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Helping the Fenrir

Posted on Fri Sep 20th, 2019 @ 6:29pm by Alexis Agrax (Mirror) & Chief Petty Officer Nathan Kline

Mission: Mirror Mirror
Location: ISS Fenrir
Timeline: 2396
712 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Vriaral looked down the corridor and grinned at the fact the Fenrir Engineering doors would not open for him still. It wasn't unusual on another ship but it was damn annoying that they were under such protection. "I need to get in there." He asked the first person he saw in a lower ranking uniform. Normally he could bully someone into doing what he wanted on Gaman but would it work on Fenrir.

"Why?" Nathan replied to the shorter man who had interrupted his thoughts as he had moved through the corridor. He looked over the man in front of him scanning him up and down. "Who are you again?"

"The Assistant Chief Engineer on Gamon." The man said simply looking the man up and down before he frowned. Of all the people who he had to try and boss it had to be the new Executive Officer. "Sir." He added quickly thinking he was pretty sure he was going to end up in an agony booth.

"Ah," Nathan replied. He hadn't had much time to get acquainted with the borrowed crew members. "So, would you like to tell me why you are attempting to strong-arm your way into Engineering?" He stood with his air of practised disinterest as he hooked his arms behind his back.

"How else am I meant to help with your situation if I can't even get into Main Engineering." The man said with as much disinterest as the other man. He wasn't opposed to any of the situations that led him to an agony booth as long a he got into Engineering and saw that it was all lies that had been created to keep things secret.

"Then why can't you?" Nathan asked as he looked the man up and down. "Is it an issue with your authorization or are you here for nefarious deeds?" He knew better than to trust anyone. Each ship in the empire was tenuously loyal to the next as long as it served a purpose.

"I was sent over by my Chief Engineer to help?" Vriral said simply. It was only half a lie as well as he had been sent by Sara, his Chief Engineer but the rest was pretty open to interpretation as he hadn't be told to get involved with some crazy Terran or accidentally get a glance in the Brig as some very interesting prisoners but it was starting to become very interesting.

"That doesn't really clear your name," Nathan replied with a smirk as he looked over the Trill. "Besides, the ship's engineering department needs your assistance with the nacels and not in main engineering." He continued. "I would be happy to show you the way."

"Oh, I was told it was a Warp core issue." The man said as he spotted someone familiar down the corridor. "Damn haven't seen her in years." The man muttered seeing Alexis down the corridor. The woman stopped and just stared down the corridor at the two men.

Nathan turned to see who the suspicious man was referring too. He froze where he stood. He wasn't sure why, but he wasn't ready to talk to her again. He let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose before making eye contact with the women, who would have been his wife, in another life.

Alexis stared at him back for a moment before she turned away leaving the two men alone in the corridor again. "What is she doing here? I was in the Transport room when she was brought back onboard at the fall of Betazed. They said she was in the Imperial Senate when it happened. Hard to believe that was the Chief of Security." The man said sensing it might be a way to get what he wanted.

"She has been assigned as my bodyguard," Nathan replied easily. "I wouldn't turn your back on her if you know what is good for you." He added.

"I never turned my back on her when she was Security." The Trill assured with a smirk thinking it hilarious that the man had a bodyguard that was an Interrogator. "So you don't need my help then?" He said trying to get back to the conversation about him getting into Engineering.



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