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Let's Talk..

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 11:22pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Mazzin Vayri

Mission: Mission 8 - Shattered
Location: ISS Fenrir
Timeline: MD 02 1007 hours
1454 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Selina looked at the woman with her and rolled her eyes. She didn't need the help but she knew why Reuben had given her this woman just encase as she was growing tired. "You are only to step in if he becomes stubborn." Selina found herself saying for what felt like the fourth time in as many seconds.

Tali shot a look at Selina, "I know how to do my job." she snipped tightly before she tucked her hair behind her left ear.

"Don't Tali... I am not in the mood for your bitterness today." Selina shot back looking her over before smirking as she noticed something.

Slowly, Micheal started to regain consciousness. The first sign of danger that his senses detected, were the tight metallic binds that held him to the table he was leaning against. Next was the fact that he was in some kind of clear cylinder. Looking around, he saw a familiar face. "Selina? What the hell is going on?"

Selina didn't say anything for a moment but did smile at how much they had contained the man. She had never needed to hold someone like that when she could mess with their mind and take them down before they even thought about it properly. "Hello, Michael... I am afraid I am not your Selina. She's currently in our Medical bay recovering from the stupidness of your ship."

Tali circled around, her eyes on the subject. She knew how to play her stance, commanding, trust worthy, but if needed, threatening. It depended on the nerves of the subject. Two people could react to her two different ways. She thrived in being so unnerving, but she had a reputation to uphold, plus Mercia would never let her live it down if she failed.

Micheal saw the other person circling, however, his focus was on Selina. Or at least, the woman who claimed to not be his Selina. It took a few beats before a realization began to dawn upon him. "We're in the alternate universe, aren't we?" Having been in Starfleet, he remembered reading reports of the mirror universe and how there had been numerous crossings over the past century. Starfleet Command had stressed that anyone from the other universe was to be treated as possible combatants. While there had been a few peaceful encounters, most had not been quite so pleasant. "Where are my crewmates?"

"No idea. They could be anywhere or nowhere for all I care. You were the Chief Security Officer correct? You had access to the area known as the The Grotto." Selina demanded already knowing he would be. She was the opposite of the woman in all but shape and form, while the woman did wear the Imperial Uniform, it was altered slightly, as she wore a very revealing dress.

Tali placed her hands behind her back, her stone cold eyes staring down the man. She allowed one hand to drop to her side and shifted it so a stick fell from her sleeve. With the other, she activated a control, which caused the clear cylinder cover to slide away into the deck below, exposing Micheal to the room. In the silence a slight hum could be heard from the stick, "I'll ask you nicely to answer her questions. The second time I ask, I will be less kind..." she said. To show her seriousness she lifted the small stick, where a near clear viboblade was activated. She slid it along his leg, taking off a layer of his pants, just a layer. She lifted the thin woven layer in front of his face before she flicked it away and stared down the man, with a pleading in her eyes, she wanted him to challenge her, she wanted to use her blade on him.

Micheal stared back into the eyes of the woman standing over him. Realizing where he was, he was under no illusions that he would escape without some injury. Of course, being a hardened combat veteran-one who had gone toe to toe with Cardassians, Jem'hadar, and Klingons-he was unimpressed with the threat of bodily harm. He had certainly had more than his fair share and walked away.

"Robertson, Michael. Starfleet service number, zulu-alpha-niner-niner-six-tango-bravo. Current assignment, Chief Armory Officer for civilian merchant vessel, S.S. Mary Rose." He then turned his eyes back to stare at a point on the ceiling.

Selina looked at the other woman and glared her down until she moved away. "I do not need to cause you bodily harm Micheal. I can weave through your mind without a second thought or need to try harder. I am not one of your Betazoids who need to get permission." Selina commented on.

Micheal remained quiet and still. What no one knew, was during his little trip to the Andromeda Galaxy, back in his universe, he had undergone a medical procedure to save his life. One of the results of that procedure was his ability to lock most telepaths out of his mind. It wasn't foolproof, however, he had been informed that there would be excrutiating pain, both for himself and the person attempting to scan his mind, however, it did give him a distinct advantage.

"So we will start at the beginning." Selina announced sitting down in a chair.

Glancing over at the Selina that he didn't know, he simply repeated himself. "Robertson, Michael. Starfleet service number, zulu-alpha-niner-niner-six-tango-bravo. Current assignment, Chief Armory Officer for civilian merchant vessel, S.S. Mary Rose." He then laid his head back down, staring off into the ether, quietly reading himself for the pain.

The Betazoid smirked softly. "Now this will be slightly more fun." Selina was used to rebels pulling this but this man didn't know that they had something that could get under his skin and reveal so much more. "Dixoho Saa." The woman said not raising her voice or showing any malice.

Slowly, Micheal turned his gaze back to Selina. There was no fear in it. Nor was there any hate. In fact, there was nothing. It was as if he was completely unmoved by her suggested threat. "Yes, you have her. You have all of us at the moment. That doesn't change anything. However, I will tell you this, should any harm come to her, not only will it ensure I never tell you anything, but, I will personally kill everyone on this ship, starting with you." He returned his gaze back to the ceiling. He knew they would probably test him. He also knew that the chances of any of them surviving this encounter was exceptionally slim. He was resigned to his fate, whatever it may be. After a parent loses a child, life has very little meaning left. And he had lost both of his children.

Tali arched her eyebrows. "Oh her first? What am I chop liver?" she asked. "You are an arrogant one, you certainly don't seem so threatening bound up and staring at the ceiling," she smirked as she flipped a pain stick in her hands.

Selina just laughed at the man and shook her head. "I would love to see you try Terran." Was all Selina said as she turned her gaze on Tali and smiled. "You should really tell him how different Betazoid's are in this universe and how even his alternative doesn't scare me and knows to respect me."

Tali nearly rolled her eyes, and her tone was almost mocking as she spoke, circling the bound up man again. "Betazoids are a treasure, to be protected, exulted, and cherished... nearly a dying breed, but thanks to the effort of the Empire they are being bred and trained and placed in important positions where their skills can make... or break a man," she said.

She leaned close to the man's ear, her eyes on Selina as she whispered hotly, "See... your thoughts are not your own any longer. The Betazoid can and will use your own mind against you if it serves their purpose. They're dangerous." she said in a nearly seductive tone. "best to make friends and tell the lady want she wants to know." she said as she slid her hands over his shoulders, "Best to do exactly as she says."

After taking a breath, Micheal replied. "Robertson, Michael. Starfleet service number, zulu-alpha-niner-niner-six-tango-bravo. Current assignment, Chief Armory Officer for civilian merchant vessel, S.S. Mary Rose." He knew that pain would follow those words, however, he would not break his oath.


Michael Robertson (Prime Universe)
Chief Armory Officer/Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose/ Shuttle Alexandria

Selina Fenruse
Chief Inquisitor
ISS Fenrir
(PNPC Gregnol)

Tali Kavi
ISS Fenrir
(PNPC Vayri)


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