of it all.

"I think the proactive Romulan with our security guys is probably well on top of that one." Alika snorted. "But once I get another pilot or two up and running, I can scan the software and all the cargo logs again. If the Collector's not Federation, he's sure had to run into a Ferengi or two. And I know my way around Ferengi manifests."

"Good. I will leave that to you then Alika while i try and fix other problems on-board that require my attention." The man said wondering why Alika snorted. Had he missed something but it was a small question one that could wait till another day when he wasn't having to deal with Engineers and Warp cores.


Alika Mahone
First Officer
SS Mary Rose

Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Lieutenant Commander (LOA) Jeassaho Kea
SS Mary Rose


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