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Investigation - The less push back you give, the faster you get out of here

Posted on Fri Sep 15th, 2017 @ 11:20pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Alika Mahone

Mission: Mission 4 - Combustion
Location: Deck 2 - Briefing Room
Timeline: MD 04 14:00
786 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Rueben looked at the woman as she just sat there staring back at him and Alika. This was the tenth interview that they had done and it was frustrating as no one was giving any sort of information and getting aggressive when questioned. People needed to start to understand - Yes this was a civilian ship but there was a chain of command in place that needed to be respected and adhered to. “Where were you located between twenty-Three hundred hours the night of the fire and oh-three-hundred hours that morning?”

Alika, nearby, wished she had some sort of game she could be playing. Her PaDD had her favourite version of 'Kill the Breen,' but she had beat it at least ten times before she joined the crew of the Rose. She was all for 'asserting the authority,' but if it meant she had to be here and bored? She'd rather die in the cargo bay explosion.

Amelia remained calm but had her arms crossed over her chest. She is done nothing wrong and she wouldn't be interrogated as such. She had been in an off-limits area, however....but with expressed permission by one of her mates.. with a heavy sigh, she cracked each side of her neck "VIP quarters, sir..." she replied simply, trying to not let her anger ruin her.

“Who can verify your whereabouts?”

Amelia half smirked at this. Looking at the clock, she closed her eyes as she ran her fingers through her brunette hair "Jeassaho Kea." She replied softly as she opened her eyes to look at the man straight away. She refused to be talked down regarding her whereabouts. She loved free and so what, she'd been sleeping with one of the crew members? It wasn't against policy from what she knew. And hell, when you're with the same people day after day, you develop feelings for one another...

"Jeassaho?" The Captain demanded all the colour going out of him as he realised that this woman was sleeping with his woman and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Yea..." Amelia replied softly with a simple nod. She knew that Jeass and Rueben had a history together, but things seemed to have cooled off a tad when she met the woman. "I was with Jeassaho Kea..." she sighed softly before turning her attention to Aika.

“When was the last time you were in the Cargo bay where the fire occurred?” He finally asked hoping his voice sounded level.

With another heavy sigh, her stomach grumbled. She'd never eaten before going to bed and she was getting hangry from all the damned stress. "It was inspected hours before the explosion, sir. Has my signature and everything on the damned paper, sir..." she replied as she looked back to the clock, just wanting this whole bullshit session to end.

Alika's gaze narrowed onto Amelia. There was no reason to believe that this pilot was not under suspicion. Most of the crew they gathered were new, and Amelia was among them. New members instantly meant less trust, which was a fact she was more than happy to play upon. "Yanno, if you didn't do it, then the rest of these questions should be easy to answer. The less pushback you give, the faster you get out of here."

"And we all want to get out of here," Reuben said in a tone that spoke volumes. He wanted to get out of there desperately to talk to Jeassaho. He wasn't backing down this time even if he locked her in the Brig on suspicion of arson.

"All right, then let's get on with it, mates." She replied as she cracked her knuckles and sat back into her chair "Jeass is innocent, as am I. And I highly doubt any members of our crew are guilty. As you know, any one of us would have given their leg for this ship, let alone anyone else." She spoke Witt her thick Australian accent, her tone getting harsher along the way. She wasn't about to be blamed for something when she clearly had demonstrated her loyalties early on "My life is this ship. I'm the best pilot you've got." She knew that for a fact. "Why the hell would I jeopardize that for a fire cracker?" She asked honestly as her eyes darted between the two "And I've got nothing to apologize for, so bring on the questions. I've got nothing to hide." She half smirked, "I'd take a look to our guests..."


Amelia Harkness
Shuttle Pilot
SS Mary Rose

Rueben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Alika Mahone
Second Officer
SS Mary Rose


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