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Being Wrong And Feeling Bad

Posted on Sat Dec 9th, 2017 @ 12:28pm by Dixoho Saa (*)

Mission: Mission 5 - Liberation
Location: Deck 4 - Senior Officers Quarters
Timeline: MD -27 02:00
1441 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Markus really was pretty much an outsider. He worked his shifts and did his job but after that he was alone. At least till he met Dix, then he had a friend and someone to care about. She had said they were inclusive and she expected him to have no other women while they were together. He was fine with that, she was everything he could ask for. She was smart and she respected his hobby of stargazing, they had something to share in fact. She was in his eyes the most beautiful woman he had seen. He did realize that was because he was so into her but it was still true none the less. When she left the party he was worried she had gotten sick and went after her. Then he noticed she was actually going somewhere? Before he could get close enough she had walked into the shuttle bay? He ran to catch up just seeing her as she entered The Security guy's shuttle? Markus heard his voice and another female as Dix walked inside!

Markus turned away and stumbled away. His feet seemed to just move without him even thinking. Why would she go to him? The evil insecure voice in his head sneered at him. "Why? Why not! He is a cool bad boy tough guy and what are you. He has experience where you have none. He has a cool shuttle and you have a multi-tool. Why would she not desire him more then you? Markus found himself in the observatory and he looked at the stars. What should he do? He of course knew the answer, if she had someone else he should just bow out quietly. After all her being happy was what he wanted. There was no sense in making a scene, she had made her choice. He walked back to her room to collect the few things he had there. He could be out of her way in a few minutes.

Markus walked in and grabbed his few belongings he kept there putting them into the bag he had brought them in. He was picking up a PADD to leave a message when he choked up and his vision grew blurry.

Dixoho has first gone back to the party but when she didn't Makus she went to her quarters surprised to find him packing up his stuff and looking quite emotional. She was frustrated herself that she had yet again been caught up in Micheal and his drama. She didn't want to be involved in anything he was up to, he was dangerous and she didn't want dangerous.

"Hey... what you doing?" She wondered walking further into the room.

Markus's eyes were puffy as he looked at her "Oh hi Dix. I am sorry, I did not want to make a scene.. I was just going to leave a note. I.. I saw you go to whats-his-name.." His voice cracked as he tried to control his own pain. It felt like his heart would burst. "Ahh, Robertson.. The security guy. I saw you go into his shuttle? I guess, well you know, I like understand. He is cool, a real bad-ass dude. I could see how he would be a lot more interesting them me. I won't be in your way Dix, honest.. I just want you to be happy." He finished with his bag and of course a few things fell out when he picked up the bag. He knelt to pick up his stuff. "I will be out of your way soon Dix."

Dixoho was dumbstruck, to say the least, even in her alcohol-fueled state when she was a gobby she was surprised by the words coming out of his mouth. "What are you doing?" She demanded moving to pick up his stuff putting it back where he had taken it from. "Me and Robertson... How much have you drunk?"

Markus shrugged "not much, a few beers? Maybe three? I may drink some more later tonight though. Hey I might not be all suave and bad ass like him but I ain't dumb either. When woman plans a secret rendezvous she has intentions." He frowned and slumped on the couch "okay I can get my stuff later. Look you were not sure about me, you said you wanted time to think. We have been sleeping in the same bed for a while now and I respected your wishes not trying anything. I can see how that would make you think I am not man enough for you. I never thought it would be this long and maybe I should have said something. I bet you didn't ask the tough guy to hold back, he doesn't seem the type to use much restrain anyway." He was working himself up again and stood "I wanted to avoid making a scene, I even failed at that."

"Me and the Bounty Hunter... what... No!" Dixoho shook her head violently against what he must be thinking. "Secret rendezvous with him. Sweetie that didn't happen. I went after him because the pregnant Betazoid asked me to follow as she doesn't know the ship. Do you know why I've been holding back because I don't want to rush anything with you." She swept her hair out of her face and shook her head even more.

Markus stopped trying to understand what Dix had said? A spark of hope at the way she had reacted to her being with the Security guy but then the reason? "You went to the security guy's shuttle because the pregnant new engineer didn't know her way around the ship? Why did she want to see him? Were they friends?"

"No... I think she was worried because he was drunk and emotional." Dixoho said with a shrug as she sat down on her couch. "She's a nice woman and she cared about him even if I didn't." She added thoughtfully as she stretched out a little.

Markus sat down beside Dix and put his arm around Her. "Makes sense, when you vanished I went looking for you thinking maybe you got sick. Then when you sent into the shuttle and I heard the voices.. Well I thought you had decided to upgrade?" He made eye contact "Dix I care too much about you to make you unhappy. If you would decide on another I would just leave quiet like. I would defend you to my dying breath but I won't stand in your way if you want to move on. I love you too much to make a scene like that."

"Micheal... isn't an upgrade." She said gently as she put her hand on his thigh. "No. you were wrong. I went to be a good crew mate." It had been nothing more than that, a crewmate checking on another. "Well no dying breaths are needed today."

He nodded but she had not really mentioned any affection for him. After weeks apparently, she did not yet know if she felt anything stronger for him then the friendship they shared. Markus felt his expected fears had come to pass, she had put him in the friend zone. "I think I am going to watch a video before bed, are you interested? If you stay and watch you can pick."

Dixoho smiled softly as she moved and lay her head on his lap. "So you are staying then?" She wondered looking up at the human.

Markus ran his fingers through her hair smoothing it out softly. "As long as you want me around Dix. I guess you have me hook, line, and sinker. I won't stay if you tell me to go though. If you ever tell me to go I will. If that happens I will not look back, I will just leave and move on. I just would not want to be where I was not wanted." He traced her cheek and lips with a soft touch of a finger, "I hope you never tell me to go though Dix. I want to be with you."

Dixoho looked at the man and sighed realising just how intense he was and how far this relationship had come in a short time. She nodded not thinking her thoughts needed airing on the subject she just wanted to relax after the party and what had happened in the Shuttle Bay. This man didn't need to know her past just yet, that could be her dark secrete for just a little longer.


Dixaho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Markus Bannon
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC MacCloud)


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