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On The Night Shift (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Jan 19th, 2018 @ 3:34am by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Johnathen Anderson Jr

Mission: Mission 5 - Liberation
Location: USS Ishimura - Main Bridge
Timeline: 2245
1293 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

With open space ahead of the USS Ishimura, the Science Officer's field of vision was filled with the uneventful sensor composite displayed on his science scope. Andreus Malko had his face tucked into scope’s viewing hood, from where he was positioned at the functional black-and-grey science station at the aft of the standard Constitution-class bridge module. Malko lost himself to the gentle feedback tones dancing around him, the chirping and the warble-pings from the computer systems operating normally. There was nothing notable in the starship’s path of warp-travel, but things were never so quiet across all of space and time.

The yellow alert klaxon pierced the gentle warbling on the bridge, as amber flashes were introduced across many of the computer displays all around him. Lieutenant Malko straightened up and smoothed out his dark blue uniform jacket. Unlike most on the operations bridge crew, his uniform jumpsuit was highlighted with the silver piping and compression panelling of Starfleet's science division. Malko braced his palms against the railing circling the command well, looking to the heart of the bridge, while keeping close to his science station. Looking to the viewscreen, there was nothing but a field of stars to be seen. No explanation for the yellow alert was apparent, until the Communication Officer announced, “We’re receiving a distress call, sir.”

Ensign McAvoy jumped at the sudden yellow tint to her world as she stepped onto the Bridge it was alarming to suddenly have the Klaxon stop her from passing over the information she was meant to be giving over to the Science Officer.

"I'll take science, sir." She said gently seeing him torn between the console and command.

"Uhh," was the only immediate response Malko offered to Ensign McAvoy. Malko hesitated, probably longer than he should have done, and then he said, "Yes. Yes, of course. Thank you, Ensign." To Andreus Malko, it still felt peculiar to be the most senior officer in the room. It made him like an imposter most days, if he was honest with himself. But he usually wasn't.

Hal perked up from his tactical and security readout form his bridge station after being soothed to near sleep by the beeping of the various panels. As if it were an alarm clock the yellow alert claxon broke him from his daydream. "Scanning the area." the young officer said. He looked at his displays. "Reads a Federation freighter of Pakled design." He said. "Also some kind of energy cage." He added with confusion at the second statement.

"An energy cage? In space?" Lieutenant Malko asked Hal to repeat himself, or to elaborate as if he were checking his hearing. With the Captain and Executive Officer down in Sickbay with the Rigelian fever, Malko stepped down into the command well. As Second Officer, he padded closer to the Captain's chair, but couldn't quite bring himself to sit on it or even stand directly in front of it.

"That's what I'm seeing, sir," Hal said. "I'm at a loss to explain it but it's as if they flew into a hunters trap." He added, the confusion clear in his voice.

Cassie settled into the familiar chair and started scanning what was on the screen. She didn’t need to look at the screen when the console told her everything she needed to know, she relied on the readings that she was seeing. She smiled at the Security Ensigns theory on the energy cage. “Why would such a basic ship be caught in a cage? The Pakled are scavengers. Maybe they got caught while trying to salvage what created the cage.” She asked the first question turning to look at the other officers.

Acknowledging Cassie's supposition with a nod, Malko said, "Or scavenging somewhere else they weren't welcome." It wasn't exactly the scientific method that lead them to these hypotheses, but the bridge crew collectively relied on decades of Starfleet experience between them.

John reentered the bridge, after taking a quick break to visit the head. Relieving the crewman that had been covering the helm while he was indisposed, he ran a quick scan over his instruments. He then looked back at Malko. "What are your orders, Sir?"

Malko turned his head gently in John's direction and he frowned at the question. The way Malko's mind worked, he was connecting the dots, he was predicting the future. Sure, it was only a distress call now, but next thing he knew he could be in the midst of an interstellar battle, or he could be making the first contact, or he could start a war. As far as he was concerned, anybody asking him for orders was a situation that was escalating too quickly. "Full stop," he ordered. The Pakleds and the energy cage hadn't been in the direction of their next mission, and Malko didn't want them to keep trekking in the wrong direction. Or it was a stalling tactic. It was probably a stalling tactic. He was waiting. Waiting for the Pakled's to save themselves, or for the CMO to invent a cure for Rigelian fever.

"Aye, Sir," Johnathen replied professionally, as he manipulated his controls, bringing the starship to a halt. "Now reading all stop, Sir."

Looking around, taking in all of the expectant faces around him, Malko wondered what sick bastard had designed a bridge as a circle of chairs. Even actors had the luxury of a private backstage and the wings in which to prepare. On the bridge of a starship, as far as Malko was concerned, there were all eyes on the Commanding Officer at all times. All eyes, all time. He didn't even have a ready room in which to retreat. "Are there," Malko asked haltingly, "Have any other starships received the distress signal? In range of this energy cage?" As soon as he said it, Malko supposed he sounded like an utter coward. He took a step closer to the viewscreen, creating more distance between himself and the Captain's Chair.

"Long range scans say no sir but there are strange readings around the cage." Cassie murmured softly turning back to her console quickly trying to use the sensors offered to figure it out. The scan was frustrating in its uselessness, it was like there was a blip around the energy cage that she was unable to scan.

That settled it for Malko. The lives of the Pakleds aboard the trapped freighter weighed on him more greatly than the fear of making a huge mistake. Malko perched himself on the edge of the Captain's Chair. "Anderson, set a new course. Let's fish some Pakleds out of that net; maximum warp," Malko said. Turning to each of the bridge stations around him, Malko continued: "Detan keep us at yellow alert, but be ready for anything. Szerda, signal the Pakeds; let them know we hear them. McAvoy, continue your analysis of the energy cage as we approach."

"Yes Sir," McAvoy said watching the Officer of the Watch out of the corner of her eyes as he finally sat down kinda on the Captain's chair in the middle of the space. The woman had to admit that this was more fun than a normal Gamma shift.

"Aye, Sir!" Johnathen replied as his hands flew over his controls. In seconds, the heavy cruiser had leapt back into warp, hurtling towards the trapped scavengers and the angry Tholians. "ETA, three minutes at current velocity, Sir."


Ensign Cassie McAvoy
Science Officer - Biology
USS Ishimura
(PNPC Gregnol)

Lieutenant Andreus Malko
Chief Science Officer
USS Ishimura
(PNPC Theroh)

Ensign Hal Detan
Seceurity Officer
USS Ishimura

Ensign Johnathen Anderson Jr.
Junior Helmsman
USS Ishimura
(PNPC Robertson)


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