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Revealing Inner Thoughts Part 1

Posted on Mon Dec 18th, 2017 @ 7:05pm by Dixoho Saa (*)

Mission: Mission 5 - Liberation
Location: Deck 3 - Ward Room
Timeline: MD -20 01:00
984 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Dixie watched as the last person left the Wardroom leaving her and Michael as the only occupants of the compartment. Breathing steadily, she took a firm grasp of her mind, saying over and over again 'just to rip it off like a band-aid', a pain only those flying on second-rate civi-ships ever had to endure in the 21st century. She turned to look at him. “You always seem to be watching?” She demanded catching his gaze with her own.

Micheal, who had been reading a status update of the current locations of the various bounty hunters that he knew about in the quadrant, glanced over at Dixoho. "Don't feel threatened. I watch everyone. Only way I've stayed alive this long."

"Yeah, but you don't look like you want to... I don't know but you don't look at other people like that." Dixoho said drinking some of the amber liquid in her drink. It was normal that most senior officers came to the Ward Room on an evening even if it was for an hour or so just to have a moment away from the other crew.

Putting the PADD down, Micheal turned his full attention the Dixoho. "How do you mean?" He kind of knew what she did mean, actually. He just wanted to hear her say it to see if he was correct.

"I don't know." She said with a shrug sipping on her whiskey. "That is why I was asking." She shot back across the room. They were worlds apart from each other across the compartment.

Micheal sighed slightly as his face scrunched up a bit. How do I show her that I'm on her side? he thought to himself. "Did you look over the PADD that Rebecca gave you?"

"No..." She said simply. "I have had no time, for I've been organizing navigation to Trill." This was the first time she had had time to have a moment with a hard drink and herself in well over a week. It was a strange feeling that they were heading to a planet that should be her homeworld but she bore no feelings towards at all, she had never been there before.

Micheal grimaced slightly. "I don't know how much more I can stress to you just how dangerous a situation you are currently..." He was interrupted by his communication device suddenly chirping. Moving his right hand to the device on his left wrist, he activated it and spoke. "What is it, Rebecca?"

=/\=Micheal, I have just received a signal from the clients on the agreed upon channel. They want to know what's happening.=/\=

Micheal looked directly at Dixoho. "Your time is running out. I need an answer."

Dixoho got up as he received the communication and leaned over his chair looking at him intently. How did he expect her to trust him? "If I don't leave the ship I am fine. We are currently not scheduled for any stops until we reach Trill."

Micheal looked up into Dixoho's beautiful eyes and sighed as he responded. "Do you really think that will stop a hunter? If you are detected, there are hunters out there that would have no issue with forcing their way aboard and snatching their target. And let's face it, as nice a ship as the Rosie is, her defences are minimal at best." He shook his head and stood up. He moved over to the recycler and put his tray inside. Keeping his back to the young woman, he lowered his head, as if in defeat. "I don't want anything to happen to you. You don't like me? Fine. Hate me. However, please allow me to save you from this threat."

The woman backed up a little as he stood up so they wouldn't touch. "I don't know you but you look at me in a strange way for someone who would have easily killed me or worse took me somewhere that would make me wish I was." She said softly. She knew Gregnol for all his faults would never let her get taken, she half suspected he knew everything then other times she wondered if he was blissfully ignorant of it all.

Micheal gritted his teeth. Now he was getting angry. Keeping his voice as level as he could, he kept his back to Dixoho. "That's it. I'm done. I told you the first time we met that while there was a bounty out for your life, that I was not going to collect on it. Then, I've continued to try and help you out of this situation. A situation, mind you, that you started. All you have given me is venom. You don't want my help. Then I'm done trying to offer it." He finally stood upright and turned to look at her, the pain very clear in his eyes. "You're on your own Dixoho Saa." That said, he walked out of the mess hall, leaving the young navigator all alone.

But Dixoho wasn't done talking. Fueled by her drink, she stormed after him, reaching him as they got to the turbolift. She squeezed through the door as it closed. "But I am not done... what makes this situation different from any other?" She demanded as she pressed the console to pause the lift.

Looking down into her beautifully fiery eyes, Micheal felt a slight lump in his throat. He held his breath for a beat, before finally telling her the truth. "What's different is that I care about you." His voice was an odd combination of being both hard as duranium and full of pent-up emotion, just begging to be released.

"What?" She demanded blinking at him suddenly finding the space a lot smaller than it should be.


Dixaho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Micheal Robertson
Chief Armory Officer / Bounty Hunter


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